Source code for testplan.common.utils.strings

"""String manipulation utilities."""

import os
import re
import inspect
import uuid
import unicodedata
import textwrap

import colorama

from termcolor import colored

from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth

_DESCRIPTION_CUTOFF_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(\s|\t)+")

[docs]def map_to_str(value): """ Convert bytes to str byte-by-byte """ if isinstance(value, bytes): return "".join(map(chr, value)) else: return value
[docs]def to_str(value, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict"): """ Coerce a string to ``str`` type. :param value: A string to be converted :type value: ``str`` or ``bytes`` :param encoding: Encoding method :type encoding: ``str`` :param errors: Error handling scheme :type errors: ``str`` :return: Converted unicode string. :rtype: ``str`` """ if isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode(encoding, errors) if isinstance(value, str): return value else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type '{type(value)}'")
[docs]def to_bytes(value, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict"): """ Coerce a string to ``bytes`` type. :param value: A string to be converted :type value: ``str`` or ``bytes`` :param encoding: Encoding method :type encoding: ``str`` :param errors: Error handling scheme :type errors: ``str`` :return: Converted byte string. :rtype: ``bytes`` """ if isinstance(value, str): return value.encode(encoding, errors) if isinstance(value, bytes): return value else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected type '{type(value)}'")
[docs]def format_description(description): """ Get rid of empty lines and unindent multiline text until the leftmost indented line has no whitespaces on the left. In: (assume dots represent whitespace) ....Hello world ......Foo bar <EMPTY-LINE> ....1 2 3 4 Out: Hello World ..Foo bar 1 2 3 4 """ lines = [line for line in description.split(os.linesep) if line.strip()] matches = [_DESCRIPTION_CUTOFF_REGEX.match(line) for line in lines] if matches: min_offset = min( match.end() if match is not None else 0 for match in matches ) return os.linesep.join([line[min_offset:] for line in lines]) return ""
[docs]def slugify(value): """ Normalizes string, converts to lowercase, removes non-alpha characters, and converts spaces to hyphens. :param value: string value to slugify :type value: ``str`` :return: slugified string value, suitable as a directory or filename :rtype: ``str`` """ value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", value).encode("ascii", "ignore") value = re.sub(rb"[^\w\s-]", b"", value).strip().lower() return re.sub(rb"[-\s]+", b"-", value).decode("ascii")
[docs]def uuid4(): """ Generate a globally unique id. :return: A string complied with `uuid.uuid4` format :rtype: ``str`` """ return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs]class Color: """Utility class with shortcuts for colored console output."""
[docs] @staticmethod def colored(msg, color): return colored(msg, color)
[docs] @staticmethod def green(msg): return colored(msg, "green")
[docs] @staticmethod def red(msg): return colored(msg, "red")
[docs] @staticmethod def yellow(msg): return colored(msg, "yellow")
[docs] @staticmethod def passed(msg=None, check=None): if msg is None: msg = "Pass" if check else "Fail" if callable(check): check = check() return if check else
INDENT_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\s*")
[docs]def wrap(text, width=150): """ Wraps `text` within given `width` limit, keeping initial indentation of each line (and generated lines). Useful for wrapping exception messages. :param text: Text to be wrapped. :param width: Maximum character limit for each line. :return: Wrapped text """ wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width, replace_whitespace=False) text_ctx = [wrapper.wrap(t) for t in text.splitlines()] result = [] for line_list in text_ctx: if not line_list: return text first, rest = line_list[0], line_list[1:] indent_match = INDENT_REGEX.match(first) if indent_match: prefix = " " * (indent_match.end() - indent_match.start()) result.extend( [first] + ["{}{}".format(prefix, line) for line in rest] ) else: result.extend(line_list) return os.linesep.join(result)
[docs]def split_line(line, max_width, get_width_func=None): """ Split `line` into multi-lines if width exceeds `max_width`. :param line: Line to be split. :param max_width: Maximum length of each line (unit: px). :param get_width_func: A function which computes width of string according to font and font size. :return: list of lines """ result = [] total_width = 0 tmp_str = "" get_text_width = ( get_width_func if get_width_func else lambda text: stringWidth(text, "Helvetica", 9) ) for ch in line: char_width = get_text_width(ch) if total_width + char_width <= max_width or not tmp_str: tmp_str += ch total_width += char_width else: result.append(tmp_str) tmp_str = ch total_width = char_width if tmp_str: result.append(tmp_str) return result
[docs]def split_text( text, font_name, font_size, max_width, keep_leading_whitespace=False ): """ Wraps `text` within given `max_width` limit (measured in px), keeping initial indentation of each line (and generated lines) if `keep_leading_whitespace` is True. :param text: Text to be split. :param font_name: Font name. :param font_size: Font size. :param max_width: Maximum length of each line (unit: px). :param keep_leading_whitespace: each split line keeps the leading whitespace. :return: list of lines """ def get_text_width(text, name=font_name, size=font_size): return stringWidth(text, name, size) result = [] lines = [line for line in re.split(r"[\r\n]+", text) if line] for line in lines: line_list = split_line(line, max_width, get_text_width) if keep_leading_whitespace and len(line_list) > 1: first, rest = line_list[0], line_list[1:] indent_match = _DESCRIPTION_CUTOFF_REGEX.match(first) if indent_match: prefix = first[indent_match.start() : indent_match.end()] line_list = [first] + ["{}{}".format(prefix, s) for s in rest] result.extend(line_list) return os.linesep.join(result)
[docs]def indent(lines_str, indent_size=2): """ Indent a multi-line string with a common indent. :param lines_str: Multi-line string. :type lines_str: ``str`` :param indent_size: Number of spaces to indent by - defaults to 2. :type indent_size: ``int`` :return: New string with extra indent. :rtype: ``str`` """ indent = " " * indent_size return "\n".join( "{indent}{line}".format(indent=indent, line=line) for line in lines_str.splitlines() )
[docs]def get_docstring(obj): """ Get object docstring without leading whitespace. :param obj: Object to be extracted docstring. :type obj: ``object`` :return: Docstring of the object. :rtype: ``str`` or ``NoneType`` """ if hasattr(obj, "__doc__"): if obj.__doc__: return inspect.cleandoc(obj.__doc__) return None