Source code for testplan.testing.multitest.entries.base

Base classes go here.
import os
import re
import datetime
import operator
import pprint
import shutil
import hashlib
import pathlib

from testplan.common.utils.convert import nested_groups
from testplan.common.utils.timing import utcnow
from testplan.common.utils.table import TableEntry
from testplan.common.utils.reporting import fmt
from testplan.common.utils.convert import flatten_formatted_object
from testplan.common.utils.path import hash_file, traverse_dir, makedirs
from testplan import defaults

__all__ = ["BaseEntry", "Group", "Summary", "Log"]

# Will be used for default conversion like: NotEqual -> Not Equal
ENTRY_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"([A-Z])")


def readable_name(class_name):
    """NotEqual -> Not Equal"""
    return ENTRY_NAME_PATTERN.sub(" \\1", class_name).strip()

[docs]class BaseEntry: """Base class for all entries, stores common context like time etc.""" meta_type = "entry" def __init__(self, description, category=None, flag=None): self.utc_time = utcnow() self.machine_time = self.description = description self.category = category or DEFAULT_CATEGORY self.flag = flag or DEFAULT_FLAG # Will be set explicitly via containers self.line_no = None self.file_path = None def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __bool__(self): return True @property def name(self): """MyClass -> My Class""" return readable_name(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def serialize(self): """Shortcut method for serialization via schemas""" from .schemas.base import registry return registry.serialize(self)
[docs]class Group: # we treat Groups as assertions so we can render them with pass/fail context meta_type = "assertion" def __init__(self, entries, description=None): self.utc_time = utcnow() self.description = description self.entries = entries def __bool__(self): return self.passed def __repr__(self): return "{}(entries={}, description='{}')".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.entries, self.description ) @property def passed(self): """ Empty groups are truthy AKA does not contain anything that is failing. """ return (not self.entries) or all([bool(e) for e in self.entries])
[docs]class Summary(Group): """ A meta assertion that stores a subset of given entries. Groups assertion data into a nested structure by category, assertion type and pass/fail status. If any of the entries is a Group, then its entries are expanded and the Group object is discarded. """ def __init__( self, entries, description=None, num_passing=defaults.SUMMARY_NUM_PASSING, num_failing=defaults.SUMMARY_NUM_FAILING, key_combs_limit=defaults.SUMMARY_KEY_COMB_LIMIT, ): self.num_passing = num_passing self.num_failing = num_failing self.key_combs_limit = key_combs_limit super(Summary, self).__init__( entries=self._summarize( entries, num_passing=num_passing, num_failing=num_failing, key_combs_limit=key_combs_limit, ), description=description, ) def _flatten(self, entries): """ Recursively traverse entries and expand entries of groups. """ def _flatten(items): result = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, Group) and not isinstance(item, Summary): result.extend(_flatten(item.entries)) else: result.append(item) return result return _flatten(entries) def _summarize(self, entries, num_passing, num_failing, key_combs_limit): # Circular imports from .assertions import Assertion from .summarization import registry # Get rid of Groups (but leave summaries) entries = self._flatten(entries) summaries = [e for e in entries if isinstance(e, Summary)] # Create nested data of depth 3 # Group by category, class name and pass/fail status groups = nested_groups( iterable=(e for e in entries if isinstance(e, Assertion)), key_funcs=[ operator.attrgetter("category"), lambda obj: obj.__class__.__name__, operator.truth, ], ) result = [] limits = dict( num_passing=num_passing, num_failing=num_failing, key_combs_limit=key_combs_limit, ) for category, category_grouping in groups: cat_group = Group( entries=[], description="Category: {}".format(category) ) for class_name, assertion_grouping in category_grouping: asr_group = Group( entries=[], description="Assertion type: {}".format( readable_name(class_name) ), ) for pass_status, assertion_entries in assertion_grouping: # Apply custom grouping, otherwise just trim the # list of entries via default summarization func. summarizer = registry[class_name] summary_group = summarizer( category=category, class_name=class_name, passed=pass_status, entries=assertion_entries, limits=limits, ) if len(summary_group.entries): asr_group.entries.append(summary_group) cat_group.entries.append(asr_group) result.append(cat_group) return summaries + result
[docs]class Log(BaseEntry): """Log a str to the report.""" def __init__(self, message, description=None, flag=None): if isinstance(message, str): self.message = message elif isinstance(message, bytes): self.message = message.decode() else: self.message = pprint.pformat(message) if not description: description = next((l for l in self.message.split("\n") if l), "") if len(description) > 80: description = description[0:80] + "..." super(Log, self).__init__(description=description, flag=flag)
class TableLog(BaseEntry): """Log a table to the report.""" def __init__(self, table, display_index=False, description=None): as_list = TableEntry(table).as_list_of_list() self.columns, self.table = as_list[0], as_list[1:] self.indices = range(len(self.table)) self.display_index = display_index super(TableLog, self).__init__(description=description) class DictLog(BaseEntry): """Log a dict object to the report.""" def __init__(self, dictionary, description=None): formatted_obj = fmt(dictionary) if len(formatted_obj) != 2 or formatted_obj[0] != 2: raise TypeError("Require a formatted object of mapping type") self.flattened_dict = flatten_formatted_object(formatted_obj) super(DictLog, self).__init__(description=description) class FixLog(DictLog): """Log a fix message to the report.""" def __init__(self, msg, description=None): if not msg or not isinstance(msg, dict): raise TypeError("Invalid format of fix message") super(FixLog, self).__init__(msg, description=description) class Graph(BaseEntry): """Create a graph for the report.""" def __init__( self, graph_type, graph_data, description=None, series_options=None, graph_options=None, ): """ NOTE: When adding functionality to Graph, VALID_GRAPH_TYPES, VALID_CHART_TYPES, VALID_GRAPH_OPTIONS and VALID_SERIES_OPTIONS must be kept updated """ self.VALID_GRAPH_TYPES = [ "Line", "Scatter", "Bar", "Whisker", "Contour", "Hexbin", ] self.VALID_CHART_TYPES = ["Pie"] self.VALID_GRAPH_OPTIONS = ["xAxisTitle", "yAxisTitle", "legend"] self.VALID_SERIES_OPTIONS = ["colour"] self.graph_type = graph_type self.graph_data = graph_data if series_options is not None: self.assert_valid_series_options(series_options, graph_data) self.series_options = series_options if graph_options is not None: self.assert_valid_graph_options(graph_options) self.graph_options = graph_options self.type = "Graph" if graph_type in self.VALID_CHART_TYPES: self.discrete_chart = True elif graph_type in self.VALID_GRAPH_TYPES: self.discrete_chart = False else: raise ValueError( "Graph of type {!r} cannot " "be rendered".format(graph_type) ) super(Graph, self).__init__(description=description) def assert_valid_graph_options(self, graph_options): for option in graph_options: if option not in self.VALID_GRAPH_OPTIONS: raise ValueError( "Graph option {!r} " "is not valid".format(option) ) def assert_valid_series_options(self, series_options, graph_data): for series_name in series_options: if series_name not in graph_data: raise ValueError( "Series {!r} cannot be found in " "graph data, cannot " "apply series options".format(series_name) ) for series_option in series_options[series_name]: if series_option not in self.VALID_SERIES_OPTIONS: raise ValueError( "Series Option: {!r} is not " "valid (found in series " "{!r})".format(series_option, series_name) ) class Attachment(BaseEntry): """Entry representing a file attached to the report.""" def __init__( self, filepath, description=None, dst_path=None, scratch_path=None ): self.source_path = filepath self.orig_filename = os.path.basename(filepath) self.filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath) if dst_path is None: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(self.orig_filename) hash = hash_file(self.source_path) # To avoid file name collision self.dst_path = f"{basename}-{hash}-{self.filesize}{ext}" else: self.dst_path = dst_path if scratch_path: # will best effort make a copy of the file try: copy_of_file = os.path.join(scratch_path, self.dst_path) shutil.copyfile(filepath, copy_of_file) except Exception: pass else: self.source_path = copy_of_file super(Attachment, self).__init__(description=description) class MatPlot(Attachment): """Display a MatPlotLib graph in the report.""" def __init__( self, pyplot, image_file_path, width, height, description=None ): if width: pyplot.gcf().set_figwidth(float(width)) if height: pyplot.gcf().set_figheight(float(height)) pyplot.savefig( image_file_path, dpi=96, pad_inches=0, transparent=False ) pyplot.close() super(MatPlot, self).__init__( filepath=image_file_path, description=description ) class Plotly(Attachment): def __init__(self, fig, data_file_path, style=None, description=None): fig_json = pathlib.Path(data_file_path).resolve().parent.mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True ) with open(data_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(fig_json) super(Plotly, self).__init__( filepath=data_file_path, description=description ) = style class Directory(BaseEntry): """ Entry representing a bunch of files under a directory which will be attached to the report. """ def __init__( self, dirpath, description=None, ignore=None, only=None, recursive=False, dst_path=None, scratch_path=None, ): self.source_path = dirpath self.ignore = ignore self.only = only self.recursive = recursive self.dst_path = ( dst_path or hashlib.md5(self.source_path.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ) self.file_list = traverse_dir( self.source_path, topdown=True, ignore=ignore, only=only, recursive=recursive, include_subdir=False, ) if scratch_path: # will best effort make a copy of the file for fpath in self.file_list: src_path = os.path.join(self.source_path, fpath) dst_path = os.path.join(scratch_path, self.dst_path, fpath) makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_path)) try: shutil.copyfile(src_path, dst_path) except Exception: break else: self.source_path = os.path.join(scratch_path, self.dst_path) super(Directory, self).__init__(description=description) class CodeLog(BaseEntry): """Save source code to the report.""" def __init__(self, code, language="python", description=None): if isinstance(code, str): self.code = code elif isinstance(code, bytes): self.code = code.decode() else: raise TypeError("Code must be a string") self.language = language super(CodeLog, self).__init__(description=description) class Markdown(BaseEntry): """Save markdown to the report.""" def __init__(self, message, description=None, escape=True): if isinstance(message, str): self.message = message elif isinstance(message, bytes): self.message = message.decode() else: raise ValueError("Message must be a string") self.escape = escape super(Markdown, self).__init__(description=description)