Source code for testplan.exporters.testing.pdf.renderers.entries.assertions

""" TODO """
import functools
import operator
import re
from copy import copy
from html import escape
from itertools import chain

html_escape = functools.partial(escape, quote=False)

from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth

from testplan.common.exporters.pdf import RowStyle, create_table
from testplan.common.exporters.pdf import format_table_style, format_cell_data
from testplan.common.utils.strings import split_line, split_text
from testplan.common.utils.comparison import is_regex
from testplan.exporters.testing.pdf.renderers.base import SlicedParagraph
from import Status
from testplan.testing.multitest.entries import assertions
from .base import SerializedEntryRenderer, registry
from .. import constants as const
from ..base import RowData


def _format_text(text, colour=None, bold=False, truncate_reverse=False):
    if len(text) > MAX_LENGTH:
            text = repr(text)
        except Exception:
            text = object.__repr__(text)
        if truncate_reverse:
            text = "...[truncated]" + text[-MAX_LENGTH:]
            text = text[:MAX_LENGTH] + "[truncated]..."
    if colour:
        text = "<font color={colour}>{text}</font>".format(
            text=text, colour=colour
    if bold:
        return "<b>{text}</b>".format(text=text)
    return text

[docs]def default_assertion_style(depth, passed): styles = [ RowStyle( font=( const.FONT if passed else const.FONT_BOLD, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL, ), left_padding=const.INDENT * depth, ), RowStyle( if passed else, start_column=const.LAST_COLUMN_IDX, ), ] if not passed: styles.append(RowStyle(background=colors.whitesmoke)) return styles
[docs]@registry.bind_default(category="assertion") class AssertionRenderer(SerializedEntryRenderer): """Default fallback for rendering serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_header(self, source, depth, row_idx): passed = source["passed"] header = split_text( source["description"] or source["type"], const.FONT if passed else const.FONT_BOLD, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL, const.PAGE_WIDTH - (depth * const.INDENT), ) return RowData( content=[ header, "", "", (Status.PASSED if passed else Status.FAILED).name.title(), ], style=default_assertion_style(passed=passed, depth=depth), start=row_idx, )
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): return None
[docs] def get_row_data(self, source, depth, **kwargs): header = self.get_header(source, depth, **kwargs) if self.get_style(source).display_assertion_detail: # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none detail = self.get_detail(source, depth, row_idx=header.end) if detail: return header + detail return header
[docs]@registry.bind( assertions.Equal, assertions.NotEqual, assertions.Greater, assertions.GreaterEqual, assertions.Less, assertions.LessEqual, ) class FunctionAssertionRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """ Basic assertion renderer for serialized assertion entries: * Equal * NotEqual * Greater * GreaterEqual * Less * LessEqual """
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): return RowData( content=["{first} {label} {second}".format(**source), "", "", ""], style=default_assertion_style( passed=source["passed"], depth=depth + 1 ), start=row_idx, )
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.IsClose) class ApproximateEqualityAssertionRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """ Assertion renderer for serialized assertion entries: * IsClose """
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): return RowData( content=[ "{first} {label} {second}" " (rel_tol: {rel_tol}, abs_tol: {abs_tol})".format(**source), "", "", "", ], style=default_assertion_style( passed=source["passed"], depth=depth + 1 ), start=row_idx, )
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.RegexMatch, assertions.RegexSearch) class RegexMatchRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """RegexMatch renderer for serialized assertion entries.""" highlight_color = "green" bold = False
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): """ Return highlighted patterns within the string, if there is a match. """ left_padding = const.INDENT * (depth + 1) pattern_style = [ RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=left_padding,, span=tuple(), background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, ) ] p = "Pattern: `{}`".format(source["pattern"]) pattern = RowData( content=[p, "", "", ""], style=pattern_style, start=row_idx ) parts = [] string = source["string"] if source["match_indexes"]: curr_idx = 0 for begin, end in source["match_indexes"]: parts.append((string[curr_idx:begin], "{}")) parts.append( ( string[begin:end], "<b><font color={color}>{{}}</font></b>".format( color=self.highlight_color ), ) ) curr_idx = end if curr_idx < len(string): parts.append((string[curr_idx:], "{}")) else: parts = (string, "{}") for para in SlicedParagraph( parts=parts, width=const.PAGE_WIDTH - left_padding - 6, ): pattern = pattern + RowData( content=[para, "", "", ""], style=[ RowStyle( left_padding=left_padding, span=tuple(), background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, ) ], start=pattern.end, ) return pattern
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.RegexMatchNotExists, assertions.RegexSearchNotExists) class RegexNotMatchRenderer(RegexMatchRenderer): """RegexNotMatch renderer for serialized assertion entries.""" highlight_color = "red" bold = True
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.RegexFindIter) class RegexFindIterRenderer(RegexMatchRenderer): """RegexFindIter renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): """Render `condition` attribute as well, if it exists""" msg = super(RegexFindIterRenderer, self).get_detail( source, depth, row_idx ) styles = [ RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), top_padding=0,, background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, span=tuple(), ) ] if source["condition_match"] is not None: colour = "green" if source["condition_match"] else "red" formatted = "Condition: {}".format( _format_text( text=html_escape(source["condition"]), colour=colour, bold=not source["condition_match"], ) ) condition = Paragraph(text=formatted, style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE) msg += RowData( content=[condition, "", "", ""], style=styles, start=msg.end ) return msg
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.RegexMatchLine) class RegexMatchLineRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """RegexMatchLine renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): """ `RegexMatchLine` returns line indexes along with begin/end character indexes per matched line. """ left_padding = const.INDENT * (depth + 1) pattern_style = [ RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=left_padding,, background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, span=tuple(), ) ] p = "Pattern: `{}`".format(source["pattern"]) pattern = RowData( content=[p, "", "", ""], style=pattern_style, start=row_idx ) if source["match_indexes"]: parts = [] match_map = { line_no: (begin, end) for line_no, begin, end in source["match_indexes"] } for idx, line in enumerate(source["string"].splitlines()): if idx in match_map: begin, end = match_map[idx] parts.append((line[:begin], "{}")) parts.append( (line[begin:end], "<b><font color=green>{}</font></b>") ) parts.append((line[end:], "{}")) else: parts.append((line, "{}")) parts.append(("\n", "{}")) else: parts = (source["string"], "{}") for para in SlicedParagraph( parts=parts, width=const.PAGE_WIDTH - left_padding - 6, ): pattern = pattern + RowData( content=[para, "", "", ""], style=[ RowStyle( left_padding=left_padding, span=tuple(), background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, ) ], start=pattern.end, ) return pattern
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.Contain, assertions.NotContain) class MembershipRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """Contain & NotContain renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): """Return the member and container representations""" passed = source["passed"] styles = [ RowStyle( font=( const.FONT if passed else const.FONT_BOLD, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL, ), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), if passed else, ) ] if not passed: styles.append(RowStyle(background=colors.whitesmoke)) op_label = "in" if source["type"] == "Contain" else "not in" text = "{} {} {}".format( source["member"], op_label, source["container"] ) return RowData(content=[text, "", "", ""], style=styles, start=row_idx)
[docs]def append_comparison_data(data, row, depth, start_idx): """TODO.""" offset, key, match, left, right = row if match == "Passed": item_color = status_color = font = const.FONT elif match == "Failed": item_color = status_color = font = const.FONT_BOLD else: item_color = colors.grey status_color = colors.grey font = const.FONT_ITALIC if isinstance(left, (tuple, list)): left = "<{}> {}".format(left[0], left[1]) if isinstance(right, (tuple, list)): right = "<{}> {}".format(right[0], right[1]) data.append( RowData( content=[key, left, right, match], style=[ RowStyle( text_color=item_color, font=(font, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + offset + 1), ), RowStyle( text_color=status_color, start_column=const.LAST_COLUMN_IDX ), ], start=start_idx, ) )
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.DictMatch, assertions.FixMatch) class DictMatchRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """FixMatch renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): comparison = source["comparison"] data = [] for idx, row in enumerate(comparison): append_comparison_data(data, row, depth, row_idx + idx) first, rest = data[0], data[1:] for d in rest: first += d return first
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.DictCheck, assertions.FixCheck) class DictCheckRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """FixCheck renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): """Return `has_keys` & `absent_keys` context""" result = None end_idx = row_idx check = {"has_keys": "Existence check", "absent_keys": "Absence check"} diff = { "has_keys": "Missing keys", "absent_keys": "Key should be absent", } for keys in ["has_keys", "absent_keys"]: if source[keys]: check_style = RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1),, span=tuple(), ) text = "{}: {}".format(check[keys], source[keys]) check_row = RowData( content=text, style=check_style, start=end_idx ) if result is None: result = check_row else: result += check_row if source["{}_diff".format(keys)]: text = "{}: {}".format( diff[keys], _format_text( text=source["{}_diff".format(keys)], colour="red", bold=True, ), ) diff_para = Paragraph( text=text, style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE ) pad = const.INDENT * (depth + 2) diff_style = RowStyle( left_padding=pad, bottom_padding=0, span=tuple() ) diff_row = RowData( content=[diff_para, "", "", ""], style=diff_style, start=check_row.end, ) end_idx = diff_row.end result += diff_row return result
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.DictMatchAll, assertions.FixMatchAll) class DictMatchAllRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """FixMatchAll renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): matches = source["matches"] data = [] counter = 0 for match in matches["matches"]: comparison = match["comparison"] description = match["description"] passed = match["passed"] # Description row styles styles = [ RowStyle( font=( const.FONT if passed else const.FONT_BOLD, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL, ), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), ), RowStyle( if passed else, start_column=const.LAST_COLUMN_IDX, ), ] # Description row data data.append( RowData( content=[ description, "", "", ( Status.PASSED if passed else Status.FAILED ).name.title(), ], style=styles, start=row_idx + counter, ) ) counter += 1 for row in comparison: append_comparison_data(data, row, depth, row_idx + counter) counter += 1 # Empty row after each matched entry data.append( RowData(content=["", "", "", ""], start=row_idx + counter) ) counter += 1 first, rest = data[0], data[1:] for d in rest: first += d return first
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.XMLCheck) class XMLCheckRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """XMLCheck renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): """ Render the message if there is any, then render XMLTagComparison items. """ msg = [] msg.append("xpath: {}".format(html_escape(source["xpath"]))) if source["namespaces"]: msg.append( "Namespaces: {}".format(html_escape(str(source["namespaces"]))) ) if source["message"]: msg.append( _format_text( colour="black" if source["passed"] else "red", text=html_escape(source["message"]), bold=not source["passed"], ) ) if source["data"]: msg.append("Tags:") msg_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), bottom_padding=0, span=tuple(), ) msg_para = Paragraph( text="<br />\n".join(msg), style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE ) msg_row = RowData( content=[msg_para, "", "", ""], style=msg_style, start=row_idx ) tags = [] for data in source["data"]: tag_comp = assertions.XMLTagComparison( tag=data[0], diff=data[1], error=data[2], extra=data[3] ) template = "{actual} {operator} {expected}" common = dict( actual=tag_comp.tag, expected=tag_comp.comparison_value ) if tag_comp.passed: tags.append( html_escape(template.format(operator="==", **common)) ) else: tags.append( _format_text( text=html_escape( template.format(operator="!=", **common) ), colour="red", bold=True, ) ) if tags: tags_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 2), span=tuple() ) tags_para = Paragraph( text="<br />\n".join(tags), style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE ) tags_row = RowData( content=[tags_para, "", "", ""], style=tags_style, start=msg_row.end, ) return msg_row + tags_row else: return msg_row
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.TableMatch, assertions.TableDiff) class TableMatchRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """ Renders serialized tabular data in ReportLab table format. """
[docs] def get_matched_row_data( self, row_comparison, columns, include_columns, exclude_columns, row_idx, ): """ Return a single row of data in the correct match format and the RowStyles indicating which cells need to be coloured red. Sample output: [{'name': Susan == Susan, 'age': 24 == 24}] and [RowStyle(...), ...] :param row_comparison: RowComparison object containing this rows data. :type row_comparison: ``testplan.testing.multitest .entries.assertions.RowComparison`` :param columns: List of the displayed columns. :type columns: ``list`` :param row_idx: Index of the row being compared. This is not the same as other row_idx parameters in this module. Those refer to the row index of the global table used to display everything in the PDF report. :type row_idx: ``int`` :param include_columns: :type include_columns: :param exclude_columns: :type exclude_columns: :return: A single row of the matched data in tabular format and the RowStyles indicating which cells need to be coloured red. :rtype: ``list`` of ``dict`` and ``list`` of ``testplan.common.exporters.pdf.RowStyle`` """ def fmt(val): return val if val is not None else "" result = [] colour_row = [] for idx, column in enumerate(columns): actual =[idx] other, matched = row_comparison.get_comparison_value(column, idx) value_limit = int((const.CELL_STRING_LENGTH - 4) / 2) other, actual = format_cell_data( data=[other, actual], limit=value_limit ) other = ( "REGEX('{}')".format(other.pattern) if is_regex(other) else other ) include_columns = include_columns or columns exclude_columns = exclude_columns or [] if ( (column not in include_columns) or (column in exclude_columns) or matched is None ): result.append(f"{fmt(actual)} .. {fmt(other)}") colour_row.append("I") elif matched: result.append(f"{fmt(actual)} == {fmt(other)}") colour_row.append("P") else: result.append(f"{fmt(actual)} != {fmt(other)}") colour_row.append("F") return result, colour_row
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): row_style = [RowStyle(left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1))] table_style = format_table_style(const.DISPLAYED_TABLE_STYLE) raw_table = [] row_indices = [] colour_matrix = [] for i, row_comparison_data in enumerate(source["data"]): row_comparison = assertions.RowComparison(*row_comparison_data) row, colour_row = self.get_matched_row_data( row_comparison=row_comparison, columns=source["columns"], include_columns=source["include_columns"], exclude_columns=source["exclude_columns"], row_idx=i, ) raw_table.append(row) row_indices.append(row_comparison.idx) colour_matrix.append(colour_row) max_width = const.PAGE_WIDTH - (depth * const.INDENT) table = ( create_table( table=raw_table, columns=source["columns"], row_indices=row_indices, display_index=source["report_fails_only"], max_width=max_width, style=table_style, colour_matrix=colour_matrix, ) if raw_table else None ) if source["message"]: error_style = row_style + [ RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), if source["passed"] else, ) ] error = RowData( content=source["message"], start=row_idx, style=error_style ) # The error style isn't applied to the error string, possible bug. return ( error + RowData(content=table, start=error.end, style=row_style) if table else error ) else: return ( RowData(content=table, start=row_idx, style=row_style) if table else None )
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.ColumnContain) class ColumnContainRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """ColumnContain renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): row_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), ) table_style = format_table_style(const.DISPLAYED_TABLE_STYLE) raw_table = [] row_indices = [] colour_matrix = [] for comp_obj in source["data"]: row = [comp_obj[1], "Pass" if comp_obj[2] else "Fail"] raw_table.append(row) row_indices.append(comp_obj[0]) colour_matrix.append(["I", "P" if comp_obj[2] else "F"]) max_width = const.PAGE_WIDTH - (depth * const.INDENT) table = create_table( table=raw_table, columns=[source["column"], "Passed"], row_indices=row_indices, display_index=source["report_fails_only"], max_width=max_width, style=table_style, colour_matrix=colour_matrix, ) data = [["Values: {}".format(source["values"]), "", "", ""]] + table return RowData(content=data, start=row_idx, style=row_style)
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.ExceptionRaised, assertions.ExceptionNotRaised) class ExceptionRaisedRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """ExceptionRaised renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): raised_exc = source["raised_exception"] expected_exceptions = ", ".join(source["expected_exceptions"]) label = ( "not instance of" if source["type"] == "ExceptionNotRaised" else "instance of" ) msg = "{} {} {}".format(raised_exc[0], label, expected_exceptions) exc_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL),, ) exc_row = RowData(content=msg, style=exc_style, start=row_idx) end_idx = exc_row.end if source["func"]: msg = "Function: {}".format( _format_text( colour="black" if source["passed"] else "red", text=html_escape(source["func"]), bold=not source["passed"], ) ) func_paragraph = Paragraph(text=msg, style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE) func_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 2), span=tuple() ) func_row = RowData( content=[func_paragraph, "", "", ""], style=func_style, start=end_idx, ) exc_row += func_row end_idx = func_row.end if source["pattern"]: msg = "Pattern: {}".format( _format_text( colour="black" if source["passed"] else "red", text=html_escape(source["pattern"]), bold=not source["passed"], ) ) msg += "<br />Exception message: {}".format(raised_exc[1]) ptrn_paragraph = Paragraph(text=msg, style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE) ptrn_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 2), span=tuple() ) exc_row += RowData( content=[ptrn_paragraph, "", "", ""], style=ptrn_style, start=end_idx, ) return exc_row
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.EqualSlices) class EqualSlicesRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """EqualSlices renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): result = None for slice, _, mismatch_indices, actual, expected in source["data"]: passed = not mismatch_indices slice_style = RowStyle( font=( const.FONT if passed else const.FONT_BOLD, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL, ), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), if passed else, ) slice_row = RowData( content=slice, style=slice_style, start=row_idx ) if result is None: result = slice_row else: result += slice_row # Display mismatched indexes if slice has # a step, for easier debugging indices_style = RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 2),, span=tuple(), ) indices = [] if not passed: indices.append( "Mismatched indices: {}".format(mismatch_indices) ) indices.append("Actual: {}".format(actual)) indices.append("Expected: {}".format(expected)) indices_para = Paragraph( text="<br />\n".join(indices), style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE ) indices_row = RowData( content=[indices_para, "", "", ""], style=indices_style, start=slice_row.end, ) result += indices_row row_idx = indices_row.end return result
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.EqualExcludeSlices) class EqualExcludeSlicesRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """EqualExcludeSlices renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): result = None end_idx = row_idx for slice, _, mismatch_indices, actual, expected in source["data"]: slice_style = RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1),, ) slice_row = RowData( content="{} - excluded".format(slice), style=slice_style, start=end_idx, ) if result is None: result = slice_row else: result += slice_row end_idx = slice_row.end actual = [source["actual"][i] for i in source["included_indices"]] expected = [source["expected"][i] for i in source["included_indices"]] passed = source["passed"] indices = [ "{}: {}".format( title, _format_text( text=data, colour="black" if passed else "red", bold=not passed, ), ) for title, data in ( ("Compared indices", source["included_indices"]), ("Actual", actual), ("Expected", expected), ) ] indices_para = Paragraph( text="<br />\n".join(indices), style=const.PARAGRAPH_STYLE ) indices_style = RowStyle( left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), span=tuple() ) indices_row = RowData( content=[indices_para, "", "", ""], style=indices_style, start=end_idx, ) return result + indices_row
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.LineDiff) class LineDiffRenderer(AssertionRenderer): """LineDiff renderer for serialized assertion entries."""
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): result = RowData(start=row_idx) ellipsis = " ..." reserved = stringWidth(ellipsis, const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL) max_width = const.PAGE_WIDTH - ((depth + 2) * const.INDENT) - reserved def get_width(text, font=const.FONT, size=const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL): return stringWidth(text, font, size) options = "" options += "-b " if source["ignore_space_change"] else "" options += "-w " if source["ignore_whitespaces"] else "" options += "-B " if source["ignore_blank_lines"] else "" options += "-u " if source["unified"] else "" options += "-c " if source["context"] and not source["unified"] else "" options = " ( " + options + ")" if options else "" detailed_text = ( [] if source["passed"] else [ ( "*** a.text ***", self._get_truncated_lines( source["first"], const.NUM_DISPLAYED_ROWS ), ), ( "*** b.text ***", self._get_truncated_lines( source["second"], const.NUM_DISPLAYED_ROWS ), ), ] ) detailed_text.append( ( "No difference found{}".format(options) if source["passed"] else "Differences{}:".format(options), [] if source["passed"] else self._get_truncated_lines( source["delta"], const.NUM_DISPLAYED_ROWS * 5 ), ) ) for title, body in detailed_text: title_line = RowData( content=title, start=row_idx, style=RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 1), if source["passed"] else, ), ) result += title_line row_idx = title_line.end for flag, line in body: lines = split_line(line, max_width, get_width) body_text = RowData( content=[ # Be aware of the case len(line) == 0 lines[0] + ellipsis if len(lines) > 1 else line, "", "", "", ], start=row_idx, style=RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=const.INDENT * (depth + 2), top_padding=0, bottom_padding=const.COMPACT_LINE_SPACING, text_color=colors.gray if flag else, ), ) result += body_text row_idx = body_text.end return result
def _get_truncated_lines(self, lines, n=0): # At most keep n lines, n==0 means no truncation. truncate_flag = True for i, line in enumerate(lines): if n > 0 and i >= n: yield ( truncate_flag, "[truncated after displaying first %d lines ...]" % n, ) break yield ( not truncate_flag, re.sub(r"[\r\n]+$", "", line).replace("\t", " "), )
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.RawAssertion) class RawAssertionRenderer(AssertionRenderer):
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): return RowData( content=source["content"], start=row_idx, style=default_assertion_style( depth=depth + 1, passed=source["passed"] ), )
[docs]@registry.bind(assertions.LogfileMatch) class LogfileMatchRender(AssertionRenderer):
[docs] def get_detail(self, source, depth, row_idx): left_padding = const.INDENT * (depth + 1) grps = [ RowData( content=[ ("Passed" if source["passed"] else "Failed") + f" in {source['timeout']} seconds.", "", "", "", ], style=RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=left_padding, if source["passed"] else, span=tuple(), background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, ), start=row_idx, ) ] idx = row_idx + 1 style = RowStyle( font=(const.FONT, const.FONT_SIZE_SMALL), left_padding=left_padding,, span=tuple(), background=None if source["passed"] else colors.whitesmoke, ) for e in chain(source["results"], source["failure"]): if e["matched"]: rows = RowData( content=[ f"Match between {e['start_pos']} and {e['end_pos']} " f"found.", "", "", "", ], style=copy(style), start=idx, ) rows += RowData( content=[f"Pattern: `{e['pattern']}`", "", "", ""], style=copy(style), start=rows.end, ) rows += RowData( content=[f"Log Line: {e['matched']}", "", "", ""], style=copy(style), start=rows.end, ) else: rows = RowData( content=[ f"No match from {e['start_pos']} found, search " f"ended at {e['end_pos']}", "", "", "", ], style=copy(style), start=idx, ) rows += RowData( content=[f"Pattern: `{e['pattern']}`", "", "", ""], style=copy(style), start=rows.end, ) grps.append(rows) idx = rows.end return functools.reduce(operator.add, grps)