Source code for testplan.exporters.testing.pdf.renderers.entries.baseUtils

import os
import tempfile
import uuid

import matplotlib
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.platypus import Image

import matplotlib.pyplot as plot

[docs]def export_plot_to_image(graph_plot): """Convert a MatPlot plot into an image readable in the pdf.""" filename = "{}.png".format(uuid.uuid4()) temp_path = tempfile.gettempdir() image_pathname = os.path.join(temp_path, filename) graph_plot.savefig(image_pathname) image = Image(image_pathname) return image
[docs]def format_image(image): """Resize the image.""" image.drawWidth = 4 * inch image.drawHeight = 3 * inch return image
[docs]def get_xy_coords(data): """ Return two lists of x and y coordinates from graph data formatted for react-vis graphing ('x': Data, 'y': Data). """ x_values = [] y_values = [] for coord in data: x_values.append(coord["x"]) y_values.append(coord["y"]) return x_values, y_values
[docs]def get_colour(series_options, series_name): """Return the graph colour for the series specified.""" if series_options is None: return None if series_name in series_options: if "colour" in series_options[series_name]: return series_options[series_name]["colour"] return None
[docs]def get_axis_labels(graph_options): """Return the X and Y axis labels from graph options.""" if graph_options is None: return None, None x_axis_label = None y_axis_label = None if "xAxisTitle" in graph_options: x_axis_label = graph_options["xAxisTitle"] if "yAxisTitle" in graph_options: y_axis_label = graph_options["yAxisTitle"] return x_axis_label, y_axis_label
[docs]def show_legend(graph_options): """Return true if the legend should be displayed.""" if graph_options is None: return False if "legend" in graph_options: return graph_options["legend"] return False
[docs]def get_matlib_plot(source): """ Call the appropriate plotting function based on whether a graph or chart is being plotted. """ graph_type = source["graph_type"] valid_graph_types = [ "Line", "Scatter", "Bar", "Whisker", "Contour", "Hexbin", ] valid_chart_types = ["Pie"] if graph_type in valid_graph_types: return plot_graph(source, graph_type) elif graph_type in valid_chart_types: return plot_chart(source, graph_type) else: return None
[docs]def plot_graph(source, graph_type): """ Create a MatPlot plot for any graph requiring axis (and can therefore use the get_xy_coords function.) """ data = source["graph_data"] graph_options = source["graph_options"] series_options = source["series_options"] # Special logic for multi-bar graph GROUPED_BAR_WIDTH = 0.7 if graph_type == "Bar": fig, ax = plot.subplots() num_of_subplots = len(data) single_bar_width = GROUPED_BAR_WIDTH / num_of_subplots starting_placement = (-single_bar_width * (num_of_subplots - 1)) / 2 for entry in data: colour = get_colour(series_options, entry) x_values, y_values = get_xy_coords(data[entry]) if graph_type == "Line": plot.plot(x_values, y_values, color=colour, label=entry) elif graph_type == "Scatter": plot.scatter(x_values, y_values, color=colour, label=entry) elif graph_type == "Bar": x = list(range(len(x_values))) [_x + starting_placement for _x in x], y_values, single_bar_width, color=colour, label=entry, ) starting_placement += single_bar_width ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(x_values) elif graph_type == "Hexbin": plot.hexbin(x_values, y_values, color=colour, label=entry) elif graph_type == "Contour": plot.contour([x_values, y_values]) elif graph_type == "Whisker": x_err = [] y_err = [] for point in data[entry]: x_err.append(point["xVariance"]) y_err.append(point["yVariance"]) plot.errorbar( x_values, y_values, color=colour, label=entry, xerr=x_err, yerr=y_err, fmt="x", ) x_axis_label, y_axis_label = get_axis_labels(graph_options) if show_legend(graph_options): plot.legend(loc="upper left") plot.xlabel(x_axis_label) plot.ylabel(y_axis_label) return plot
[docs]def plot_chart(source, graph_type): """Create a MatPlot plot for any chart not requiring axes.""" data = source["graph_data"] for entry in data: if graph_type == "Pie": angles = [] names = [] for coord in data[entry]: angles.append(coord["angle"]) names.append(coord["name"]) plot.pie(angles, labels=names) return plot