
Testplan is a python testing framework mainly used for integration tests, application black box testing and has the ability to integrate with external unit testing frameworks as well, i.e GTest, BoostTest.

Testplan starts a local live interconnected environment and execute test scenarios against it. It has all the build it mechanisms to dynamically retrieve processes/services endpoints, instantiate configuration files from templates based on dynamic resource assignments and provides fixtures like setup, teardown, after_start, after_stop etc. to customize the tests.

A typical use case is to start an application, connect it to other services, perform some operations via the application and service drivers and assert on expected results.


The three main components of a Testplan are:

  1. Test (MultiTest, GTest) is defined as a runnable that will be executed by Testplan and create a TestReport. Multiple tests can be added to a Testplan and these are independent entities.

    A Test is a collections of @testsuite decorated classes that contain @testcase decorated methods in which a user performs the assertions. The hierarchy used is the following:

    MultiTest1 (object)
       Testsuite1 (class)
           Testcase1 (method)
               Assertion1 (callable -> pass/fail)
  2. Execution runtime to define how and where the tests can be executed. By default all tests add added to the default LocalRunner executor that executes them sequentially in the order added. For parallel test execution, testplan uses pools of workers (i.e ThreadPool, ProcessPool).

    def main(plan):
        # Add 10 tests for sequential execution.
        for idx in range(10):
            test = MultiTest(name='MultiplyTest',
        # Schedule tests to a thread pool to execute 10 in parallel.
        pool = ThreadPool(name='MyPool', size=10)
        for idx in range(10):
            task = Task(target='make_multitest',
            plan.schedule(task, resource='MyPool')
  3. Output / Report to control the different representations for the test results. The assertions have unique representation in console output as well as in PDF report. XML and JSON output is also supported.

    Access to the TestReport is provided by the TestplanResult object that is returned by run() method that is invoked by test_plan() decorator of main().

    @test_plan(name='Multiply', )
    def main(plan):
        test = MultiTest(name='MultiplyTest',
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        res = main()
        print(res)  # TestplanResult
        print( # TestReport
        sys.exit(not res)



A Testplan application is usually a file that instantiates a Testplan object and adds tests to it. A very basic testplan application looks like this:


import sys

from testplan import test_plan
from testplan.testing.multitest import MultiTest, testsuite, testcase

def multiply(numA, numB):
    return numA * numB

class BasicSuite(object):

    def basic_multiply(self, env, result):
        result.equal(multiply(2, 3), 6, description='Passing assertion')
        result.equal(multiply(2, 2), 5, description='Failing assertion')

def main(plan):
    test = MultiTest(name='MultiplyTest',

if __name__ == '__main__':
  sys.exit(not main())

The parts of this applications are:

  1. Mandatory imports to create the plan object and the tests hierarchy.

    import sys
    from testplan import test_plan
    from testplan.testing.multitest import MultiTest, testsuite, testcase
  2. Piece of code to be tested.

    def multiply(numA, numB):
        return numA * numB
  3. The actual assertions organised in testsuite/testcases. The result argument provides all assertions that accept various configuration options (i.e result.fix.match API) and have unique rendering representation:

    class BasicSuite(object):
        def basic_multiply(self, env, result):
            result.equal(multiply(2, 3), 6,               # 2 * 3 == 6
                         description='Passing assertion')
            result.equal(multiply(2, 2), 5,
                         description='Failing assertion') # 2 * 2 != 5
  1. A decorated main function that provides a plan object to add the tests.

    def main(plan):
        test = MultiTest(name='MultiplyTest',
  1. Logic to exit with non-zero exit code on plan test failure.

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        sys.exit(not main())

Console output

$ python ./ --verbose

PDF report

$ python ./ --verbose --pdf report.pdf --pdf-style detailed

Local environment

A Test can start a local environment and then run the tests against in. The following environment:

------------------          -----------------          ------------------
|                | -------> |               | -------> |                |
|     Client     |          |  Application  |          |    Service     |
|                | <------- |               | <------- |                |
------------------          -----------------          ------------------

could be defined and used in the plan like this:

def main(plan):
    test = MultiTest(
               suites=[Suite1(), Suite2()],
                               port=context('service', '{{port}}'))
                          port=context('app', '{{port}}'))

Before test execution, the environment will start and its parts will be connected using the context mechanism. Then in will be accessible from within the testcases making it able to execute real operations and perform assertions against expected results.

The environment can be accessed using env argument of the testcases:

def send_message(self, env, result):
    message = 'Hello'
    env.client.send(message)  # Client sends a message to the application
                              # and the application should forward it to
                              # the connected service.
    received = env.service.receive()  # Try to receive the message from the
                                      # service. This can timeout.
    result.equal(received, message,
                 'Message service received.')  # Actual assertion to check
                                               # that the correct message
                                               # was received from service.

A list of self-explanatory downloadable examples can be found here.


Most of the objects in testplan take **options as parameters and these are validated using a schema at initialization stage. For example, Testplan validates all input options using a schema defined in the TestplanConfig that inherits the schema of a RunnableManagerConfig and TestRunnerConfig. In this case, Testplan accepts all arguments of RunnableManager entity and TestRunner entity.

This is to avoid duplication of configuration options in similar components and enable re-usability and extendability of existing classes.

Example Testplan initialization where all input parameters (name, pdf_path, stdout_style, pdf_style) are part of TestRunnerConfig schema of TestRunner entity.

def main(plan):

Command line

Arguments can be provided in a application:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--list Shortcut for –info name.

(default: None)

“pattern-full” - List tests in –patterns / –tags compatible format.

“name-full” - List tests in readable format.

“count” - Lists top level instances and total number of suites & testcases per instance.

“pattern” - List tests in –patterns / –tags compatible format. Max 25 testcases per suite will be displayed.

“name” - List tests in readable format. Max 25 testcases per suite will be displayed.

--runpath Path under which all temp files and logs will be created.
--timeout Expiry timeout on test execution.
-i, --interactive
 Enable interactive mode. A port may be specified, otherwise the port defaults to 0.
 Enable pre-start of environments in interactive mode. MultiTest names are to be passed as whitespace separated list of strings. Defaults to no pre-start.
--trace-tests Enable the tracing tests feature. A JSON file containing file names and line numbers to be watched by the tracer must be specified.
 Specify output file for tests impacted by change in Testplan pattern format (see –trace-tests). Will be ignored if –trace-tests is not specified. Default to standard output.
--xfail-tests Read a list of known to fail testcases from a JSON file with each entry looks like: {“<Multitest>:<TestSuite>:<testcase>”: {“reason”: <value>, “strict”: <value>} }
--runtime-data PATH

Historical runtime data which will be used for Multitest auto-part and weight-based Task smart-scheduling with entries looks like:

“<Multitest>”: {
“execution_time”: 199.99,
“setup_time”: 39.99,
“teardown_time”: 39.99, // optional





Make Testplan break from the current execution flow and skip remaining iterations at certain level (choose one from all the options). “on-error” make this skip upon exception raised, and “on-failed” make this skip upon both exception raised and test failure. In other words, “on-failed” has higher precedence.

Use “cases-on-failed”/”cases-on-error” to skip remaining testcases in the same testsuite when condition is met, execution will resume from the next testsuite.

Use “suites-on-failed”/”suites-on-error” to skip remaining testsuites as well in the same Multitest when condition is met, execution will resume from the next Multitest/GTest etc.

Use “tests-on-failed”/”tests-on-error” to skip remaining Multitests/GTests etc. as well (i.e. everything remaining) in the current Testplan when condition is met.

To skip everything and stop executing all further tests use “tests-on-failed”.


Test filter, supports glob notation & multiple arguments.

–patterns <Multitest Name>

–patterns <Multitest Name 1> <Multitest Name 2>

–patterns <Multitest Name 1> –patterns <Multitest Name 2>

–patterns <Multitest Name>:<Suite Name>

–patterns <Multitest Name>:<Suite Name>:<Testcase name>

–patterns <Multitest Name>:*:<Testcase name>

–patterns *:<Suite Name>:<Testcase name>


Test filter supplied in a file, with one pattern per line.

–patterns-file <File>


Test filter, runs tests that match ANY of the given tags.

–tags <tag_name_1> –tags <tag_name 2>

–tags <tag_name_1> <tag_category_1>=<tag_name_2>


Test filter, runs tests that match ALL of the given tags.

–tags-all <tag_name_1> –tags <tag_name 2>

–tags-all <tag_name_1> <tag_category_1>=<tag_name_2>



Shuffle execution order

--shuffle-seed Seed shuffle with a specific value, useful to reproduce a particular order.

(default: summary)

“result-only” - Display only root level pass/fail status.

“summary” - Display top level (e.g. multitest) pass/fail status .

“extended-summary” - Display assertion details for failing tests, testcase level statuses for the rest.

“detailed” - Display details of all tests & assertions.

 Only include testcases with execution result Error (E), Failed (F), Incomplete (I), Passed (P), Skipped (S), Unstable (U), Unknown (X), XFail (A), XPass (B) and XPass-Strict (C) in Testplan report. Use lower-case characters to exclude certain testcases from the report. Use “PS” will select passed and skipped testcases only, and use “ps” will select all the testcases that are not passed and not skipped. Note using upper-case and lower-case letters together is not allowed due to potential ambiguity.
--omit-passed Equivalent to “–report-filter=p”, cannot be used with “–report-filter” together.
--omit-skipped Equivalent to “–report-filter=s”, cannot be used with “–report-filter” together.
--pdf Path for PDF report.
--json Path for JSON report.
--xml Directory path for XML reports.
--report-dir Target directory for tag filtered report output.

(default: extended-summary)

“result-only” - Display only root level pass/fail status.

“summary” - Display top level (e.g. multitest) pass/fail status .

“extended-summary” - Display assertion details for failing tests, testcase level statuses for the rest.

“detailed” - Display details of all tests & assertions.

-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode that will also set the stdout-style option to “detailed”.
-d, --debug Enable debug mode.
-b, --browser Automatically open report in browser.
-u [UI_PORT], –ui [UI_PORT]
Start the web server to view the Testplan UI. A port can be specified, otherwise defaults to None. A JSON report will be saved locally.

Report filter, generates a separate report (PDF by default) that match ANY of the given tags.

–report-tags <tag_name_1> –report-tags <tag_name 2>

–report-tags <tag_name_1> <tag_category_1>=<tag_name_2>


Report filter, generates a separate report (PDF by default) that match ALL of the given tags.

–report-tags-all <tag_name_1> –report-tags-all <tag_name 2>

–report-tags-all <tag_name_1> <tag_category_1>=<tag_name_2>



Specify log level for file logs. Set to None to disable file logging.

--label LABEL Label the test report with the given name, useful to categorize or classify similar reports (aka “run-id”).
--driver-info Display drivers startup and teardown information, and visualise driver connections in the report.

Highlighted features

Some features that should be highlighted are:

  1. Testcase tagging for flexible testcase filtering and multiple reports creation.
  2. Testcase parametrization to dynamically create testcases from input parameters and provide features like dynamic testcase name generation, docstring manipulation for better PDF reports and dynamic testcase tagging.
  3. Configurable output styles mechanism to fully control what is being displayed while tests run.
  4. CI/CD Jenkins integration by creating XML result files for the tests using XMLExporter.
  5. Parallel test execution using ThreadPool, ProcessPool etc.
  6. Ability for the user to provide custom TestLister, TestSorter and Exporter components that can be configured programmatically.