Source code for testplan.testing.cpp.gtest

from schema import Or

from testplan.common.config import ConfigOption

from ..base import ProcessRunnerTest, ProcessRunnerTestConfig
from ...importers.gtest import GTestResultImporter

[docs]class GTestConfig(ProcessRunnerTestConfig): """ Configuration object for :py:class:`~testplan.testing.cpp.gtest.GTest`. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_options(cls): # `gtest_output` is implicitly overridden to generate xml output # on the test instance's runpath. # `gtest_color` is not supported as we produce Testplan style output via # parsed test results. # `gtest_catch_exceptions` and `gtest_break_on_failure` are not # supported as running GTest with a debugger # is not possible within Testplan. return { ConfigOption("gtest_filter", default=""): str, ConfigOption("gtest_also_run_disabled_tests", default=False): bool, # Originally Google Test allows negative values, causing test to # be repeated indefinitely, which would always cause a timeout # error within Testplan context, so we # only allow non-negative values. ConfigOption("gtest_repeat", default=1): int, ConfigOption("gtest_shuffle", default=False): bool, ConfigOption("gtest_random_seed", default=0): int, ConfigOption("gtest_stream_result_to", default=""): str, ConfigOption("gtest_death_test_style", default="fast"): Or( "fast", "threadsafe" ), }
[docs]class GTest(ProcessRunnerTest): """ Subprocess test runner for Google Test: For original docs please see: Most of the configuration options of GTest are just simple wrappers for native arguments. :param name: Test instance name, often used as uid of test entity. :type name: ``str`` :param binary: Path to the application binary or script. :type binary: ``str`` :param description: Description of test instance. :type description: ``str`` :param gtest_filter: Native test filter pattern that will be used by GTest internally. :type gtest_filter: ``str`` :param gtest_also_run_disabled_tests: Will run disabled tests as well when set to ``True``. :type gtest_also_run_disabled_tests: ``bool`` :param gtest_repeat: Repeats the GTest multiple times. Only allows nonzero values, otherwise Testplan would stop the test execution due to timeout. :type gtest_repeat: ``int`` :param gtest_shuffle: Will run the tests in random order when set to ``True``. :type gtest_shuffle: ``bool`` :param gtest_random_seed: Integer that can be used for the shuffling operation. :type gtest_random_seed: ``int`` :param gtest_stream_result_to: Flag for specifying host name and port number on which to stream test results. :type gtest_stream_result_to: ``str`` :param gtest_death_test_style: Test style flag, can either be ``threadsafe`` or ``fast``. (Default value is ``fast``) :type gtest_death_test_style: ``str`` Also inherits all :py:class:`~testplan.testing.base.ProcessRunnerTest` options. """ CONFIG = GTestConfig def __init__( self, name, binary, description=None, gtest_filter="", gtest_also_run_disabled_tests=False, gtest_repeat=1, gtest_shuffle=False, gtest_random_seed=0, gtest_stream_result_to="", gtest_death_test_style="fast", **options ): options.update(self.filter_locals(locals())) super(GTest, self).__init__(**options)
[docs] def base_command(self): cmd = [self.resolved_bin] if self.cfg.gtest_filter: cmd.append("--gtest_filter={}".format(self.cfg.gtest_filter)) return cmd
def _test_command(self): cmd = self.base_command() + [ "--gtest_output=xml:{}".format(self.report_path), "--gtest_death_test_style={}".format( self.cfg.gtest_death_test_style ), ] if self.cfg.gtest_also_run_disabled_tests: cmd.append("--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests") if self.cfg.gtest_repeat > 1: cmd.append("--gtest_repeat={}".format(self.cfg.gtest_repeat)) # TODO: Add integration with ShuffleSorter if self.cfg.gtest_shuffle: cmd.append("--gtest_shuffle") if self.cfg.gtest_random_seed: cmd.append( "--gtest_random_seed={}".format(self.cfg.gtest_random_seed) ) if self.cfg.gtest_stream_result_to: cmd.append( "--gtest_stream_result_to={}".format( self.cfg.gtest_stream_result_to ) ) return cmd def _list_command(self): return self.base_command() + ["--gtest_list_tests"]
[docs] def read_test_data(self): importer = GTestResultImporter(self.report_path) return importer.import_result()
[docs] def process_test_data(self, test_data): return test_data.results()
[docs] def parse_test_context(self, test_list_output): """Parse GTest test listing from stdout""" # Sample Test Declaration: # # TEST(SquareRootTest, PositiveNos) { # ... # } # # TEST(SquareRootTest, NegativeNos) { # ... # } # # TEST(SquareRootTestNonFatal, PositiveNos) { # ... # } # # TEST(SquareRootTestNonFatal, NegativeNos) { # ... # } # # Sample command line output: # # SquareRootTest. # PositiveNos # NegativeNos # SquareRootTestNonFatal. # PositiveNos # NegativeNos # # # Sample Result: # # [ # ['SquareRootTest', ['PositiveNos', 'NegativeNos']], # ['SquareRootTestNonFatal', ['PositiveNos', 'NegativeNos']], # ] result = [] for line in test_list_output.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.endswith(".") and len(line.lstrip()) > 1: result.append([line.lstrip()[:-1], []]) elif result and (line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("\t")): result[-1][1].append(line.lstrip()) return result
[docs] def update_test_report(self): """ Attach XML report contents to the report, which can be used by XML exporters, but will be discarded by serializers. """ super(GTest, self).update_test_report() try: with open(self.report_path) as report_xml: = except Exception: = ""
[docs] def test_command_filter(self, testsuite_pattern, testcase_pattern): """ Return the base test command with additional filtering to run a specific set of testcases. """ cmd = self.test_command() if testsuite_pattern == self._VERIFICATION_SUITE_NAME: testsuite_pattern = "*" if testcase_pattern == self._VERIFICATION_TESTCASE_NAME: testcase_pattern = "*" if testsuite_pattern != "*" or testcase_pattern != "*": cmd.append( "--gtest_filter={}.{}".format( testsuite_pattern, testcase_pattern ) ) return cmd
[docs] def list_command_filter(self, testsuite_pattern, testcase_pattern): """ Return the base list command with additional filtering to list a specific set of testcases. """ cmd = self.list_command() if testsuite_pattern == self._VERIFICATION_SUITE_NAME: testsuite_pattern = "*" if testcase_pattern == self._VERIFICATION_TESTCASE_NAME: testcase_pattern = "*" if testsuite_pattern != "*" or testcase_pattern != "*": cmd.append( "--gtest_filter={}.{}".format( testsuite_pattern, testcase_pattern ) ) return cmd