Source code for testplan.testing.multitest.parametrization

Parametrization support for test cases.
import collections
import itertools
import re
import warnings

from testplan.common.utils import callable as callable_utils
from testplan.common.utils import convert, interface
from testplan.testing import tagging

# Although any string will be processed as normal, it's a good
# approach to warn the user if the generated method name is not a
# valid python variable name.

# Cannot start with digit, can only contain alphanumerical & underscore
PYTHON_VARIABLE_PATTERN = r"^(?![\d])\w+$"

# Python attribute names can be of unlimited length but we set a limit here

[docs]class ParametrizationError(ValueError): pass
def _check_dict_keys(dictionary, args, required_args): dict_keys = set(dictionary.keys()) missing = set(required_args) - dict_keys extra = dict_keys - set(args) if missing: msg = ( "The parameter dict keys should at least match the required " "argument names, but there were missing keys for the following " 'arguments: "{}"'.format(",".join(missing)) ) raise ParametrizationError(msg) if extra: msg = ( "There are extra keys ({extra_keys}) on parameter dict that does " 'not match any of the testcase arguments: "{arguments}"'.format( extra_keys=", ".join(extra), arguments=", ".join(args) ) ) raise ParametrizationError(msg) return dictionary def _product_of_param_dict(param_dict, args): """ Generate a ``list`` of ``OrderedDict`` using the cartesian product of the values in ``param_dict``. >>> _product_of_param_dict( ... param_dict={ ... 'bar': [1, 2], ... 'baz': [True, False], ... 'foo': ['alpha', 'beta'], ... }, ... args=('foo', 'bar', 'baz') ... ) [ OrderedDict([('foo', 'alpha'), ('bar', 1), ('baz', True)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'alpha'), ('bar', 1), ('baz', False)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'alpha'), ('bar', 2), ('baz', True)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'alpha'), ('bar', 2), ('baz', False)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'beta'), ('bar', 1), ('baz', True)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'beta'), ('bar', 1), ('baz', False)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'beta'), ('bar', 2), ('baz', True)]), OrderedDict([('foo', 'beta'), ('bar', 2), ('baz', False)]) ] """ for val in param_dict.values(): if not isinstance(val, or isinstance( val, dict ): msg = ( "Dictionary values must be tuple or list of items, {value} " "is of type: {type}" ).format(value=val, type=type(val)) raise ParametrizationError(msg) keys, values = args, [param_dict[arg] for arg in args] product = list(itertools.product(*values)) return [collections.OrderedDict(zip(keys, vals)) for vals in product] def _dict_from_arg_tuple(tup, args, required_args, default_args): """ Generate a ``list`` of ``OrderedDict`` using the positional values in the ``tup``, mapped as keyword arguments via ``args``. >>> _dict_from_arg_tuple( ... tup=(1, 2,), ... args=('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), ... required_args=('foo',), ... default_args={'bar': 10, 'baz': 20} ... ) OrderedDict([('foo', 1), ('bar', 2), ('baz', 20)]) """ if len(tup) < len(required_args): msg = ( 'Tuple "{arg_tuple}" is missing values ' 'for required arguments: "{required}"' ) raise ParametrizationError( msg.format(arg_tuple=tup, required=required_args[len(tup) :]) ) elif len(tup) > len(args): msg = ( 'Too many values to unpack: Arg tuple: "{arg_tuple}", ' 'function arguments: "{arguments}"' ) raise ParametrizationError(msg.format(arg_tuple=tup, arguments=args)) ordered_dict = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(args) kwargs = dict(default_args, **dict(zip(args, tup))) ordered_dict.update(kwargs) return ordered_dict def _generate_kwarg_list(parameters, args, required_args, default_args): """ Given the 'raw' parameter context, generate the ``list`` of ``kwargs`` that will be used for method generation. Always returns a list of ``OrderedDict``s regardless of the input type(s). """ # Combinatorial parametrization if isinstance(parameters, dict): _check_dict_keys(parameters, args, required_args) default_args = {k: [v] for k, v in default_args.items()} parameters = dict(default_args, **parameters) return _product_of_param_dict(parameters, args) # Normal parametrization elif isinstance(parameters, dicts = [] for obj in parameters: if not isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, dict)): if len(required_args) > 1: raise ParametrizationError( "You can use shortcut notation if and only if the" " testcase has 1 required argument, however" " it has {}".format(len(required_args)) ) obj = convert.make_tuple(obj, convert_none=True) if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): dicts.append( _dict_from_arg_tuple( obj, args, required_args, default_args ) ) elif isinstance(obj, dict): ordered_dict = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(args) ordered_dict.update(dict(default_args, **obj)) dicts.append( _check_dict_keys(ordered_dict, args, required_args) ) return dicts msg = ( '"parameters" should either be a dictionary of iterables with keys ' "matching method arg names or a list of tuples/lists/dicts that have " "corresponding positional/keyword argument values or a list " "of non-tuple, non-dict single arguments (shortcut notation)." ' Invalid type: {} for "{}"' ) raise ParametrizationError(msg.format(type(parameters), parameters)) def _generate_func( function, name, name_func, idx, tag_func, docstring_func, tag_dict, kwargs ): """ Generates a new function using the original function, name generation function and parametrized kwargs. Also attaches parametrized and explicit tags and apply custom wrappers. """ def _generated(self, env, result): return function(self, env, result, **kwargs) # If we were given a docstring function, we use it to generate the # docstring for each testcase. Otherwise we just copy the docstring from # the template method. if docstring_func: _generated.__doc__ = docstring_func(function.__doc__, kwargs) else: _generated.__doc__ = function.__doc__ _generated.__name__ = _parametrization_name_func_wrapper( func_name=function.__name__, kwargs=kwargs ) # Users request the feature that when `name_func` set to `None`, # then simply append integer suffixes to the names of testcases = ( name_func(name, kwargs) if name_func is not None else f"{name} {idx}" ) if hasattr(function, "__xfail__"): _generated.__xfail__ = function.__xfail__ # Tags generated via `tag_func` will be assigned as native tags _generated.__tags__ = ( tagging.validate_tag_value(tag_func(kwargs)) if tag_func else {} ) # Tags index will be merged tag ctx of tag_dict & generated tags _generated.__tags_index__ = tagging.merge_tag_dicts( _generated.__tags__, tag_dict ) _generated._parametrization_template = function.__name__ _generated._parametrization_kwargs = kwargs return _generated def _check_name_func(name_func): """ Make sure ``name_func`` is ``None`` or a callable that takes ``func_name``, ``kwargs`` arguments. """ if name_func is None: return if not callable(name_func): raise ParametrizationError("name_func must be a callable or `None`") try: interface.check_signature(name_func, ["func_name", "kwargs"]) except interface.MethodSignatureMismatch: raise ParametrizationError( '"name_func" must be a callable that takes 2 arguments' ' named "func_name" and "kwargs"' " (e.g. def custom_name_func(func_name, kwargs): ..." ) def _check_tag_func(tag_func): """Make sure ``tag_func`` is a callable that takes ``kwargs`` arguments""" if tag_func is None: return if not callable(tag_func): raise ParametrizationError("tag_func must be a callable or `None`") try: interface.check_signature(tag_func, ["kwargs"]) except interface.MethodSignatureMismatch: raise ParametrizationError( 'tag_func must be a callable that takes 1 argument named "kwargs"' " (e.g. def custom_tag_func(kwargs): ..." ) def _parametrization_name_func_wrapper(func_name, kwargs): """ Make sure that name generation doesn't end up with invalid / unreadable attribute names/types etc. If somehow a 'bad' function name is generated, will just return the original ``func_name`` instead (which will later on be suffixed with an integer by :py:func:`_ensure_unique_generated_testcase_names`) """ generated_name = parametrization_name_func(func_name, kwargs) if not PYTHON_VARIABLE_REGEX.match(generated_name): # Generated method name is not a valid Python attribute name. # Index suffixed names, e.g. "{func_name}__1", "{func_name}__2", will be used. return func_name if len(generated_name) > MAX_METHOD_NAME_LENGTH: # Generated method name is a bit too long. # Index suffixed names, e.g. "{func_name}__1", "{func_name}__2", will be used. return func_name return generated_name
[docs]def parametrization_name_func(func_name, kwargs): """ Method name generator for parametrized testcases. >>> import collections >>> parametrization_name_func('test_method', collections.OrderedDict(('foo', 5), ('bar', 10))) 'test_method__foo_5__bar_10' :param func_name: Name of the parametrization target function. :type func_name: ``str`` :param kwargs: The order of keys will be the same as the order of arguments in the original function. :type kwargs: ``collections.OrderedDict`` :return: New testcase method name. :rtype: ``str`` """ arg_strings = ["{arg}_{{{arg}}}".format(arg=arg) for arg in kwargs] template = "{func_name}__" + "__".join(arg_strings) return template.format(func_name=func_name, **kwargs)
[docs]def default_name_func(func_name, kwargs): """ Readable testcase name generator for parametrized testcases. >>> import collections >>> default_name_func('Test Method', collections.OrderedDict(('foo', 5), ('bar', 10))) 'Test Method {foo:5, bar:10}' :param func_name: Name of the parametrization target function. :type func_name: ``str`` :param kwargs: The order of keys will be the same as the order of arguments in the original function. :type kwargs: ``collections.OrderedDict`` :return: New readable name testcase method. :rtype: ``str`` """ arg_strings = ["{arg}={{{arg}}}".format(arg=arg) for arg in kwargs] template = "{func_name} <" + ", ".join(arg_strings) + ">" return template.format( func_name=func_name, **{k: repr(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} )
[docs]def generate_functions( function, parameters, name, name_func, tag_dict, tag_func, docstring_func, summarize, num_passing, num_failing, key_combs_limit, execution_group, timeout, ): """ Generate test cases using the given parameter context, use the name_func to generate the name. If parameters is of type ``tuple`` / ``list`` then a new testcase method will be created for each item. If parameters is of type ``dict`` (of ``tuple``/``list``), then a new method will be created for each item in the Cartesian product of all combinations of values. :param function: A testcase method, with extra arguments for parametrization. :type function: ``callable`` :param parameters: Parametrization context for the test case method. :type parameters: ``list`` or ``tuple`` of ``dict`` or ``tuple`` / ``list`` OR a ``dict`` of ``tuple`` / ``list``. :param name: Customized readable name for testcase. :type name: ``str`` :param name_func: Function for generating names of parametrized testcases, should accept ``func_name`` and ``kwargs`` as parameters. :type name_func: ``callable`` :param docstring_func: Function that will generate docstring, should accept ``docstring`` and ``kwargs`` as parameters. :type docstring_func: ``callable`` :param tag_func: Function that will be used for generating tags via parametrization kwargs. Should accept ``kwargs`` as parameter. :type tag_func: ``callable`` :param tag_dict: Tag annotations to be used for each generated testcase. :type tag_dict: ``dict`` of ``set`` :param summarize: Flag for enabling testcase level summarization of all assertions. :type summarize: ``bool`` :param num_passing: Max number of passing assertions for testcase level assertion summary. :type num_passing: ``int`` :param num_failing: Max number of failing assertions for testcase level assertion summary. :type num_failing: ``int`` :param key_combs_limit: Max number of failed key combinations on fix/dict summaries that contain assertion details. :type key_combs_limit: ``int`` :param execution_group: Name of execution group in which the testcases can be executed in parallel. :type execution_group: ``str`` or ``NoneType`` :param timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for testcase to be finished. :type timeout: ``int`` :return: List of functions that is testcase compliant (accepts ``self``, ``env``, ``result`` as arguments) and have unique names. :rtype: ``list`` """ if not parameters: raise ParametrizationError('"parameters" cannot be a empty.') _check_name_func(name_func) _check_tag_func(tag_func) argspec = callable_utils.getargspec(function) args = argspec.args[3:] # get rid of self, env, result defaults = argspec.defaults or [] required_args = args[: -len(defaults)] if defaults else args default_args = dict(zip(args[len(required_args) :], defaults)) kwarg_list = _generate_kwarg_list( parameters, args, required_args, default_args ) functions = [] for idx, kwargs in enumerate(kwarg_list): func = _generate_func( function=function, name=name, name_func=name_func, idx=idx, tag_func=tag_func, docstring_func=docstring_func, tag_dict=tag_dict, kwargs=kwargs, ) func.summarize = summarize func.summarize_num_passing = num_passing func.summarize_num_failing = num_failing func.summarize_key_combs_limit = key_combs_limit func.execution_group = execution_group func.timeout = timeout functions.append(func) return functions