Source code for testplan.common.utils.comparison

import decimal
import enum
import operator
import traceback
from import Mapping, Iterable, Container
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Dict, Hashable, Union
from typing import Callable as typing_Callable

from .reporting import Absent, fmt, NATIVE_TYPES, callable_name

[docs]def is_regex(obj): """ Cannot do type check against SRE_Pattern, so we use duck typing. """ return hasattr(obj, "match") and hasattr(obj, "pattern")
[docs]def basic_compare(first, second, strict=False): """ Comparison used for custom match functions, can do pattern matching, function evaluation or simple equality. Returns traceback if something goes wrong. """ try: if is_regex(second): if not isinstance(first, str) and not strict: first = str(first) result = bool(second.match(first)) elif callable(second): result = bool(second(first)) else: result = first == second return result, None except Exception: return None, traceback.format_exc()
[docs]def is_comparator(value): """Utility for finding out a value is a custom comparator or not.""" return callable(value) or is_regex(value)
[docs]def check_dict_keys(data, has_keys=None, absent_keys=None): """ Check if a dictionary contains given keys and/or has given keys missing. """ if not (has_keys or absent_keys): raise ValueError( "Either `has_keys` or `absent_keys` must be provided." ) keys = set(data.keys()) has_keys = set(has_keys) if has_keys else set() absent_keys = set(absent_keys) if absent_keys else set() existing_diff = has_keys - keys absent_intersection = absent_keys & keys return existing_diff, absent_intersection
[docs]class Callable: # TODO: This should not be called Callable - needs refactoring """ Some of our assertions can make use of callables that accept a single argument as comparator values. We also provide the helper classes below that are composable (via bitwise operators or meta callables) and reporting friendly. """ def __call__(self, value): raise NotImplementedError def __or__(self, other): return Or(self, other) def __and__(self, other): return And(self, other) def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __invert__(self): return Not(self)
[docs]class OperatorCallable(Callable): """Base class for simple operator based callables.""" func = None func_repr = None def __init__(self, reference): self.reference = reference def __call__(self, value): return self.func(value, self.reference) # pylint: disable=not-callable def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.reference)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.reference == other.reference def __str__(self): return "VAL {} {}".format(self.func_repr, self.reference)
[docs]class Less(OperatorCallable): func = func_repr = "<"
[docs]class LessEqual(OperatorCallable): func = operator.le func_repr = "<="
[docs]class Greater(OperatorCallable): func = func_repr = ">"
[docs]class GreaterEqual(OperatorCallable): func = func_repr = ">="
[docs]class Equal(OperatorCallable): func = operator.eq func_repr = "=="
[docs]class NotEqual(OperatorCallable): func = func_repr = "!="
[docs]class In(Callable): def __init__(self, container): self.container = container def __call__(self, value): return value in self.container def __eq__(self, other): return self.container == other.container def __str__(self): return "VAL in {}".format(self.container) def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.container)
[docs]class NotIn(In): def __call__(self, value): return value not in self.container def __str__(self): return "VAL not in {}".format(self.container)
[docs]class IsTrue(Callable): def __call__(self, value): return bool(value) def __str__(self): return "bool(VAL) is True" def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ def __repr__(self): return "{}()".format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class IsFalse(IsTrue): def __call__(self, value): return not bool(value) def __str__(self): return "bool(VAL) is False"
[docs]class MetaCallable(Callable): delimiter = None def __init__(self, *callables): assert [isinstance(clb, Callable) for clb in callables] self.callables = callables def __eq__(self, other): return self.callables == other.callables def __repr__(self): args = ", ".join(repr(clb) for clb in self.callables) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, args) def __str__(self): delimiter = " {} ".format(self.delimiter) return "({})".format( delimiter.join(str(clb) for clb in self.callables) )
[docs]class Or(MetaCallable): delimiter = "or" def __call__(self, value): for clb in self.callables: if clb(value): return True return False
[docs]class And(MetaCallable): delimiter = "and" def __call__(self, value): for clb in self.callables: if not clb(value): return False return True
[docs]class Not(Callable): def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format( self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.callable_obj) ) def __str__(self): return "not ({})".format(self.callable_obj) def __init__(self, callable_obj): assert isinstance(callable_obj, Callable) self.callable_obj = callable_obj def __call__(self, value): return not self.callable_obj(value) def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.callable_obj == other.callable_obj )
[docs]class Custom(Callable): """ Utility that allows attaching descriptions to arbitrary functions. Useful if you are making use of lambda functions and want to provide more context in the reports. Usage: .. code-block:: python Custom( callable_obj=lambda value: value.custom_method() is True, description='`value.custom_method()` returns True' ) """ def __init__(self, callable_obj, description): self.callable_obj = callable_obj self.description = description def __call__(self, value): return self.callable_obj(value) def __str__(self): return self.description def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, description={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.callable_obj), self.description ) def __eq__(self, other): return all( [ self.__class__ == other.__class__, self.callable_obj == other.callable_obj, self.description == other.description, ] )
######################################################################## # The non-trivial logic below is used for recursive dict & Fix matching. # It is not fully compatible with our class based assertion & serialization # flow, so what we do is generate serializable native data implicitly. # This may be refactored in future. ######################################################################## # Do not change unless you know what you are doing # Making this larger will considerably slow down the comparison MAX_UNORDERED_COMPARE = 16
[docs]def compare_with_callable(callable_obj, value): try: return bool(callable_obj(value)), None except Exception: return False, traceback.format_exc()
[docs]class RegexAdapter: """This is being used for internal compatibility."""
[docs] @classmethod def check(cls, obj): return is_regex(obj)
[docs] @classmethod def serialize(cls, obj): # TODO: add distinction for flags (e.g. multiline) return 0, "REGEX", obj.pattern
[docs] @classmethod def match(cls, regex, value): try: ret = bool(regex.match(value)) except TypeError: ret = False return Match.from_bool(ret)
[docs] @staticmethod def compare(lhs, rhs): """Compare two regular expressions - just do string equality.""" return Match.from_bool(lhs == rhs)
[docs]class Category: """ Internal enum. Categorises objects for comparison """ ABSENT = 0 VALUE = 1 CALLABLE = 2 REGEX = 3 ITERABLE = 4 DICT = 5
def _categorise(obj, _regex_adapter=RegexAdapter): """ Check type of the object """ if obj is Absent: return Category.ABSENT obj_t = type(obj) if issubclass(obj_t, NATIVE_TYPES): return Category.VALUE elif callable(obj): return Category.CALLABLE elif _regex_adapter.check(obj): return Category.REGEX elif issubclass(obj_t, Mapping): return Category.DICT elif issubclass(obj_t, Iterable): return Category.ITERABLE else: # catch-all for types like decimal.Decimal, uuid.UUID, et cetera return Category.VALUE
[docs]class Match: """ Internal enum. Represents the result of a match. """ IGNORED = "i" FAIL = "f" PASS = "p"
[docs] @staticmethod def combine(lhs_match, rhs_match): """ Combines to match levels into a single match level """ lhs_match = lhs_match or Match.IGNORED rhs_match = rhs_match or Match.IGNORED if lhs_match == Match.IGNORED: return rhs_match if rhs_match == Match.IGNORED: return lhs_match if lhs_match == Match.FAIL: return Match.FAIL if rhs_match == Match.FAIL: return Match.FAIL return Match.PASS
[docs] @staticmethod def from_bool(passed): """ Constructs a match description from a boolean value """ if passed: return Match.PASS else: return Match.FAIL
[docs] @staticmethod def to_bool(match): """ Converts a match value to a bool """ if match == Match.FAIL: return False else: # if (match == Match.PASS) or (match == Match.IGNORED) return True
def _build_res(key, match, lhs, rhs): """ Builds a result tuple object for CouchDB. """ return key, match[0], lhs, rhs def _idictzip_all(lhs_dict, rhs_dict, default=Absent): """ .. warning:: Internal API. Generator that loops through all the keys in the left and right hand side dicts. Yields key, lhs_val, rhs_val. If a key is missing from one of the sides, then its value is set to the value of the default argument (by default Absent). """ for key, lhs_val in lhs_dict.items(): yield key, lhs_val, rhs_dict.get(key, default) for key, rhs_val in rhs_dict.items(): if key not in lhs_dict: # if not previously iterated yield key, default, rhs_val def _partition(results): """ .. warning:: Internal API. Splits a list of value results into a two lists of objects for reporting """ lhs_vals = [] rhs_vals = [] for result in results: key, match, lhs, rhs = result if key: lhs_vals.append((key, match, lhs)) rhs_vals.append((key, match, rhs)) elif match: # indicates a list entry containing match information lhs_vals.append((3, match, lhs)) rhs_vals.append((3, match, rhs)) else: lhs_vals.append(lhs) rhs_vals.append(rhs) return lhs_vals, rhs_vals def _cmp_dicts( lhs: Dict, rhs: Dict, ignore: Container, include: Container, report_mode: int, value_cmp_func: Union[Callable, None], include_only_rhs: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[str, List]: """ Compares two dictionaries with optional restriction to keys, :param lhs: dictionary to compare :param rhs: dictionary to compare :param ignore: collection of keys to ignore during comparison :param include: collection of keys to restrict comparison to :param report_mode: report option code :param value_cmp_func: value comparison function :param include_only_rhs: use the keys present in rhs. :return: pair of match result and comparison result """ def should_ignore_key(key: Hashable) -> bool: """ Decide if a key should be ignored from comparison. :param key: key to test :return: boolean flag whether to ignore the key or not """ if key in ignore: should_ignore = True elif include_only_rhs is True: should_ignore = key not in rhs.keys() elif include is not None: should_ignore = key not in include else: should_ignore = False return should_ignore results = [] match = Match.IGNORED for iter_key, lhs_val, rhs_val in _idictzip_all(lhs, rhs): if should_ignore_key(iter_key): if report_mode == ReportOptions.ALL: # NOTE: the value comparison function is set to None to # enforce ignorance of match results.append( _rec_compare( lhs=lhs_val, rhs=rhs_val, ignore=ignore, include=include, key=iter_key, report_mode=report_mode, value_cmp_func=None, include_only_rhs=include_only_rhs, ) ) else: result = _rec_compare( lhs=lhs_val, rhs=rhs_val, ignore=ignore, include=include, key=iter_key, report_mode=report_mode, value_cmp_func=value_cmp_func, include_only_rhs=include_only_rhs, ) # Decide whether to keep or discard the result, depending on the # reporting mode. if report_mode in (ReportOptions.ALL, ReportOptions.NO_IGNORED): keep_result = True elif report_mode == ReportOptions.FAILS_ONLY: keep_result = not Match.to_bool(result[1]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid report mode {}".format(report_mode)) if keep_result: results.append(result) match = Match.combine(match, result[1]) return match, results def _rec_compare( lhs, rhs, ignore, include, key, report_mode, value_cmp_func, _regex_adapter=RegexAdapter, include_only_rhs=False, ): """ Recursive deep comparison implementation """ # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck lhs_cat = _categorise(lhs) rhs_cat = _categorise(rhs) # Flag if value comparison function is None so that match is ignored. ignored = value_cmp_func is None ## NO VALS if ( ((lhs_cat == Category.ABSENT) or (rhs_cat == Category.ABSENT)) and (lhs_cat != Category.CALLABLE) and (rhs_cat != Category.CALLABLE) ): return _build_res( key=key, match=Match.IGNORED if ignored else (Match.PASS if lhs_cat == rhs_cat else Match.FAIL), lhs=fmt(lhs), rhs=fmt(rhs), ) ## CALLABLES if lhs_cat == rhs_cat == Category.CALLABLE: match = Match.IGNORED if ignored else Match.from_bool(lhs == rhs) return _build_res( key=key, match=match, lhs=(0, "func", callable_name(lhs)), rhs=(0, "func", callable_name(rhs)), ) if lhs_cat == Category.CALLABLE: result, error = compare_with_callable(callable_obj=lhs, value=rhs) return _build_res( key=key, match=Match.IGNORED if ignored else Match.from_bool(result), lhs=(0, "func", callable_name(lhs)), rhs=fmt("Value: {}, Error: {}".format(rhs, error)) if error else fmt(rhs), ) if rhs_cat == Category.CALLABLE: result, error = compare_with_callable(callable_obj=rhs, value=lhs) return _build_res( key=key, match=Match.IGNORED if ignored else Match.from_bool(result), lhs=fmt("Value: {}, Error: {}".format(lhs, error)) if error else fmt(lhs), rhs=(0, "func", callable_name(rhs)), ) ## REGEXES if lhs_cat == rhs_cat == Category.REGEX: match = Match.IGNORED if ignored else, rhs) return _build_res( key=key, match=match, lhs=_regex_adapter.serialize(lhs), rhs=_regex_adapter.serialize(rhs), ) if lhs_cat == Category.REGEX: match = ( Match.IGNORED if ignored else _regex_adapter.match(regex=lhs, value=rhs) ) return _build_res( key=key, match=match, lhs=_regex_adapter.serialize(lhs), rhs=fmt(rhs), ) if rhs_cat == Category.REGEX: match = ( Match.IGNORED if ignored else _regex_adapter.match(regex=rhs, value=lhs) ) return _build_res( key=key, match=match, lhs=fmt(lhs), rhs=_regex_adapter.serialize(rhs), ) ## VALUES if lhs_cat == rhs_cat == Category.VALUE: match = ( Match.IGNORED if ignored else Match.from_bool(value_cmp_func(lhs, rhs)) ) return _build_res(key=key, match=match, lhs=fmt(lhs), rhs=fmt(rhs)) ## ITERABLE if lhs_cat == rhs_cat == Category.ITERABLE: results = [] match = Match.IGNORED for lhs_item, rhs_item in zip_longest(lhs, rhs): # iterate all elems in both iterable non-mapping objects result = _rec_compare( lhs=lhs_item, rhs=rhs_item, ignore=ignore, include=include, key=None, report_mode=report_mode, value_cmp_func=value_cmp_func, include_only_rhs=include_only_rhs, ) match = Match.combine(match, result[1]) results.append(result) # two lists of formatted objects from a # list of objects with lhs/rhs attributes lhs_vals, rhs_vals = _partition(results) return _build_res( key=key, match=match, lhs=(1, lhs_vals), rhs=(1, rhs_vals) ) ## DICTS if lhs_cat == rhs_cat == Category.DICT: match, results = _cmp_dicts( lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, ignore=ignore, include=include, report_mode=report_mode, value_cmp_func=value_cmp_func, include_only_rhs=include_only_rhs, ) lhs_vals, rhs_vals = _partition(results) return _build_res( key=key, match=match, lhs=(2, lhs_vals), rhs=(2, rhs_vals) ) ## DIFF TYPES -- catch-all for unhandled # combinations, e.g. VALUE vs ITERABLE return _build_res(key=key, match=Match.FAIL, lhs=fmt(lhs), rhs=fmt(rhs))
[docs]def untyped_fixtag(x, y): """ Custom stringify logic for fix msg tag value, strips off insignificant trailing 0s when converting float, so that 0.0 can be compared with '0' """ x_ = str(x) y_ = str(y) ret = x_ == y_ if not ret: if any( isinstance(val, float) or isinstance(val, decimal.Decimal) for val in (x, y) ): x_, y_ = ( val.rstrip("0").rstrip(".") if "." in val else val for val in (x_, y_) ) ret = x_ == y_ return ret
# Built-in functions for comparing values in a dict. COMPARE_FUNCTIONS = { # Compare values in their native types using operator.eq. "native_equality": operator.eq, # Enforce that object types must be strictly equal before comparing using # operator.eq. "check_types": lambda x, y: (type(x) == type(y)) and (x == y), # Convert all objects to strings using str() before making the comparison. "stringify": lambda x, y: str(x) == str(y), # Custom stringify logic for fix msg tag value "untyped_fixtag": untyped_fixtag, }
[docs]@enum.unique class ReportOptions(enum.Enum): """ Options to control reporting behaviour for comparison results: * ALL: report all comparisons. * NO_IGNORED: do not report comparisons of ignored keys, include everything else. * FAILS_ONLY: only report comparisons that have failed. Control of reporting behaviour is provided for two main reasons. Firstly, to give control of what information is included in the final report. Secondly, as an optimization to allow comparison information to be discarded when comparing very large collections. """ ALL = 1 NO_IGNORED = 2 FAILS_ONLY = 3
[docs]def compare( lhs: Dict, rhs: Dict, ignore: List[Hashable] = None, include: List[Hashable] = None, report_mode=ReportOptions.ALL, value_cmp_func: typing_Callable[[Any, Any], bool] = COMPARE_FUNCTIONS[ "native_equality" ], include_only_rhs: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[bool, List[Tuple]]: """ Compare two iterable key, value objects (e.g. dict or dict-like mapping) and return a status and a detailed comparison table, useful for reporting. Ignore has precedence over include. :param lhs: object compared against rhs :param rhs: object compared against lhs :param ignore: list of keys to ignore in the comparison :param include: list of keys to exclusively consider in the comparison :param report_mode: Specify which comparisons should be kept and reported. Default option is to report all comparisons but this can be restricted if desired. See ReportOptions enum for more detail. :param value_cmp_func: function to compare values in a dict. Defaults to COMPARE_FUNCTIONS['native_equality']. :param include_only_rhs: use the keys present in rhs. :return: Tuple of comparison bool ``(passed: True, failed: False)`` and a description object for the testdb report """ if (lhs is None) and (rhs is None): return (True, []) if (lhs is None) or (lhs is Absent): return ( False, [ _build_res( key=entry[0], match=Match.FAIL, lhs=fmt(lhs), rhs=entry[1] ) for entry in fmt(rhs)[1] ], ) if (rhs is None) or (rhs is Absent): return ( False, [ _build_res( key=entry[0], match=Match.FAIL, lhs=entry[1], rhs=fmt(rhs) ) for entry in fmt(lhs)[1] ], ) ignore = ignore or [] match, comparisons = _cmp_dicts( lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, ignore=ignore, include=include, report_mode=report_mode, value_cmp_func=value_cmp_func, include_only_rhs=include_only_rhs, ) # For the keys in include not matching anything, # we report them as absent in expected and value. if isinstance(include, list) and include and comparisons is not None: keys_found = set() for elem in comparisons: keys_found.add(elem[0]) for key in include: if key not in keys_found: comparisons.append( (key, Match.IGNORED, Absent.descr, Absent.descr) ) return Match.to_bool(match), comparisons
def _best_permutation(grid): """ Given a square matrix of errors comparing actual value vs. expected value, finds the permutation which associates actual vs expected with the least error. Be careful running this on of large grids, as the runtime is expotential O(a^n). Sample run times on desktop hardware:: size: 0, ms: 0.002 size: 1, ms: 0.010 size: 2, ms: 0.022 size: 3, ms: 0.046 size: 4, ms: 0.105 size: 5, ms: 0.207 size: 6, ms: 0.434 size: 7, ms: 0.540 size: 8, ms: 1.351 size: 9, ms: 2.338 size: 10, ms: 5.470 size: 11, ms: 9.398 size: 12, ms: 21.651 size: 13, ms: 36.114 size: 14, ms: 79.871 size: 15, ms: 166.488 size: 16, ms: 363.120 size: 17, ms: 943.494 size: 18, ms: 1818.761 size: 19, ms: 2370.988 size: 20, ms: 9989.508 e.g. for the grid:: >>> grid = [[1000, 2000, 2000], ... [1000, 2000, 2000], ... [ 0, 2000, 2000]] [1, 2, 0] Where [1, 2, 0] is a list of indices mapping:: - row 0 to col 1 - row 1 to col 2 - row 2 to col 0 """ def bp_loop(outstanding, level, grid, grid_len, cache): """ Recursively finds a solution by progressively excluding poor permutations "paths" """ if not outstanding: return 0, [] # [(cost:int, indx:int)] level_permutations = [ (grid[level][indx], indx) for indx in outstanding ] level_permutations.sort() min_cost = None min_path = None for cost, indx in level_permutations: remaining = outstanding - frozenset([indx]) # memoise calls, for large grids # this cuts down the amount of calls significantly pair = cache.get(remaining, None) if pair is None: pair = bp_loop(remaining, level + 1, grid, grid_len, cache) cache[remaining] = pair sub_cost, sub_path = pair this_cost = cost + sub_cost this_path = [indx] + sub_path if (min_cost is None) or (this_cost < min_cost): min_cost = this_cost min_path = this_path return min_cost, min_path grid_len = len(grid) cache = {} # list of int indices return bp_loop(frozenset(range(grid_len)), 0, grid, grid_len, cache)[1] # helper func, used to generate errors matrix def _to_error(cmpr_tuple, weights): """ Converts a comparison tuple (as returned by compare) to an error. Each key may have its own weight. The default weight is 100, however this may be otherwise specified in the "weights" dict. """ def is_missed_message(comparisons): """ Returns True if all lhs or rhs values of a dict match are Absent """ absent_side = (0, None, Absent.descr) return ( sum( [ (0 if entry[2] == absent_side else 1) for entry in comparisons ] ) == 0 ) or ( sum( [ (0 if entry[3] == absent_side else 1) for entry in comparisons ] ) == 0 ) pass_flag, comparisons = cmpr_tuple if pass_flag is True: return 0 # perfect match if pass_flag is False and is_missed_message(comparisons): return 100000 # missed message # worst possible error: value to normalise against worst_error = 0 current_error = 0 for comparison in comparisons: comparison_match = comparison[1] # tag exists and matches, or ignored if (comparison_match == Match.PASS) or ( comparison_match == Match.IGNORED ): match_err = 0 else: # tag exists, but wrong data or tag is missing match_err = 1 tag_weight = weights.get(str(comparison[0]), 100) worst_error += tag_weight current_error += match_err * tag_weight return int(current_error * 10000.0 / worst_error + 0.5)
[docs]class Expected: """ An object representing an expected message, along with additional comparison flags. Input to the "unordered_compare" function. """ def __init__(self, value, ignore=None, include=None): """ :param value: object compared against each actual value in unordered_compare :type value: ``dict``-like interface (__contains__ and .items()) :param ignore: list of keys to ignore in the comparison :type ignore: ``list`` :param include: list of keys to exclusively consider in the comparison :type include: ``list`` """ self.value = value self.ignore = ignore self.include = include
[docs]def unordered_compare( match_name, values, comparisons, description=None, tag_weightings=None, value_cmp_func=COMPARE_FUNCTIONS["native_equality"], ): """ Matches a list of expected values against a list of expected comparisons. The values and comparisons may be specified in any order, and the returned value represents the best overall match between values and comparisons. Initially all value/expected comparison combinations are evaluated and converted to an error weight. If certain keys/tags are more imporant than others (e.g. ID FIX tags), it is possible to give them additional weighting during the comparison, by specifying a "tag_weightings" dict. The values/comparisons permutation that results in the least error is then returned as a list of dicts that can be included in the testing report. .. note:: It is possible to specify up to a maximum of 16 values or expected comparisons. .. note:: ``len(values)`` and ``len(comparison)`` need not be the same. :param match_name: name that will appear on comparison report descriptions. For example "fixmatch" will produce a comparison description such as "unordered fixmatch 2/3: expected[2] vs values[1]" :type match_name: ``str`` :param values: Actual values: an iterable object (e.g. list or generator) of values. Each value needs to support a dict-like interface. :type values: ``generator`` or ``list`` of ``dict``-like objects :param comparisons: Expected values and comparison flags. :type comparisons: ``list`` of ``Expected`` :param description: Message used in each reported match. :type description: ``str`` :param tag_weightings: Per-key overrides that specify a different weight for different keys. :type tag_weightings: ``dict`` of ``str`` to ``int`` :return: A list of test reports that can be appended to the result object :rtype: ``list`` of ``dict`` (keys: 'comparison', 'time', 'description', 'passed', 'objdisplay') """ # make sure that all keys are strings weights = { str(key): int(val) for key, val in (tag_weightings or {}).items() } # input may be generators, we need lists from this point onwards list_msgs = list(values) list_cmps = list(comparisons) # if either the values or expected comparisons # exceed 16, then raise an exception: # it would take too long to process # (expotential complexity algorithm involved) if max(len(list_msgs), len(list_cmps)) > MAX_UNORDERED_COMPARE: raise Exception( "Too many values being compared. " + "Unordered matching supports up to 16 comparisons" ) # Generate fake comparisons or values in case that the number of values # is different from what was expected. # This makes it possible to match whatever is possible in the report # and mark the rest as either missing or unexpected synth_msgs = [Absent] * max(0, len(list_cmps) - len(list_msgs)) synth_cmps = [Expected(Absent)] * max(0, len(list_msgs) - len(list_cmps)) # Have to lists of equal sizes to process proc_msgs = list_msgs + synth_msgs proc_cmps = list_cmps + synth_cmps assert len(proc_msgs) == len(proc_cmps) # generate a 2D square "matrix" of match (bool pass, list) tuples # by calling compare on every message / comparison combination # This matrix is organised as: # # # cmp0 cmp1 cmp2 cmp3 # vs: # match_matrix = [[tpl00, tpl01, tpl02, tpl03], # msg0 # [tpl10, tpl11, tpl12, tpl13], # msg1 # [tpl20, tpl21, tpl22, tpl23], # msg2 # [tpl30, tpl31, tpl32, tpl33]] # msg3 # match_matrix = [ [ compare( cmpr.value, msg, ignore=cmpr.ignore, include=cmpr.include, value_cmp_func=value_cmp_func, ) for cmpr in proc_cmps ] for msg in proc_msgs ] # generate a 2D square "matrix" of error integers (0 <= err <= 1000000) # where: # - 0 indicates a perfect message match (no tag mismatches) # - 10000 indicates every tag being wrong between existing messages # - 1000000 indicates a missed or extra # message (when len(msgs) != len(comparisons)) # # Each object in "match_matrix" is mapped to this error int. # The shape and position of the matrix is preserved. # errors_matrix = [ [_to_error(cmpr_tuple, weights) for cmpr_tuple in row] for row in match_matrix ] # compute the optimal matching based on the permutation between actual and # expected message that results in the least error matched_indices = _best_permutation(errors_matrix) # construct a list of report entries base_descr = description or "unordered {}".format(match_name) def build_descr(msg_indx, cmp_indx, expected_msg, received_msg): """ Build an additional description that indicates if the message was missed or unexpected. """ prefix = "{} {}/{}:".format( base_descr, msg_indx + 1, len(matched_indices) ) if received_msg is Absent: return "{} expected[{}] vs Absent".format(prefix, cmp_indx) elif expected_msg is Absent: return "{} Absent vs values[{}]".format(prefix, msg_indx) else: return "{} expected[{}] vs values[{}]".format( prefix, cmp_indx, msg_indx ) return [ { "description": build_descr( msg_indx, cmp_indx, proc_cmps[cmp_indx].value, proc_msgs[msg_indx], ), # 'time': now(), # TODO: use local and UTC times "comparison": match_matrix[msg_indx][cmp_indx][1], "passed": bool(match_matrix[msg_indx][cmp_indx][0]), "comparison_index": cmp_indx, } for msg_indx, cmp_indx in enumerate(matched_indices) ]
[docs]def tuplefy_item(item, list_entry=False): """ Convert a dictionary report item in order to consume less space in json representation. """ # TODO: Replace magical numbers with constants if "list" in item: ret = (1, [tuplefy_item(obj, list_entry=True) for obj in item["list"]]) match = item.get("match") elif "dict" in item: ret = ( 2, [ (pair["key"], pair["match"][0], tuplefy_item(pair)) if "match" in pair else (pair["key"], tuplefy_item(pair)) for pair in item["dict"] ], ) match = item.get("match") elif "value" in item: if isinstance(item["value"], int): ret = (0, item.get("type"), str(item["value"])) else: ret = (0, item.get("type"), item["value"]) match = item.get("match") else: raise ValueError("Unmatched type for tuplefy") if list_entry and match: # list entry that contains match information return 3, match[0], ret else: return ret
[docs]def tuplefy_comparisons(comparisons, table=False): """ Convert dictionary report comparisons to list and tuples composition. """ if table: return [ (tuplefy_comparisons(entry["cols"]), entry["idx"]) for entry in comparisons ] else: return [ ( comparison["key"], comparison["match"][0], tuplefy_item(comparison["lhs"]), tuplefy_item(comparison["rhs"]), ) if "lhs" in comparison and "rhs" in comparison else (comparison["key"], tuplefy_item(comparison["lhs"])) for comparison in comparisons ]
[docs]class DictmatchAllResult: """ When cast to a ``bool``, evaluates to ``True`` when all values were matched without errors or ``False`` if one or more values mis-matched. This object exposes two fields: - ``passed``: a boolean indicating if the assertion passed completely - ``index_match_levels``: a list containing tuples of index and match level: - ``MATCH`` - ``MISMATCH`` - ``LHS_NONE`` - ``RHS_NONE`` The following are examples of what the fields return under various scenarios: .. code-block:: bash +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | DICTMATCH ASSERTION INPUT | DictmatchAllResult | +====================+====================+=========+================+ | Expected (LHS) | Actual (RHS) | .passed | match levels | +--------------------+--------------------+---------+----------------+ | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | | [(0,MATCH), | | {'id':1,'x':'b'}, | {'id':2,'x':'c'}, | True | (2,MATCH), | | {'id':2,'x':'c'}] | {'id':1,'x':'b'}] | | (1,MATCH)] | +--------------------+--------------------+---------+----------------+ | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | | [(0,MATCH), | | {'id':1,'x':'b'}, | {'id':2,'x':'c'}, | False | (2,MATCH), | | {'id':2,'x':'c'}] | {'id':1}] | | (1,MISMATCH)] | +--------------------+--------------------+---------+----------------+ | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | | [(0,MATCH), | | {'id':1,'x':'b'}, | {'id':3,'x':'d'}, | False | (3,LHS_NONE), | | {'id':2,'x':'c'}] | {'id':1,'x':'b'}, | | (1,MATCH), | | | {'id':2,'x':'c'}] | | (2,MATCH)] | +--------------------+--------------------+---------+----------------+ | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | [{'id':0,'x':'a'}, | | [(0,MATCH), | | {'id':1,'x':'b'}, | {'id':1,'x':'b'}, | False | (1,MATCH), | | {'id':2,'x':'c'}, | {'id':3,'x':'d'}] | | (3,MATCH), | | {'id':3,'x':'d'}] | | | (2,RHS_NONE)] | +--------------------+--------------------+---------+----------------+ Indices are to be read as mappings from RHS values to LHS values. i.e.: [(1, ..),(0, ..),(2, ..)] maps: RHS:0 -> LHS:1, RHS:0 -> LHS:1, RHS:2 -> LHS:2. """ MATCH = 0 # pylint: disable=W0105 """ Perfect match between identified and expected value. If all index_match_levels are MATCH, then passed is ``True``. """ MISMATCH = 1 # pylint: disable=W0105 """ The identified and expected values are matched with some errors. If any entry in index_match_levels is MISMATCH, then passed is ``False``. """ LHS_NONE = 2 # pylint: disable=W0105 """ A value is present on the right hand side but not matched with a value on the left hand side. (e.g. an unexpected message). If any entry in index_match_levels is LHS_NONE, then passed is ``False``. """ RHS_NONE = 3 # pylint: disable=W0105 """ A value is present on the left hand side but not matched with a value on the right hand side. (e.g. a missed message) If any entry in index_match_levels is RHS_NONE, then passed is ``False``. """ def __init__(self, passed, index_match_levels): """ Constructs a new DictmatchAllResult object. :param passed: Set to True if the assertion passed on all its inputs, False otherwise :type passed: ``bool`` :param index_match_levels: A list of mappings between matched index and level of matching. :type index_match_levels: ``list`` of (``int``, ``MATCH``, ``MISMATCH``, ``LHS_NONE`` or ``RHS_NONE``) tuples. """ self.passed = passed self.index_match_levels = index_match_levels def __bool__(self): # python 3 bool() """ :return: True if assertion passed, False otherwise :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.passed
[docs]def dictmatch_all_compat( match_name, comparisons, values, description, key_weightings, value_cmp_func=COMPARE_FUNCTIONS["native_equality"], ): """This is being used for internal compatibility.""" matches = unordered_compare( match_name=match_name, values=values, comparisons=comparisons, description=description, tag_weightings=key_weightings, value_cmp_func=value_cmp_func, ) all_passed = True indices = [] levels = [] for mtch in matches: # mtch['is_fix'] = is_fix passed = mtch["passed"] cmp_indx = mtch["comparison_index"] indices.append(cmp_indx) if passed: level = DictmatchAllResult.MATCH elif (cmp_indx < len(comparisons)) and (cmp_indx < len(values)): level = DictmatchAllResult.MISMATCH # (implicit) : and (cmp_indx >= len(values)) elif cmp_indx < len(comparisons): level = DictmatchAllResult.RHS_NONE # cmp_indx < len(values) and (cmp_indx >= len()) else: level = DictmatchAllResult.LHS_NONE levels.append(level) if not passed: all_passed = False res = DictmatchAllResult(all_passed, zip(indices, levels)) return matches, res