Source code for testplan.testing.cpp.hobbestest

import json
import os

from schema import Or

from testplan.common.config import ConfigOption
from import (
from testplan.testing.multitest.entries.assertions import RawAssertion
from testplan.testing.multitest.entries.schemas.base import registry

from ..base import ProcessRunnerTest, ProcessRunnerTestConfig

[docs]class HobbesTestConfig(ProcessRunnerTestConfig): """ Configuration object for :py:class:`~testplan.testing.cpp.HobbesTest`. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_options(cls): return { ConfigOption("tests", default=None): Or(None, list), ConfigOption("json", default="report.json"): str, ConfigOption("other_args", default=[]): list, }
[docs]class HobbesTest(ProcessRunnerTest): """ Subprocess test runner for Hobbes Test: :param name: Test instance name, often used as uid of test entity. :type name: ``str`` :param binary: Path the to application binary or script. :type binary: ``str`` :param description: Description of test instance. :type description: ``str`` :param tests: Run one or more specified test(s). :type tests: ``list`` :param json: Generate test report in JSON with the specified name. The report will be placed under rundir unless user specifies an absolute path. The content of the report will be parsed to generate testplan report. :type json: ``str`` :param other_args: Any other arguments to be passed to the test binary. :type other_args: ``list`` Also inherits all :py:class:`~testplan.testing.base.ProcessTest` options. """ CONFIG = HobbesTestConfig def __init__( self, name, binary, description=None, tests=None, json="report.json", other_args=None, **options ): options.update(self.filter_locals(locals())) options["binary"] = os.path.abspath(options["binary"]) # Change working directory to where the test binary is, # as it might look under current directory for other binaries. options["proc_cwd"] = os.path.dirname(options["binary"]) super(HobbesTest, self).__init__(**options) def _test_command(self): cmd = [self.cfg.binary] + ["--json", self.report_path] if self.cfg.tests: cmd.append("--tests") cmd += self.cfg.tests cmd += self.cfg.other_args return cmd def _list_command(self): cmd = [self.cfg.binary, "--list"] return cmd
[docs] def read_test_data(self): """ Parse JSON report generated by Hobbes test and return the Json object. :return: Json object of parsed raw test data :rtype: ``dict`` ot ``list`` """ with open(self.report_path) as report_file: return json.load(report_file)
[docs] def process_test_data(self, test_data): """ JSON output contains entries for skipped testcases as well, which are not included in the report. """ result = [] for suite in test_data: suite_report = TestGroupReport( name=suite["name"], category=ReportCategories.TESTSUITE, uid=suite["name"], ) suite_has_run = False for testcase in suite["data"]: if testcase["status"] != "skipped": suite_has_run = True testcase_report = TestCaseReport( name=testcase["name"], uid=testcase["name"], suite_related=True, ) assertion_obj = RawAssertion( passed=testcase["status"] == "pass", content=testcase["error"] or testcase["duration"], description=testcase["name"], ) testcase_report.append(registry.serialize(assertion_obj)) testcase_report.runtime_status = RuntimeStatus.FINISHED suite_report.append(testcase_report) if suite_has_run: result.append(suite_report) return result
@property def report_path(self): if os.path.isabs(self.cfg.json): return self.cfg.json return os.path.join(self.runpath, self.cfg.json)
[docs] def parse_test_context(self, test_list_output): """ Parse test binary --list_tests output. This is used when we run with --list/--info option. """ # Sample command line output: # # MyHobbesTest # Arrays # Compiler # Definitions # # # Sample Result: # # [ # ['Arrays', []], # ['Compiler', []] # ['Definitions', []] # ] result = [[line.strip(), []] for line in test_list_output.splitlines()] return result
[docs] def test_command_filter(self, testsuite_pattern="*", testcase_pattern="*"): """ Return the base test command with additional filtering to run a specific set of testcases. """ cmd = self.test_command() # TODO: although Hobbes-test can select tests to run by "--tests" # command line option, but can not select them during listing. # May need to implement this feature if needed, now we just run # the test as a whole, even only one suite is requested run. # if testsuite_pattern not in ("*", self._VERIFICATION_SUITE_NAME): # cmd.extend(["--tests", testsuite_pattern]) # At the beginning no testcase exists in test suite if testcase_pattern not in ("*", self._VERIFICATION_TESTCASE_NAME): self.logger.user_info( 'Should run testcases in pattern "%s", but cannot run' " individual testcases thus will run the whole test suite", testcase_pattern, ) return cmd
[docs] def list_command_filter(self, testsuite_pattern, testcase_pattern): """ Return the base list command with additional filtering to list a specific set of testcases. """ return None # Hobbes-test does not support listing by filter