testplan.runnable package



testplan.runnable.base module

Tests runner module.

class testplan.runnable.base.TaskInformation(target: testplan.testing.base.Test | testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.Task | Callable, materialized_test: testplan.testing.base.Test, uid: str)[source]

Bases: object

materialized_test: Test
target: Test | Task | Callable
uid: str
class testplan.runnable.base.TestRunner(**options)[source]

Bases: Runnable

Adds tests to test executor resources and invoke report exporter objects to create the TestRunnerResult.

  • name (str) – Name of test runner.

  • description (str) – Description of test runner.

  • logger_level (int) – Logger level for stdout.

  • runpath (str or callable) – Input runpath.

  • path_cleanup (bool) – Clean previous runpath entries.

  • all_tasks_local (bool) – Schedule all tasks in local pool

  • shuffle (list of str) – Shuffle strategy.

  • shuffle_seed (float) – Shuffle seed.

  • exporters (list) – Exporters for reports creation.

  • stdout_style (Style) – Styling output options.

  • report_dir (str) – Report directory.

  • xml_dir (str) – XML output directory.

  • pdf_path (str) – PDF output path <PATH>/*.pdf.

  • json_path (str) – JSON output path <PATH>/*.json.

  • pdf_style (Style) – PDF creation styling options.

  • http_url (str) – Web url for posting test report.

  • report_tags (list) – Matches tests marked with any of the given tags.

  • report_tags_all (list) – Match tests marked with all of the given tags.

  • merge_scheduled_parts (bool) – Merge report of scheduled MultiTest parts.

  • browse (bool or NoneType) – Open web browser to display the test report.

  • ui_port (int or NoneType) – Port of web server for displaying test report.

  • web_server_startup_timeout (int) – Timeout for starting web server.

  • test_filter (Subclass of BaseFilter) – Tests filtering class.

  • test_sorter (Subclass of BaseSorter) – Tests sorting class.

  • test_lister (Subclass of BaseLister) – Tests listing class.

  • verbose (bool) – Enable or disable verbose mode.

  • debug (bool) – Enable or disable debug mode.

  • timeout (NoneType or int (greater than 0).) – Timeout value for test execution.

  • abort_wait_timeout (int) – Timeout for test runner abort.

  • interactive_handler (Subclass of :py:class: TestRunnerIHandler <testplan.runnable.interactive.base.TestRunnerIHandler>) – Handler for interactive mode execution.

  • extra_deps (list of module or str) – Extra module dependencies for interactive reload, or paths of these modules.

  • label (str or NoneType) – Label the test report with the given name, useful to categorize or classify similar reports .

  • runtime_data (dict) – Historical runtime data which will be used for Multitest auto-part and weight-based Task smart-scheduling

  • auto_part_runtime_limit (int or float) – The runtime limitation for auto-part task

  • plan_runtime_target (int or float) – The testplan total runtime limitation for smart schedule


file_log_level: Logger level for file.

Also inherits all Runnable options.


alias of TestRunnerConfig


alias of TestRunnerResult


alias of TestRunnerStatus


Yield all dependencies to be aborted before self abort.


Stop the web server if it is running.

add(target: Test | Task | Callable, resource: str | None = None) str | None[source]

Adds a runnable test entity, or a Task, or a callable that returns a test entity to a Executor resource.

  • target (Runnable or Task or callable) – Test target.

  • resource (str or NoneType) – Name of the target executor, which is usually a Pool, default value None indicates using local executor.


Assigned uid for test.

Return type:

str or `NoneType

add_environment(env: EnvironmentCreator, resource: Environments | None = None)[source]

Adds an environment to the target resource holder.


Environment uid.

Return type:


add_exporters(exporters: List[BaseExporter])[source]

Add a list of report exporters for outputting test report.


exporters (list of Executor) – Test exporters to be added.


Runnable steps to be executed while resources are running.


Runnable steps to be executed after resources stopped.


Runnable steps to be executed before resources started.

add_remote_service(remote_service: RemoteService)[source]

Adds a remote service RemoteService object to test runner.

  • remote_service – RemoteService object

  • remote_serviceRemoteService

add_resource(resource: Resource, uid: str | None = None) str[source]

Adds a test executor resource in the test runner environment.

  • resource – Test executor to be added.

  • uid – Optional input resource uid. We now force its equality with resource’s own uid.


Resource uid assigned.

calculate_pool_size() None[source]

Calculate the right size of the pool based on the weight (runtime) of the tasks, so that runtime of all tasks meets the plan_runtime_target.

calculate_pool_size_by_tasks(tasks: Collection[Task]) int[source]

Calculate the right size of the pool based on the weight (runtime) of the tasks, so that runtime of all tasks meets the plan_runtime_target.


Do not generate unique strings in uuid4 format as report uid

discard_pending_tasks(exec_selector: Expr, report_status: Status = Status.NONE, report_reason: str = '')[source]
discover(path: str = '.', name_pattern: str | Pattern = '.*\\.py$') List[Task][source]

Discover task targets under path in the modules that matches name pattern, and return the created Task object.

  • path – the root path to start a recursive walk and discover, default is current directory.

  • name_pattern – a regex pattern to match the file name.


A list of Task objects

property exporters

Return a list of report exporters.


Instantiate certain exporters if related cmdline argument (e.g. –pdf) or programmatic arguments (e.g. pdf_path) is passed but there are not any exporter declarations.

static get_testplan_version()[source]

Creates runpath related directories.

property report: TestReport

Tests report.


Executes the defined steps and populates the result object.

schedule(task: Task | None = None, resource: str | None = None, **options) str | None[source]

Schedules a serializable Task in a task runner Pool executor resource.

  • task (Task) – Input task, if it is None, a new Task will be constructed using the options parameter.

  • resource (str or NoneType) – Name of the target executor, which is usually a Pool, default value None indicates using local executor.

  • options (dict) – Task input options.

Return uid:

Assigned uid for task.

Return type:

str or NoneType

schedule_all(path: str = '.', name_pattern: str | Pattern = '.*\\.py$', resource: str | None = None)[source]

Discover task targets under path in the modules that matches name pattern, create task objects from them and schedule them to resource (usually pool) for execution.

  • path (str) – the root path to start a recursive walk and discover, default is current directory.

  • name_pattern (str) – a regex pattern to match the file name.

  • resource (str or NoneType) – Name of the target executor, which is usually a Pool, default value None indicates using local executor.


Entity uid.

class testplan.runnable.base.TestRunnerConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: RunnableConfig

Configuration object for TestRunner runnable object.

classmethod get_options()[source]

Runnable specific config options.

ignore_extra_keys = True
class testplan.runnable.base.TestRunnerResult[source]

Bases: RunnableResult

Result object of a TestRunner runnable object.

property success

Run was successful.

class testplan.runnable.base.TestRunnerStatus[source]

Bases: RunnableStatus

Status of a TestRunner runnable object.

testplan.runnable.base.collate_for_merging(es: List[TestGroupReport | TestCaseReport]) List[List[TestGroupReport | TestCaseReport]][source]

Group report entries into buckets, where synthesized ones in the same bucket containing the previous non-synthesized one.


Validation function for exporter declarations.


values – Single or a list of exporter declaration(s).


List of initialized exporter objects.


Create a new result entry for invalid result retrieved from a resource.

testplan.runnable.base.validate_lines(d: dict) bool[source]

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