Source code for

  Base schemas for report serialization.
from marshmallow import Schema, fields, post_load
from marshmallow.utils import EXCLUDE

from testplan.common.serialization import fields as custom_fields
from testplan.common.serialization import schemas
from testplan.common.utils import timing

from .base import Report, BaseReportGroup, Status, RuntimeStatus

__all__ = ["ReportLogSchema", "ReportSchema", "BaseReportGroupSchema"]

# pylint: disable=unused-argument

class IntervalSchema(Schema):
    """Schema for ``timer.Interval``"""

    start = custom_fields.UTCDateTime()
    end = custom_fields.UTCDateTime(allow_none=True)

    def make_interval(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Create an Interal object."""
        return timing.Interval(**data)

class TimerField(fields.Field):
    Field for serializing ``timer.Timer`` objects, which is a ``dict``
    of ``timer.Interval``.

    def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs):
        return {
            k: [IntervalSchema().dump(v) for v in l] for k, l in value.items()

    def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data, **kwargs):
        return timing.Timer(
                k: [IntervalSchema().load(v) for v in l]
                for k, l in value.items()

class ReportLinkSchema(Schema):
    Field for serializing ``ReportLink`` objects, which is a recursive
    structure for report linkage.

    name = fields.String()
    timer = TimerField()
    children = fields.List(fields.Nested(lambda: ReportLinkSchema()))

[docs]class ReportLogSchema(Schema): """Schema for log record data created by report stdout.""" message = fields.String() levelname = fields.String() levelno = fields.Integer() created = custom_fields.UTCDateTime() funcName = fields.String() lineno = fields.Integer() uid = fields.UUID()
[docs]class ReportSchema(schemas.TreeNodeSchema): """Schema for ``base.Report``."""
[docs] class Meta: unknown = EXCLUDE
source_class = Report name = fields.String() description = fields.String(allow_none=True) definition_name = fields.String( allow_none=True ) # otherwise new tpr cannot process old report uid = fields.String() entries = fields.List(custom_fields.NativeOrPretty()) status_override = fields.Function( lambda x: x.status_override.to_json_compatible(), Status.from_json_compatible, allow_none=True, ) status_reason = fields.String(allow_none=True) logs = fields.Nested(ReportLogSchema, many=True) hash = fields.Integer(dump_only=True) parent_uids = fields.List(fields.String()) timer = TimerField(required=True)
[docs] @post_load def make_report(self, data, **kwargs): """Create report object, attach log list.""" # We can discard the type field since we know what kind of report we # are making. if "type" in data: data.pop("type") logs = data.pop("logs", []) timer = data.pop("timer") rep = self.get_source_class()(**data) rep.logs = logs rep.timer = timer return rep
[docs]class BaseReportGroupSchema(ReportSchema): """Schema for ``base.BaseReportGroup``.""" source_class = BaseReportGroup entries = custom_fields.GenericNested( schema_context={ "Report": ReportSchema, "BaseReportGroup": lambda: BaseReportGroupSchema(), }, many=True, ) status = fields.Function( lambda x: x.status.to_json_compatible(), Status.from_json_compatible, ) runtime_status = fields.Function( lambda x: x.runtime_status.to_json_compatible(), RuntimeStatus.from_json_compatible, ) counter = fields.Dict(dump_only=True) children = fields.List(fields.Nested(ReportLinkSchema))
[docs] @post_load def make_report(self, data, **kwargs): """Create report group object""" children = data.pop("children", []) host = data.pop("host", None) status = data.pop("status") runtime_status = data.pop("runtime_status") rep = super(BaseReportGroupSchema, self).make_report(data) rep.children = children = host rep.status = status rep.runtime_status = runtime_status return rep