Tracing Impacted Tests


This feature needs to take in a JSON file containing Python file names and lines numbers, and will report a list of tests that executes through those lines during Testplan execution, in the format of Testplan filtering pattern. It would be useful if the developers want to get a set of tests impacted by some specific change.


Currently this tracing tests feature will only work on Testplan MultiTests. Due to certain implementation limit, this feature currently doesn’t work well with testcase parallel execution, and no impact tests data will be collected for parallel executed testcases. This feature will be automatically switched off when Testplan running in interactive mode as well.


To use this feature, you may run your testplan with extra flag --trace-tests following by the path to a JSON file containing changed files and lines:

$ echo { \"\": [1, 2, 3, 4] } > changed_lines.json
$ python --trace-tests changed_lines.json

Or maybe you want to trace the whole file:

$ echo { \"\": \"*\", \"\": \"*\" } > changed_lines.json
$ python --trace-tests changed_lines.json

By default this list of impacted tests will be printed to the standard output, but you can certainly specify the output file with --trace-tests-output:

$ # assuming we already have a valid "changed_lines.json"
$ python \
$   --trace-tests changed_lines.json \
$   --trace-tests-output tests_need_attention

The output tests will be in Testplan filtering pattern.