Source code for testplan.testing.bdd.step_registry

import os
import threading
from collections import deque
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
from typing import Deque

from testplan.testing.bdd.parsers import RegExParser, Parser

class _StepImporterPathContext:
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

[docs]def import_step_base(path): return _StepImporterPathContext(path)
[docs]class StepRegistry: local = threading.local() count = 0 def __init__(self): self.func_map = {} self.default_parser = RegExParser self._actual_parser = None self.prefix = "sputnik_step_registry_import_prefix_{}".format( self.count ) self.__class__.count += 1 @property def actual_parser(self): return self._actual_parser @actual_parser.setter def actual_parser(self, parser_class): if issubclass(parser_class, Parser): self._actual_parser = parser_class else: raise TypeError("actual_parser need to be a subcalss of Parser")
[docs] def register(self, sentence_or_parser, func): if isinstance(sentence_or_parser, str): parser_class = self.default_parser if self._actual_parser: parser_class = self._actual_parser parser = parser_class(sentence_or_parser) elif isinstance(sentence_or_parser, Parser): parser = sentence_or_parser self.func_map[parser] = func
[docs] def get(self, sentence): for parser, func in self.func_map.items(): match = parser.match(sentence) if match: return parser.bind(func, match) return None
[docs] def load_steps(self, definition_file, step_parser_class): self.local.target_registry = self path, filename = os.path.split(definition_file) basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) # replace '.' to '_' as the file called feature.steps so python do not think it is a module # also prefix it with the unique prefix of this registry, so different registries will load to # different modules modulename = "{}_{}".format(self.prefix, basename.replace(".", "_")) self.actual_parser = step_parser_class with import_step_base(path): spec = spec_from_file_location(modulename, definition_file) if spec: module = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module)
[docs] @classmethod def get_target_registry(cls) -> "StepRegistry": return cls.local.target_registry
[docs] @classmethod def get_load_steps_path_stack(cls) -> Deque[str]: cls.local.path_stack = ( cls.local.path_stack if hasattr(cls.local, "path_stack") else deque() ) return cls.local.path_stack
[docs] @classmethod def import_step_base(cls) -> str: return cls.get_load_steps_path_stack()[-1]
[docs]def import_steps(relative_path): registry = StepRegistry.get_target_registry() assert registry parser = registry.actual_parser registry.load_steps( os.path.join(registry.import_step_base(), relative_path), parser ) registry.actual_parser = parser
[docs]def set_actual_parser(parser): StepRegistry.get_target_registry().actual_parser = parser
[docs]def step(sentence_or_parser): """ Step Decorator :param sentence: The regexp it matches :return: """ def factory(func): StepRegistry.get_target_registry().register(sentence_or_parser, func) return func return factory
Given = step When = step Then = step And = step But = step # This is for backward compatibility for step definitions used to use # the singleton 'THE_STEP_REGISTRY' now it proxy to the right registry class __StepRegistryCompatProxy: def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(StepRegistry.get_target_registry(), item) THE_STEP_REGISTRY = __StepRegistryCompatProxy()