Source code for testplan.common.config.base

Module containing configuration objects and utilities.

import copy
import inspect

from schema import Optional, Schema

from testplan.common.utils import logger
from testplan.common.utils.interface import check_signature

# A sentinel object meaning not defined, it is useful when you need to
# handle arbitrary objects (including None).
ABSENT = Optional._MARKER  # pylint: disable=protected-access

# Another sentinel object indicating a default but falsy value.
[docs]class UNSET_T: def __eq__(self, other): # This is for configuration check of RemoteDriver. Netref from RPyC # overrides "__instancecheck__". if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return True return False def __bool__(self): return False
[docs]def validate_func(*arg_names): """Validate given function signature.""" return lambda x: callable(x) and check_signature(x, list(arg_names))
[docs]def ConfigOption(key: str, default=ABSENT) -> Optional: """ Wrapper around Optional, subclassing is not an option as Schema library does internal type checks as `type(obj) is Optional`. User can specify a default value when defining a config option. If not specified, it takes ABSENT as default value. When accessing a config option of an entity, we will first look in the config object of the entity itself (this also includes the options that are inherited from its parent). If a particular option is not defined or defined but only has an ABSENT value, we will recursively look in the entity's container until we find it. Typical containing relationships are like TestRunner contains Pool, TestRunner contains MultiTest, Pool contains Worker etc. Thus a config option takes one of these values in descending precedence: user specified -> a non-ABSENT default -> container's value Exception will be throw if we cannot find a valid value for a config option after we exhaust the entity's containers. """ optional = Optional(key, default=ABSENT) # Testplan has been working with the schema library v0.6.6 for a long time, # however since this library updated an incompatible change is introduced: # if a callable object (function or class) is specified as default value # for an `Optional` instance, schema will try to instantiate that callable # rather than just setting the callable itself as the default. In several # places Testplan relies on callables being passed as default values. So, # we have to store that default value separately and handle it later. # # Note: When validating data, default-having optionals that haven't been # used will be applied finally, refer to source code of `schema` library: # # If argument `default` is not ABSENT it means `optional` has a default # value, then `optional.key` and `optional.default` are set. Intentionally # we makes it ABSENT, thus, during validating nothing will be done if no # input on its key. The default value is stored separately in a variable # named `custom_default` to avoid confusion, at last we can deal with them. # Refer to :py:meth:`~testplan.common.config.Config.__init__`. if default is not ABSENT: optional.custom_default = default return optional
[docs]class Configurable(logger.Loggable): """ To be inherited by objects that accept configuration. """
[docs] @classmethod def with_config(cls, **config): """ Returns a tuple of class and configuration. """ return cls, config
[docs]def update_options(target, source): """ Given a target and source dictionary, update the target dict in place using the keys in source dict, if the keys do not exist in target. This is not simple dict update as in we can have target and source dicts like this: >>> target = {ConfigOption('foo'): int} >>> source = {'foo': int} For the example above, target will not be updated as the 'names' of the keys are the same, even if they don't have the same hash. """ def get_key_str(option): """Will be used for getting name from ConfigOption keys.""" return option._schema if isinstance(option, Optional) else option target_raw_keys = {get_key_str(k) for k in target} source_key_mapping = {get_key_str(k): k for k in source} for raw_key, key in source_key_mapping.items(): if raw_key not in target_raw_keys: target[key] = source[key]
[docs]class Config: """ Base class for creating a configuration object with a schema that can define default values and support inheritance. Configurations can have a parent-child relationship so that options not defined in the child, can be retrieved from parent. Supports composition of multiple config options via multiple inheritance. """ ignore_extra_keys = False def __init__(self, **options): self._parent = None self._cfg_input = options # Validate input and apply default values of config options schema_from_config_options = self.build_schema() self._options = schema_from_config_options.validate(options) # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(schema_from_config_options._schema, dict): self._options.update( { k._schema: k.custom_default for k in schema_from_config_options._schema if type(k) is Optional and k._schema not in self._options and hasattr(k, "custom_default") } ) def __getattr__(self, name): options = self.__getattribute__("_options") # this option is defined in current entity if name in options: # has user specified or valid default value if options[name] is not ABSENT: return options[name] # else: try to get this option from the entity's container if self.parent: return getattr(self.parent, name) else: raise AttributeError( 'Attribute "{}" not found in {}'.format(name, self) ) def __repr__(self): return "{}{}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._options)
[docs] def get_local(self, name, default=None): """Returns a local config setting (not from container)""" options = self.__getattribute__("_options") # this option is defined in current entity if name in options: # has user specified or valid default value if options[name] is not ABSENT: return options[name] else: return default
[docs] def set_local(self, name, value): """set without any check""" options = self.__getattribute__("_options") options[name] = value
@property def parent(self): """Returns the parent configuration.""" return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): """Set the parent configuration relation.""" if self._parent is not None: raise AttributeError( "Cannot overwrite parent: {}".format(self._parent) ) self._parent = value
[docs] def denormalize(self): """ Create new config object that inherits all explicit attributes from its parents as well. """ new_options = {} for key in self._options: value = getattr(self, key) try: new_options[copy.deepcopy(key)] = copy.deepcopy(value) except Exception as exc: logger.TESTPLAN_LOGGER.warning( "Failed to denormalize option: {} - {}".format(key, exc) ) # XXX: we have transformed options, which should not be validated # XXX: against schema again new = object.__new__(self.__class__) setattr(new, "_parent", None) setattr(new, "_cfg_input", new_options) setattr(new, "_options", new_options) return new
[docs] @classmethod def get_options(cls): """Override this classmethod to provide extra config arguments.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def build_schema(cls): """ Build a validation schema using the config options defined in this class and its parent classes. """ config_options = cls.get_options().copy() # All parent classes that are subclasses of Config parents = [ p for p in inspect.getmro(cls)[1:] if issubclass(p, Config) and p != Config ] for p in parents: update_options( target=config_options, source=p.get_options.__func__(cls) ) return Schema(config_options, ignore_extra_keys=cls.ignore_extra_keys)