Source code for testplan.testing.multitest.suite

"""Multitest testsuite/testcase module."""
import collections
import copy
import dataclasses
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import types
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Optional

from testplan import defaults
from testplan.common.utils import interface, strings
from testplan.testing import tagging

from . import parametrization
from .test_metadata import (

# Global variables
__TESTCASES__ = []

TESTCASE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE = "__testcase_metadata__"
TESTSUITE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE = "__testsuite_metadata__"

def _reset_globals():
    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global __TESTCASES__

    __TESTCASES__ = []

[docs]def update_tag_index(obj, tag_dict): """ Utility for updating ``__tags_index__`` attribute of an object. """ if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType): obj = obj.__func__ obj.__tags_index__ = tagging.merge_tag_dicts( tag_dict, getattr(obj, "__tags_index__", {}) )
[docs]def propagate_tag_indices(suite, tag_dict): """ Update tag indices of the suite instance / class and its children (e.g. testcases, parametrization templates). For multitest we support multiple levels of tagging: 1. Multitest (top) level 2. Suite level 3. Testcase / parametrization level When a test suite class is defined, the native tags of the suite is used for updating test indices of unbound testcase methods and vice versa. These test indices are shared among all instances of this suite. Later on when an instance of the suite class is initialized and added to a multitest, test indices of the suite object and its bound testcase methods are updated multitest object's native tags. This means different instances of the same suite class may end up having different tag indices if they are added to different multitests that have different native tags. E.g. when we have a suite & testcases with native tags like: .. code-block:: text MySuite -> {'color': 'red'} testcase_one -> no tags testcase_two -> {'color': 'blue', 'speed': 'fast'} parametrized_testcase -> {'color': 'yellow'} generated_testcase_1 -> no tags generated_testcase_2 -> no tags We will have the following tag indices: .. code-block:: text MySuite -> {'color': {'red', 'blue', 'yellow'}, 'speed': {'fast'}} testcase_one -> {'color': 'red'} testcase_two -> {'color': {'blue', 'red'}, 'speed': 'fast'} parametrized_testcase -> NO TAG INDEX generated_testcase_1 -> {'color': {'yellow', 'red'}} generated_testcase_2 -> {'color': {'yellow', 'red'}} Parametrization method templates do not have tag index attribute, as they are not run as tests and their tags are propagated to generated testcases (and eventually up to the suite index). """ update_tag_index(suite, tag_dict) for child in get_testcase_methods(suite): update_tag_index(child, tag_dict)
[docs]def get_testsuite_name(suite): """ Returns the name to be used for the given testsuite. This is made of either the class name or the result of `name` (can be a normal string or a function returning a string) if it exists. The first time this function is called the suite name will be saved for future use. :param suite: Suite object whose name is needed :type suite: ``testsuite`` :return: Name of given suite :rtype: ``str`` """ if "name" not in suite.__dict__: if is None: = suite.__class__.__name__ elif isinstance(, str): = elif callable( =, suite) else: # Should not go here, argument already verified in `_testsuite` raise RuntimeError('Invalid argument "name" in "{}"'.format(suite)) if not isinstance(, str): raise ValueError( 'Test suite name "{name}" must be a string, it is of type:' " {type}".format(, type=type( ) elif not raise ValueError("Test suite name cannot be an empty string") if len( > defaults.MAX_TEST_NAME_LENGTH: warnings.warn( 'Name defined for test suite "{}" is too long,' ' consider customizing test suite name with argument "name"' " in @testsuite decorator.".format(suite.__class__.__name__) ) if ":" in warnings.warn( "Test suite object contains colon in name: {}".format( ) import types suite.uid = types.MethodType(lambda self:, suite) return
[docs]def get_testsuite_desc(suite): """ Return the description of the testsuite. Remove trailing line returns if applicable, they look nasty in the reports (text and otherwise) """ desc = suite.__doc__ return strings.format_description(desc.rstrip()) if desc else None
[docs]def set_testsuite_testcases(suite): """ Build the list of testcases to run for the given testsuite. The name of each testcase should be unique. :param suite: Suite object whose testcases need to be set :type suite: ``testsuite`` :return: ``None`` :rtype: ``NoneType`` """ testcases = [] testcase_names = set() for testcase in suite.__class__.__testcases__: if not hasattr(suite, testcase): raise AttributeError( "{} does not have a testcase method named: {}".format( suite, testcase ) ) testcase_method = getattr(suite, testcase) if in testcase_names: raise ValueError( "Duplicate testcase name {} found, please check." ' Or use "name_func" argument to generate names for' " parametrized testcases.".format( ) skip_reason: Optional[str] = None for skip_func in testcase_method.__skip__: if skip_func(suite): skip_reason = ( f'File "{inspect.getsourcefile(skip_func)}",\n' f"line {inspect.getsourcelines(skip_func)[1]},\n" f"{skip_func.__qualname__} evaluated to true, " "skipping execution" ) break if skip_reason: # replace the original testcase with testcase holding result.skip setattr( suite, testcase, _gen_skipped_case(skip_reason, testcase_method), ) testcases.append(testcase) testcase_names.add( else: testcases.append(testcase) testcase_names.add( setattr(suite, "__testcases__", testcases)
def _gen_skipped_case(skip_reason, orig_case): """ Generate a new testcase with body replaced by "result.skip". """ def _f(_, result): result.skip(skip_reason) # since the original name has been already validated = _f.__name__ = orig_case.__name__ _f.__doc__ = orig_case.__doc__ _f.__tags__ = orig_case.__tags__ _f.__tags_index__ = orig_case.__tags_index__ _f.__should_skip__ = True setattr( _f, TESTCASE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE, getattr(orig_case, TESTCASE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE), ) # NOTE: interactive reloader will regenerate the skipped testcase # so it will need the __skip__ attribute. _f.__skip__ = orig_case.__skip__ _mark_function_as_testcase(_f) return _f
[docs]def get_testcase_desc(suite, testcase_name): """ Return the description of the testcase with the given name of the given testsuite. Remove trailing line returns if applicable, they look nasty in the reports (text and otherwise) """ desc = getattr(suite, testcase_name).__doc__ return strings.format_description(desc.rstrip()) if desc else ""
[docs]def get_testcase_methods(suite): """ Return the unbound method objects marked as a testcase from a testsuite class. """ return [ getattr(suite, testcase_name) for testcase_name in suite.__testcases__ if callable(getattr(suite, testcase_name)) ]
def _selective_call(decorator_func, meta_func, wrapper_func): """ This hacky higher order function gives us the flexibility of using the 'same' decorator with or without extra arguments. So both declarations will be valid: .. code-block:: python class Foo: @some_decorator def method_1(self): ... @some_decorator(arg_1='some-value') def method_2(self): ... Behind the scenes we actually call either the ``decorator_func`` or ``meta_func`` depending on the decorator declaration. The ``meta_func`` must also return a wrapper function that accepts a single argument and calls the original ``decorator_func`` with that arg. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Only allow 2 scenarios: 1- Single arg, no kwargs and arg is a callable -> @decorator 2- No args and some kwargs -> @decorator(foo='bar') Known issue: This will cause hilarious bugs if someone decides to do ``@decorator(some_callable)``, as at this point there is no way to figure out if the callable is the actual method that is being decorated or just an arbitrary callable. """ if (args and kwargs) or (args and len(args) > 1): raise ValueError( 'Only "@{func_name}" or "@{func_name}(**kwargs)" ' "calls are allowed.".format(func_name=wrapper_func.__name__) ) if args: if not callable(args[0]): raise ValueError( "args[0] must be callable, it was {}".format(type(args[0])) ) return decorator_func(args[0]) return meta_func(**kwargs) return wrapper def _number_of_testcases(): """ Number of testcases in a test suite. """ return len(__TESTCASES__) + len(__GENERATED_TESTCASES__) def _ensure_unique_generated_testcase_names(names, functions): """ If function generation ends up with functions with duplicate names, this last step will make sure that they are differentiated by number suffixes. """ name_counts = collections.Counter( itertools.chain(names, (func.__name__ for func in functions)) ) dupe_names = {k for k, v in name_counts.items() if v > 1} if len(dupe_names) == 0: return dupe_counter = collections.defaultdict(int) valid_names = set(names) for func in functions: name = func.__name__ if name in dupe_names or name in valid_names: while True: func.__name__ = "{}__{}".format(name, dupe_counter[name]) dupe_counter[name] += 1 if ( func.__name__ not in dupe_names and func.__name__ not in valid_names ): valid_names.add(func.__name__) break else: valid_names.add(func.__name__) # Functions should have different __name__ attributes after the step above name_counts = collections.Counter( itertools.chain(names, (func.__name__ for func in functions)) ) dupe_names = {k for k, v in name_counts.items() if v > 1} if len(dupe_names): raise RuntimeError( f"Internal error, duplicate case names found: {dupe_names}" ) def _testsuite(klass): """ Actual decorator that transforms a class into a suite and registers testcases. """ # nasty, but smallest possible evil that has to be perpetrated in order # to preserve the order of definition of the testcases and make sure # they get executed in the same order _ensure_unique_generated_testcase_names( __TESTCASES__ + __PARAMETRIZATION_TEMPLATE__, __GENERATED_TESTCASES__ ) klass.__testcases__ = [None] * _number_of_testcases() for testcase_name in __TESTCASES__: klass.__testcases__[ getattr(klass, testcase_name).__seq_number__ ] = testcase_name for func in __GENERATED_TESTCASES__: klass.__testcases__[func.__seq_number__] = func.__name__ setattr(klass, func.__name__, func) assert all(testcase for testcase in klass.__testcases__) # Attributes `name` and `__tags__` and `strict_order` are added only when # class is decorated by @testsuite(...) with following parentheses. if not hasattr(klass, "name"): = None if callable( try: interface.check_signature(, ["cls_name", "suite"]) except interface.MethodSignatureMismatch as err: _reset_globals() raise err elif not ( is None or isinstance(, str)): _reset_globals() raise TypeError('"name" should be a string or a callable or `None`') if not hasattr(klass, "__tags__"): klass.__tags__ = {} # used for UI klass.__tags_index__ = {} # used for actual filtering if not hasattr(klass, "strict_order"): klass.strict_order = False for func_name in __PARAMETRIZATION_TEMPLATE__: getattr(klass, func_name).strict_order = klass.strict_order klass.get_testcases = get_testcase_methods # propagate suite's native tags onto itself, which # will propagate them further to the suite's testcases propagate_tag_indices(klass, klass.__tags__) # Collect tag indices from testcase methods and update suite's tag index. update_tag_index( obj=klass, tag_dict=tagging.merge_tag_dicts( *[tc.__tags_index__ for tc in get_testcase_methods(klass)] ), ) # Suite resolved, clear global variables for resolving the next suite. _reset_globals() setattr( klass, TESTSUITE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE, TestSuiteStaticMetadata(LocationMetadata.from_object(klass)), ) return klass def _testsuite_meta(name=None, tags=None, strict_order=False): """ Wrapper function that allows us to call :py:func:`@testsuite <testsuite>` decorator with extra arguments. """ @functools.wraps(_testsuite) def wrapper(klass): """Meta logic for suite goes here.""" = name if tags: klass.__tags__ = tagging.validate_tag_value(tags) klass.__tags_index__ = copy.deepcopy(klass.__tags__) else: klass.__tags__ = {} klass.__tags_index__ = {} klass.strict_order = strict_order return _testsuite(klass) return wrapper
[docs]def testsuite(*args, **kwargs): """ Annotate a class as being a test suite. An :py:func:`@testsuite <testsuite>`-annotated class must have one or more :py:func:`@testcase <testcase>`-annotated methods. These methods will be executed in their order of definition. If a ``setup(self, env)`` and ``teardown(self, env)`` methods are present on the :py:func:`@testsuite <testsuite>`-annotated class, then they will be executed respectively before and after the :py:func:`@testcase <testcase>`-annotated methods have executed. :param name: Custom name to be used instead of class name for test suite in test report. A callable should has a signature like following: | name(cls_name: ``str``, suite: ``testsuite``) -> ``str`` Where test suite class name will be passed to ``cls_name`` and instance of test suite class will be passed to ``suite``. :type name: ``str`` or ``callable`` or ``NoneType`` :param tags: Allows filtering of tests with simple tags, or multi-simple tags, or named tags, or multi-named tags. :type tags: ``str`` or ``tuple(str)`` or ``dict( str: str)`` or ``dict( str: tuple(str))`` or ``NoneType`` :param strict_order: Force testcases to run sequentially as they were defined in test suite. :type strict_order: ``bool`` """ return _selective_call( decorator_func=_testsuite, meta_func=_testsuite_meta, wrapper_func=testsuite, )(*args, **kwargs)
def _validate_function_name(func): """Validate the function name is valid for a testcase.""" reserved_words = ( "name", "get_testcases", "setup", "teardown", "pre_testcase", "post_testcase", ) errmsg = None if ( func.__name__ in __TESTCASES__ or func.__name__ in __PARAMETRIZATION_TEMPLATE__ ): errmsg = 'Duplicate testcase definition "{}" found'.format( func.__name__ ) elif func.__name__.startswith("__") and func.__name__.endswith("__"): errmsg = 'Cannot define testcase "{}" as a dunder method'.format( func.__name__ ) elif func.__name__ in reserved_words: errmsg = ( "Testcase cannot be defined as any of the following" " because they are reserved by Testplan: {}." ).format(", ".join('"{}"'.format(word) for word in reserved_words)) if errmsg is not None: _reset_globals() try: src_file = inspect.getsourcefile(func) src_line = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[1] raise ValueError("{} ({}:{})".format(errmsg, src_file, src_line)) except IOError: raise ValueError(errmsg) def _validate_testcase(func): """Validate the expected function signature of a testcase.""" try: interface.check_signature(func, ["self", "env", "result"]) if not isinstance(, str): raise ValueError( 'Testcase name "{name}" must be a string, it is of type:' " {type}".format(, type=type( ) elif not raise ValueError("Testcase name cannot be an empty string") except Exception as exc: _reset_globals() raise exc if len( > defaults.MAX_TEST_NAME_LENGTH: warnings.warn( 'Name defined for testcase "{}" is too long,' ' consider customizing testcase name with argument "name_func"' " in @testcase decorator.".format(func.__name__) ) def _mark_function_as_testcase(func): func.__testcase__ = True def _testcase(function): return _testcase_meta()(function)
[docs]def add_testcase_metadata(func: Callable, metadata: TestCaseStaticMetadata): setattr(func, TESTCASE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE, metadata)
def _testcase_meta( name=None, tags=None, parameters=None, name_func=parametrization.default_name_func, tag_func=None, docstring_func=None, custom_wrappers=None, summarize=False, num_passing=defaults.SUMMARY_NUM_PASSING, num_failing=defaults.SUMMARY_NUM_FAILING, key_combs_limit=defaults.SUMMARY_KEY_COMB_LIMIT, execution_group=None, timeout=None, ): """ Wrapper function that allows us to call :py:func:`@testcase <testcase>` decorator with extra arguments. """ @functools.wraps(_testcase) def wrapper(function): """Actual decorator that validates & registers a method as a testcase.""" global __TESTCASES__ global __GENERATED_TESTCASES__ global __PARAMETRIZATION_TEMPLATE__ _validate_function_name(function) = name or function.__name__ tag_dict = tagging.validate_tag_value(tags) if tags else {} function.__tags__ = copy.deepcopy(tag_dict) function.__tags_index__ = copy.deepcopy(tag_dict) if parameters is not None: # Empty tuple / dict checks happen later function.__parametrization_template__ = True __PARAMETRIZATION_TEMPLATE__.append(function.__name__) try: functions = parametrization.generate_functions( function=function,, parameters=parameters, name_func=name_func, docstring_func=docstring_func, tag_func=tag_func, tag_dict=tag_dict, summarize=summarize, num_passing=num_passing, num_failing=num_failing, key_combs_limit=key_combs_limit, execution_group=execution_group, timeout=timeout, ) except parametrization.ParametrizationError as err: # Testplan stops execution if `ParametrizationError` raises. # However in our test the process will not quit but continue # to run the next testcase, and module will not be reloaded. # So, it is better reset globals before raising this error. _reset_globals() raise err # Register generated functions as testcases for func in functions: _validate_testcase(func) # this has to be called before wrappers otherwise wrappers can # fail if they rely on ``__testcase__`` _mark_function_as_testcase(func) func.__seq_number__ = _number_of_testcases() func.__skip__ = [] wrappers = custom_wrappers or [] if not isinstance(wrappers, (list, tuple)): wrappers = [wrappers] for wrapper_func in wrappers: func = wrapper_func(func) __GENERATED_TESTCASES__.append(func) add_testcase_metadata( func, TestCaseStaticMetadata( LocationMetadata.from_object(function) ), ) return function else: _validate_testcase(function) _mark_function_as_testcase(function) function.__seq_number__ = _number_of_testcases() function.__skip__ = [] function.summarize = summarize function.summarize_num_passing = num_passing function.summarize_num_failing = num_failing function.summarize_key_combs_limit = key_combs_limit function.execution_group = execution_group function.timeout = timeout wrappers = custom_wrappers or [] if not isinstance(wrappers, (list, tuple)): wrappers = [wrappers] for wrapper_func in wrappers: function = wrapper_func(function) __TESTCASES__.append(function.__name__) add_testcase_metadata( function, TestCaseStaticMetadata(LocationMetadata.from_object(function)), ) return function return wrapper
[docs]def is_testcase(func): """ Returns true if the given function is a testcase. :param func: Function object. :return: True if the function is decorated with testcase. """ return hasattr(func, "__testcase__")
[docs]def testcase(*args, **kwargs): """ Annotate a member function as being a testcase. This checks that the function takes three arguments called self, env, report and will throw if it's not the case. Although this is somewhat restrictive, it also lessens the chances that wrong signatures (with swapped parameters for example) will cause bugs that can be time-consuming to figure out. :param name: Custom name to be used instead of function name for testcase in test report. In case of a parameterized testcases, this custom name will be used as the parameterized group name in report. :type name: ``str`` or ``NoneType`` :param tags: Allows filtering of tests with `simple tags` or `multi-simple tags` or `named tags` or `multi-named tags`. :type tags: ``str`` or ``tuple(str)`` or ``dict(str: str)`` or ``dict(str: tuple(str))`` or ``NoneType`` :param parameters: Enables the creation of more compact testcases using simple or combinatorial paramatization, by allowing you to pass extra arguments to the testcase declaration. Note that the ``special_case`` must either be: a tuple or list with positional values that correspond to the parametrized argument names in the method definition OR a dict that has matching keys & values to the parametrized argument names OR a single value (that is not a tuple, or list) if and only if there is a single parametrization argument. :type parameters: ``list(object)`` or ``tuple(special_case)`` or ``dict(list(object)`` or ``tuple(object))`` or ``NoneType`` :param name_func: Custom name generation algorithm for parametrized testcases. The callable should has a signature like following: | name_func(func_name: ``str``, kwargs: ``collections.OrderedDict``) -> ``str`` Where parameterized group name (function name or as specified in name parameter) will be passed to ``func_name`` and input parameters will be passed to ``kwargs``. :type name_func: ``callable`` or ``NoneType`` :param tag_func: Dynamic testcase tag assignment function that returns simple tags or named tag context. The signature is: | tag_func(kwargs: ``collections.OrderedDict``) -> ``dict`` or ``list`` Where ``kwargs`` is an ordered dictionary of parametrized arguments. NOTE: If you use ``tag_func`` along with ``tags`` argument, Testplan will merge the dynamically generated tag context with the explicitly passed tag values. :type tag_func: ``callable`` or ``NoneType`` :param docstring_func: Custom testcase docstring generation function. The signature is: | docstring_func(docstring: ``str`` or ``None``, kwargs: ``collections.OrderedDict``) -> ``str`` or ``None`` Where ``docstring`` is document string of the parametrization target function, ``kwargs`` is an ordered dictionary of parametrized arguments. :type docstring_func: ``callable`` or ``NoneType`` :param custom_wrappers: Wrapper to decorate parametrized testcases (used instead of @decorator syntax) that uses :py:func:`testplan.common.utils.callable.wraps` :type custom_wrappers: ``callable`` or ``NoneType`` :param summarize: Whether the testcase should be summarized in its output :type summarize: ``bool`` :param num_passing: The number of passing assertions reported per category per assertion type :type num_passing: ``int`` :param num_failing: The number of failing assertions reported per category per assertion type :type num_failing: ``int`` :param key_combs_limit: Max number of failed key combinations on fix/dict summaries. :type key_combs_limit: ``int`` :param execution_group: Group of test cases to run in parallel with ( groups overall are executed serially) :type execution_group: ``str`` or ``NoneType`` :param timeout: Time elapsed in seconds until TimeoutException raised :type timeout: ``int`` or ``NoneType`` """ return _selective_call( decorator_func=_testcase, meta_func=_testcase_meta, wrapper_func=testcase, )(*args, **kwargs)
def _validate_skip_if_predicates(predicates): """ Check for signature of functions, which are used to set / extend ``skip_funcs`` attribute of the testcase method. """ for predicate in predicates: try: interface.check_signature(predicate, ["testsuite"]) except interface.MethodSignatureMismatch as err: _reset_globals() raise err
[docs]def skip_if(*predicates): """ Annotate a testcase with skip predicate(s). The skip predicates will be evaluated before the testsuite is due to be executed and passed the instance of the suite as the sole argument. The predicate's signature must name the argument "testsuite" or a ``MethodSignatureMismatch`` will be raised. If any of the predicates is true, then the testcase will be skipped by MultiTest instead of being normally executed. """ def skipper(testcase_method): """ Inner implementation of skip """ _validate_skip_if_predicates(predicates) testcase_method.__skip__ += predicates return testcase_method return skipper
[docs]def skip_if_testcase(*predicates): """ Annotate a suite with skip predicate(s). The skip predicates will be evaluated against each test case method before the testsuite is due to be executed and passed the instance of the suite as the sole argument. The predicate's signature must name the argument "testsuite" or a ``MethodSignatureMismatch`` will be raised. If any of the predicates returns true for a test case method then the method will be skipped. """ def _skip_if_testcase_inner(klass): _validate_skip_if_predicates(predicates) for testcase_method in get_testcase_methods(klass): testcase_method.__skip__ += predicates return klass return _skip_if_testcase_inner
[docs]def xfail(reason, strict=False): """ Mark a testcase/testsuit as XFail(known to fail) when not possible to fix immediately. This decorator mandates a reason that explains why the test is marked as passed. XFail testcases will be highlighted as orange on testplan report. By default, should the test pass while we expect it to fail, the report will mark it as failed. For unstable tests, set ``strict`` to ``False``. Note that doing so decreases the value of the test. :param reason: Explains why the test is marked as passed. :type reason: ``str`` :param strict: Should the test pass while we expect it to fail, the report will mark it as failed if strict is True, default is False. :type strict: ``bool`` """ def _xfail_test(test): test.__xfail__ = {"reason": reason, "strict": strict} return test return _xfail_test
[docs]def timeout(seconds): """ Decorator for non-testcase method in a test suite, can be used for setup, teardown, pre_testcase and post_testcase. """ assert ( isinstance(seconds, int) and seconds > 0 ), "Invalid use of `suite.timeout`, argument must be a positive integer" def inner(function): function.timeout = seconds return function return inner
[docs]def get_testcase_metadata(testcase: object): static_metadata = getattr( testcase, TESTCASE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE, ) return TestCaseMetadata( **dataclasses.asdict(static_metadata),, description=testcase.__doc__, )
[docs]def get_suite_metadata( suite: object, include_testcases: bool = True ) -> TestSuiteMetadata: static_metadata: TestSuiteStaticMetadata = getattr( suite, TESTSUITE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE ) testcase_metadata = ( [ get_testcase_metadata(tc) for _, tc in inspect.getmembers(suite) if hasattr(tc, TESTCASE_METADATA_ATTRIBUTE) ] if include_testcases else [] ) return TestSuiteMetadata( **dataclasses.asdict(static_metadata),, description=get_testsuite_desc(suite), test_cases=testcase_metadata, )