Source code for testplan.runnable.interactive.reloader

"""Interactive code reloader module."""

import sys
import os
import io
import time
import inspect
import importlib
import modulefinder
import collections
import functools
import warnings

from testplan.common.utils import path as path_utils
from testplan.common.utils import logger
from testplan.common.utils import strings
from testplan.common.utils.package import import_tmp_module
from testplan.testing.multitest import suite, MultiTest

[docs]class ModuleReloader(logger.Loggable): """ Reloads modules and their dependencies if there was any file modification. :param extra_deps: Modules to register as extra dependencies to reload, despite not being directly imported by __main__, or paths of these modules. :type extra_deps: ``Iterable[ModuleType]`` or ``Iterable[str]`` :param scheduled_modules: Name of module which has schedule tests, with the module path registered as extra dependencies to reload. :type scheduled_modules: ``Dict[str, str]`` """ def __init__(self, extra_deps=None, scheduled_modules=None): super(ModuleReloader, self).__init__() self._extra_deps = extra_deps or [] self._scheduled_modules = scheduled_modules or {} if isinstance(self._scheduled_modules, (tuple, list)): counter = collections.Counter( module_info[0] for module_info in self._scheduled_modules ) duplicates = [mod for mod, cnt in counter.items() if cnt > 1] for dup in duplicates: paths = set( os.path.realpath(path) for mod, path in self._scheduled_modules if mod == dup ) if len(paths) > 1: paths_to_print = os.linesep.join( f" -- {path}" for path in paths ) warnings.warn( f"Module `{dup}` imported from different places, it" " makes Testplan not able to reload tests properly:" f"{os.linesep}{paths_to_print}" ) self._scheduled_modules = dict(self._scheduled_modules) # Import modules that have scheduled tests for mod, path in self._scheduled_modules.items(): with import_tmp_module( mod, path, delete=False, warn_if_exist=False ): pass ( self._reload_dirs, self._dep_graph, self._watched_modules, ) = self._build_dependencies() # Last recorded reload time for watched modules. self._last_reload_time = {} # type: Dict[str, float] self._init_time = time.time()
[docs] def reload(self, tests, rebuild_dependencies=False): """ Reload code and update testsuites in given tests with new code. :param tests: Iterable of Tests (e.g. MultiTest). :type tests: ``Iterable[Test]`` :param rebuild_dependencies: Hard re-calculate all file dependencies. :type rebuild_dependencies: ``bool`` """ start_time = time.time() suite_instances = self._suites_by_class(tests) if rebuild_dependencies: ( self._reload_dirs, self._dep_graph, self._watched_modules, ) = self._build_dependencies() modified_modules = self._modified_modules if modified_modules: self.logger.debug( "Watched files have been modified - reloading dependencies." ) self._reload_modified_modules(modified_modules, suite_instances) "Took %.2f seconds to reload dependencies.", time.time() - start_time, ) else: self.logger.debug("No watched files have been modified.")
def _build_dependencies(self): """ Build a list of directories to reload code from and a tree of dependencies. """ main_module_file = sys.modules["__main__"].__file__ if not main_module_file: raise RuntimeError( "Can only use interactive reloader when the __main__ module " "is a file." ) reload_dirs = {os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(main_module_file))} # Add extra reload source directories if required. reload_dirs = reload_dirs.union( self._extra_reload_dirs( self._extra_deps + list(set(self._scheduled_modules.values())) ) ) dep_graph, watched_modules = self._build_dep_graph( main_module_file, reload_dirs ) return reload_dirs, dep_graph, watched_modules def _extra_reload_dirs(self, deps): """ Build and return a set of reload directories used by extra dependencies. :param deps: Extra modules to add as dependencies of __main__. :type deps ``Iterable[ModuleType]`` :return: Reload directories of extra dependencies :rtype: ``set[str]`` """ reload_dirs = set() for dep in deps: if isinstance(dep, str): dirpath = path_utils.fix_home_prefix(os.path.abspath(dep)) # Add it to `sys.path` for reloading if dirpath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(dirpath) self.logger.debug("Adding extra dependent path: %s", dirpath) reload_dirs.add(dirpath) else: filepath = _module_filepath(dep) dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) if filepath else None # Find the path where module or package can be imported if _has_package(dep): package = sys.modules.get(dep.__package__.split(".")[0]) if package is not None: filepath = _module_filepath(package) if filepath: dirpath = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(filepath) ) if dirpath: # Even though this module has been imported, its directory # may have been removed from `sys.path`. In that case it # needs to be added back so the module can be reloaded. if dirpath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(dirpath) self.logger.debug( "Adding extra dependent path for module %s: %s", dep.__name__, dirpath, ) reload_dirs.add(dirpath) return reload_dirs def _build_dep_graph(self, main_module_file, reload_dirs): """ Build the graph of dependencies starting from the main module. :param main_module_file: File path to the python script being executed as __main__. :type main_module_file: ``str`` :param reload_dirs: Directories to reload modules from. :type reload_dirs: ``Iterable[str]`` """ finder = _GraphModuleFinder(path=self._filtered_syspath(reload_dirs)) try: with, "r") as fp: text = except OSError as exc: raise RuntimeError( "Could not run main module {} as a script: {}.".format( main_module_file, exc, ) ) else: imports = "".join( f"import {module_name}{os.linesep}" for module_name in sorted(self._scheduled_modules.keys()) ) finder.load_module( "__main__", io.StringIO( # Instance of `TextIOBase` with a `read` method text + os.linesep * 2 + imports if imports else text ), main_module_file, ("", "r", 1), # In deprecated module `imp`: PY_SOURCE == 1 ) return finder.build_dep_graph() def _filtered_syspath(self, reload_dirs): """ :return: sys.path filtered by paths that are in a reload dir. :rtype: ``List[str]`` """ return list( { path for path in sys.path if any( os.path.abspath(path).startswith(os.path.abspath(d)) for d in reload_dirs ) } ) @property def _modified_modules(self): """ Calls `os.stat` on all watched files to check which ones have been modified and require a reload. :return: Set of all modules whose filepaths that have been modified and require reloading. :rtype: ``set[_ModuleNode]`` """ return set( mod for mod in self._watched_modules if os.stat(mod.filepath).st_mtime > self._last_reload_time.get(, self._init_time) ) def _suites_by_class(self, tests): """ Creates a {module_name: {class_name: [suite_instance, ...]}} mapping. :param tests: iterator of Tests. :type tests: ``Iterable[Test]`` :return: Mapping of module and class name to list of suite instances. :rtype: ``Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]]`` """ suite_dict = collections.defaultdict( functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, list) ) for test in tests: if isinstance(test, MultiTest): for suite in test.cfg.suites: suite_dict[suite.__module__][ suite.__class__.__name__ ].append(suite) return suite_dict def _reload_modified_modules(self, modified_modules, suite_instances): """ Reload all files that have been modified. If a module has been reloaded, all modules that depend on it should also be reloaded. We ensure this by walking the graph of dependencies in depth-first order. :param modified_modules: Set of modules that have been modified and require a reload. :type modified_modules: ``set[_ModuleNode]`` :param suite_instances: Mapping of module and class names to list of suite instances. :type suite_instances: ``Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]]`` """ # Walk the graph using depth-first search order. visited_nodes = set() reloaded_nodes = set() # We never want to reload the __main__ module, so we start the # recursion from each immediate dependency in turn. for dep in self._dep_graph.dependencies: if dep not in visited_nodes: self._reload_recur( dep, modified_modules, suite_instances, visited_nodes, reloaded_nodes, ) def _reload_recur( self, mod_node, modified_modules, suite_instances, visited_nodes, reloaded_nodes, ): """ Recursively walk the graph of dependencies, reloading all modified files. :param mod_node: Current module we are processing. :type mod_node: ``_ModuleNode`` :param modified_modules: Set of modules that have been modified and require a reload. :type modified_modules: ``set[_ModuleNode]`` :param suite_instances: Mapping of module and class names to list of suite instances. :type suite_instances: ``Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]]`` :param visited_nodes: Set of modules already visited. :type visited_nodes: ``set[_ModuleNode]`` :return: Whether the module was reloaded. :rtype: ``bool`` """ if mod_node in reloaded_nodes: return True # we already reloaded this if mod_node in visited_nodes: return False # we already decided not need reload visited_nodes.add(mod_node) # Reload this module's dependencies if necessary. Check if any # dependencies were reloaded - we will need to reload our current # module too if so. Note that we must use a list comprehension inside # the any call to avoid short-circuiting as soon as a dependency is # reloaded. dep_reloaded = any( [ self._reload_recur( dep, modified_modules, suite_instances, visited_nodes, reloaded_nodes, ) for dep in mod_node.dependencies ] ) # Reload this module if there are file modifications or if any of its # dependencies have been reloaded. if mod_node in modified_modules or dep_reloaded:"Reloading %s", mod_node.reload() if in suite_instances: mod_node.update_suites(suite_instances) self._last_reload_time[] = time.time() reloaded_nodes.add(mod_node) return True else: return False
class _GraphModuleFinder(modulefinder.ModuleFinder, logger.Loggable): r""" Variant of the standard library ModuleFinder that is able to produce a directed acyclic graph of dependencies. The root node corresponds to the main module passed as a script, its child nodes correspond to its direct import dependencies, and so on. An example of how such a graph with a main module and dependencies A, B, C and D could look is: main / \ / \ V V A ----> B / \ \ / --- \ V | V C --> D :param args: passed to ModuleFinder :param kwargs: passed to ModuleFinder """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # In the Python 2 stdlib, ModuleFinder is an old-style class that # does not inherit from object, therefore we cannot use super(). modulefinder.ModuleFinder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) logger.Loggable.__init__(self) # Enable logging via self.logger # Mapping of module object to a set of its dependencies. We store the # dependencies in a list instead of a set to preserve ordering. While # not strictly necessary, it makes testing easier when the ordering # of nodes in the graph can be relied on. However, we must ensure that # each dependency is unique, so we check before adding each new # dependency below. This should be a significant performance issue, # as we only expect each module to have a relatively small number # of dependencies (around 10s) so O(n) adding is acceptable. self._module_deps = collections.defaultdict(list) self._curr_caller = None self._module_nodes = {} def import_hook(self, name, caller=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Hook called when ``caller`` imports module ``name``. Store off the caller so we can use it later. :param name: Name of the module being imported. :type name: ``str`` :param caller: Module object that is importing ``name``. :type caller: ``modulefinder.Module`` :param args: Other args are passed down to ``modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_hook`` :param kwargs: Other kwargs are passed down to ``modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_hook`` :return: Return value from ``modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_hook`` """ previous_caller = self._curr_caller if caller is None: caller_frame = inspect.stack()[2] self._curr_caller = caller_frame.frame.f_locals.get("m") assert ( self._curr_caller is not None ), "Source code of `modulefinder` library has changed !!" else: self._curr_caller = caller mod = modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_hook( self, name, caller, *args, **kwargs ) self._curr_caller = previous_caller return mod def import_module(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Called a bit further down the stack when a module is imported. Update the internal mapping of module dependencies. :param args: all args are passed down to ``modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_module`` :param kwargs: all kwargs are passed down to ``modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_module`` :return: Imported module object. :rtype: ``modulefinder.Module`` """ caller = self._curr_caller mod = modulefinder.ModuleFinder.import_module(self, *args, **kwargs) if ( caller is not None and mod is not None and _has_file(mod) and mod not in self._module_deps[caller] ): self.logger.debug( "Adding %(mod)s to %(caller)s's dependencies", {"mod": mod.__name__, "caller": caller.__name__}, ) self._module_deps[caller].append(mod) return mod def build_dep_graph(self): """ Build a directed graph of dependencies, made up of ``_ModuleNode``s. :return: Root node of dependency graph and a set of all nodes in the graph. :rtype: ``Tuple[_ModuleNode, set[_ModuleNode]`` """ main_mod = self.modules["__main__"] root_node = self._produce_graph(main_mod, []) return root_node, set(self._module_nodes.values()) def _produce_graph(self, mod, processed): """ Recursive function to build a graph of dependencies. :param mod: Module to use for the tree root. :type mod: ``modulefinder.Module`` :param processed: List of modules processed so far in this branch, in order of processing. Used to avoid infinite recursion in the case of circular dependencies. :type processed: ``List[modulefinder.Module]`` :raises RuntimeError: If ``mod`` is in ``processed`` - the calling function should ensure it is not asking to process a module that has already been processed. :return: Root node of dependency graph. :rtype: ``_ModuleNode`` """ self.logger.debug( "Creating node in dependency graph for module %s", mod.__name__ ) if mod in processed: raise RuntimeError( "Module {mod} has already been processed in this branch. " "Already processed = {processed}".format( mod=mod.__name__, processed=processed ) ) # Create a new list of processed modules to avoid mutating the list # we were passed. new_processed = processed + [mod] # If this module has already been processed in another branch, we # can short circuit and return the existing node. if mod in self._module_nodes: return self._module_nodes[mod] # Now for the recursive step - produce a sub-graph of the dependencies # of each of our dependencies first, then attach each one to the set # of dependencies for the current node. Check that each dependency # has not already been processed in this branch to avoid circular # dependencies causing infinite recursion. dependencies = [ self._produce_graph(mod=dep, processed=new_processed) for dep in self._module_deps[mod] if dep not in new_processed ] node = _ModuleNode(mod, dependencies) self._module_nodes[mod] = node return node class _ModuleNode: """ Node in the directed acyclic graph of dependencies produced by _GraphModuleFinder. :param mod: Module object this node represents :type mod: ``modulefinder.Module`` :param dependencies: List of nodes for modules this node is dependent on. :type dependencies: ``List[_ModuleNode]`` """ def __init__(self, mod, dependencies): self.mod = mod if not all(isinstance(d, self.__class__) for d in dependencies): raise TypeError( "Dependencies must all be of type {}".format(self.__class__) ) self.dependencies = dependencies self.filepath = _module_filepath(mod) self._native_mod = None def __repr__(self): return "ModuleNode[{}]".format( def __hash__(self): return hash(self.mod) @property def graph_string(self): """ :return: a multi-line string representing the graph from this node downwards. :rtype: ``str`` """ if self.dependencies: ret_str = "{mod} ->\n{children}".format(, children=strings.indent( "\n".join(c.graph_string for c in self.dependencies) ), ) else: ret_str = return ret_str @property def name(self): return self.mod.__name__ def reload(self): """Reload this module from file.""" try: if self._native_mod is None: self._native_mod = sys.modules[self.mod.__name__] self._native_mod = importlib.reload(self._native_mod) except (KeyError, ModuleNotFoundError): # ignore dynamic import module pass def update_suites(self, suite_instances): """ Update suite objects to new classes. :param suite_instances: Mapping of module and class name to test suite instances. :type suite_instances: ``Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Any]]`` """ for suite_cls in self._iter_suites(): for suite_obj in suite_instances[].get( suite_cls.__name__, [] ): suite_obj.__class__ = suite_cls suite.set_testsuite_testcases(suite_obj) def _iter_suites(self): """Generate classes of test suites defined in this module.""" for key in self.mod.globalnames.keys(): attr = getattr(self._native_mod, key, None) if attr and _is_testsuite(attr): yield attr def _has_file(mod): """ :param mod: Module object. Can be any of the multiple types used to represent a module, we just check for a __file__ attribute. :type mod: ``Any`` :return: If given module has a not None __file__ attribute. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return hasattr(mod, "__file__") and mod.__file__ is not None def _has_package(mod): """ :param mod: Module object. Can be any of the multiple types used to represent a module, we just check for a __package__ attribute. :type mod: ``Any`` :return: If given module has a valid __package__ attribute. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return hasattr(mod, "__package__") and mod.__package__ != "" def _module_filepath(mod): """ :param mod: Module object - either a module itself of its modulefinder proxy. :type mod: ``Union[module, modulefinder.module]`` :return: the normalised filepath to a module, or None if it has no __file__ attribute. :rtype: ``Optional[str]`` """ if not _has_file(mod): return None ret_path = path_utils.fix_home_prefix(os.path.abspath(mod.__file__)) if ret_path.endswith("c"): return ret_path[:-1] return ret_path def _is_testsuite(attr): """ :return: If given attribute is a testsuite class. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return inspect.isclass(attr) and hasattr(attr, "__testcases__")