Source code for testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base

"""Tasks and task results base module."""

import copy
import inspect
import os
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from testplan.common.entity import Runnable
from testplan.common.serialization import SelectiveSerializable
from testplan.common.utils import strings
from testplan.common.utils.package import import_tmp_module
from testplan.common.utils.path import is_subdir, pwd, rebase_path
from testplan.testing.base import Test, TestResult
from testplan.testing.multitest import MultiTest

[docs]class TaskMaterializationError(Exception): """Error materializing task target to be executed."""
[docs]class Task(SelectiveSerializable): """ Container of a target or path to a target that can be materialized into a runnable item. The arguments of the Task need to be serializable. :param target: A runnable or a string path to a runnable or a callable to a runnable or a string path to a callable to a runnable. :param module: Module name that contains the task target definition. :param path: Path to module, default is current working directory. :param args: Args of target for task materialization. :param kwargs: Kwargs of target for task materialization. :param uid: Task uid. :param rerun: Rerun the task up to user specified times until it passes, by default 0 (no rerun). To enable task rerun feature, set to positive value no greater than 3. :param weight: Affects task scheduling - the larger the weight, the sooner task will be assigned to a worker. Default weight is 0, tasks with the same weight will be scheduled in the order they are added. :param part: part param that will be propagate to MultiTest """ MAX_RERUN_LIMIT = 3 def __init__( self, target: Optional[Union[str, Test]] = None, module: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, args: Optional[tuple] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, rerun: int = 0, weight: int = 0, part: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ) -> None: self._target = target self._module = module self._path = path or "" self._rebased_path = self._path self._args = args or tuple() self._kwargs = kwargs or dict() self._uid = uid or strings.uuid4() self._aborted = False self._assign_for_rerun = 0 self._executors = OrderedDict() self.priority = -weight if rerun < 0: raise ValueError("Value of `rerun` cannot be negative.") elif rerun > self.MAX_RERUN_LIMIT: warnings.warn( "Value of `rerun` cannot exceed {}".format( self.MAX_RERUN_LIMIT ) ) self._max_rerun_limit = self.MAX_RERUN_LIMIT else: self._max_rerun_limit = rerun self._part = part def __str__(self) -> str: if isinstance(self._target, Runnable): name = ( getattr(self._target, "name", None) or self._target.__class__.__name__ ) else: name = self._target return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[{name}(uid={self._uid})]" @property def weight(self) -> int: return -self.priority @weight.setter def weight(self, value: int): self.priority = -value @property def serializable_attrs(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return ( "_target", "_path", "_rebased_path", "_args", "_kwargs", "_module", "_uid", )
[docs] def uid(self) -> str: """Task string uid.""" return self._uid
@property def args(self) -> Tuple: """Task target args.""" return self._args @property def kwargs(self) -> Dict: """Task target kwargs.""" return self._kwargs @property def module(self) -> str: """Task target module.""" if callable(self._target): return self._target.__module__ else: return self._module @property def rerun(self) -> int: """how many times the task is allowed to rerun.""" return self._max_rerun_limit @property def reassign_cnt(self) -> int: """how many times the task is reassigned for rerun.""" return self._assign_for_rerun @reassign_cnt.setter def reassign_cnt(self, value: int): if value < 0: raise ValueError("Value of `reassign_cnt` cannot be negative") elif value > self._max_rerun_limit: raise ValueError( f"Value of `reassign_cnt` cannot exceed {self._max_rerun_limit}" ) self._assign_for_rerun = value @property def executors(self): """Executors to which the task had been assigned.""" return self._executors @property def aborted(self): """Returns if task was aborted.""" return self._aborted
[docs] def abort(self): """For compatibility reason when task is added into an executor.""" self._aborted = True
[docs] def materialize(self, target=None) -> Test: """ Create the actual task target executable/runnable object. """ errmsg = "Cannot get a valid test object from target {}" target = target or copy.deepcopy(self._target) if not isinstance(target, str): try: run_method = getattr(target, "run") if not inspect.ismethod(run_method): raise AttributeError uid_method = getattr(target, "uid") if not inspect.ismethod(uid_method): raise AttributeError except AttributeError: if callable(target): inner_target = target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if inner_target: return self.materialize(inner_target) else: raise TaskMaterializationError( errmsg.format(target.__name__) ) try: name = target.__class__.__name__ except: name = target raise RuntimeError( f"Target {name} must have both `run` and `uid` methods" ) else: # propagate part tuple from task to multitest if isinstance(target, MultiTest) and self._part: target.set_part(self._part) # propagate task discover path from task to Test # for task discovery used with a monorepo project if self._rebased_path and not is_subdir( self._rebased_path, pwd() ): target.set_discover_path( os.path.abspath(self._rebased_path) ) return target else: target = self._string_to_target()(*self._args, **self._kwargs) if target: return self.materialize(target) else: raise TaskMaterializationError(errmsg.format(self._target))
def _string_to_target(self): """Dynamically load an object from a module by target name.""" if self._module is None: try: module, target = self._target.rsplit(".", 1) except ValueError: raise TaskMaterializationError( "Task parameters are not sufficient for" f" target {self._target} materialization" ) else: module = self._module target = self._target with import_tmp_module( module, self._rebased_path, warn_if_exist=False ) as mod: tgt = mod for element in target.split("."): tgt = getattr(tgt, element, None) if tgt is None: raise TaskMaterializationError( f'During materializing target "{self._target}":' f' {tgt} has no attribute "{element}"' ) return tgt
[docs] def rebase_path(self, local, remote): """adapt task's path for remote execution if necessary""" if os.path.isabs(self._path): self._rebased_path = rebase_path( self._path, local, remote, )
[docs]class TaskResult(SelectiveSerializable): """ Contains result of the executed task target and status/errors/reason information that happened during task execution. May contain follow up tasks. """ def __init__( self, task: Optional[Task] = None, result: Optional[TestResult] = None, status: bool = False, reason: Optional[str] = None, follow: Optional[Task] = None, ): self._task: Optional[Task] = task self._result: Optional[TestResult] = result self._status: bool = status self._reason: Optional[str] = reason self._follow: Optional[Task] = follow self._uid: str = strings.uuid4()
[docs] def uid(self) -> str: """Task result uid""" return self._uid
@property def task(self) -> Optional[Task]: """Original task.""" return self._task @property def result(self) -> Optional[TestResult]: """Actual task target result.""" return self._result @property def status(self) -> bool: """Result status. Should be True on correct successful execution.""" return self._status @property def reason(self) -> Optional[str]: """Reason for failed status.""" return self._reason @property def follow(self) -> Optional[Task]: """Follow up tasks that need to be scheduled next.""" return self._follow @property def serializable_attrs(self) -> Tuple: return "_task", "_status", "_reason", "_result", "_follow", "_uid" def __str__(self): return "TaskResult[{}, {}]".format(self.status, self.reason)
[docs]@dataclass class TaskTargetInformation: target_params: Sequence[Union[Sequence, dict]] task_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] multitest_parts: Union[int, str, None]
[docs]def task_target( parameters: Union[Callable, Sequence[Union[Sequence, dict]]] = None, multitest_parts: Union[int, Literal["auto"], None] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Decorator to make task target discoverable by plan.schedule_all. :param parameters: A collection of parameters to be used to create task objects. ``list`` or ``tuple`` entry will be passed to target as positional arguments and ``dict`` entry will be passed to target as keyword arguments. :type parameters: ``list`` or ``tuple`` that contains ``list`` or ``tuple`` or ``dict`` :param multitest_parts: The number of multitest parts that will be generated from this task target, only applies if the task returns multitest type :type multitest_parts: ``int`` or "auto" :param kwargs: additional args to Task class, e.g rerun, weight etc. :type kwargs: ``dict`` """ # `task_target` is used without parentheses, then `parameters` is the # real callable object (task target) to be decorated. if callable(parameters) and len(kwargs) == 0: func = parameters set_task_target(func, TaskTargetInformation(None, {}, None)) return func def inner(func): set_task_target( func, TaskTargetInformation(parameters, kwargs, multitest_parts) ) return func return inner
[docs]def set_task_target(func: Callable, info: TaskTargetInformation): """ Mark a callable object as a task target which can be packaged in a :py:class:`~testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.Task` object. """ func.__task_target_info__ = info
[docs]def is_task_target(func): """Check if a callable object is a task target.""" return getattr(func, "__task_target_info__", False)
[docs]def get_task_target_information(func) -> TaskTargetInformation: return getattr(func, "__task_target_info__")