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We'd like to use python's logging interface when we log messages through Report
objects. The most lightweight way to do it is to use a `logging.LoggingAdapter`
which is a thin wrapper around a `logging.Logger`.

We can then use a global mapping and a custom handler to append log messages
to the report object's `logs` list.
import logging
import datetime
import weakref

from import tzutc

from testplan.common.utils import strings

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

REPORT_MAP = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

[docs]class ReportLogHandler(logging.Handler): """ Log handler that uses the global report map for appending log messages to report objects. """
[docs] def emit(self, record): if hasattr(record, "report_obj_id"): report = REPORT_MAP.get(record.report_obj_id) if report is not None: created = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( record.created ).replace(tzinfo=tzutc()) report.logs.append( { "message": self.format(record), "levelname": record.levelname, "levelno": record.levelno, "created": created, "funcName": record.funcName, "lineno": record.lineno, "uid": strings.uuid4(), } )
[docs]def create_logging_adapter(report): """ Create a new adapter and bind the report to global `REPORT_MAP` so handler can access it. """ obj_id = id(report) if REPORT_MAP.get(obj_id) is None: REPORT_MAP[obj_id] = report return logging.LoggerAdapter(LOGGER, {"report_obj_id": obj_id})