testplan.runners.pools.tasks package


testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base module

Tasks and task results base module.

class testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.Task(target: Union[str, testplan.testing.base.Test, None] = None, module: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, args: Optional[tuple] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, uid: Optional[str] = None, rerun: int = 0, weight: int = 0, part: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None)[source]

Bases: testplan.common.serialization.base.SelectiveSerializable

Container of a target or path to a target that can be materialized into a runnable item. The arguments of the Task need to be serializable.

  • target – A runnable or a string path to a runnable or a callable to a runnable or a string path to a callable to a runnable.
  • module – Module name that contains the task target definition.
  • path – Path to module, default is current working directory.
  • args – Args of target for task materialization.
  • kwargs – Kwargs of target for task materialization.
  • uid – Task uid.
  • rerun – Rerun the task up to user specified times until it passes, by default 0 (no rerun). To enable task rerun feature, set to positive value no greater than 3.
  • weight – Affects task scheduling - the larger the weight, the sooner task will be assigned to a worker. Default weight is 0, tasks with the same weight will be scheduled in the order they are added.
  • part – part param that will be propagate to MultiTest

For compatibility reason when task is added into an executor.


Returns if task was aborted.


Task target args.


Executors to which the task had been assigned.


Task target kwargs.

materialize(target=None) → testplan.testing.base.Test[source]

Create the actual task target executable/runnable object.


Task target module.


how many times the task is reassigned for rerun.

rebase_path(local, remote)[source]

adapt task’s path for remote execution if necessary


how many times the task is allowed to rerun.


Attributes to be included in serialization.

uid() → str[source]

Task string uid.

exception testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.TaskMaterializationError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error materializing task target to be executed.

class testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.TaskResult(task: Optional[testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.Task] = None, result: Optional[testplan.testing.base.TestResult] = None, status: bool = False, reason: Optional[str] = None, follow: Optional[testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.Task] = None)[source]

Bases: testplan.common.serialization.base.SelectiveSerializable

Contains result of the executed task target and status/errors/reason information that happened during task execution.

May contain follow up tasks.


Follow up tasks that need to be scheduled next.


Reason for failed status.


Actual task target result.


Attributes to be included in serialization.


Result status. Should be True on correct successful execution.


Original task.

uid() → str[source]

Task result uid

class testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.TaskTargetInformation(target_params: Sequence[Union[Sequence, dict]], task_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], multitest_parts: Union[int, str, NoneType])[source]

Bases: object

testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.get_task_target_information(func) → testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.TaskTargetInformation[source]

Check if a callable object is a task target.

testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.set_task_target(func: Callable, info: testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.TaskTargetInformation)[source]

Mark a callable object as a task target which can be packaged in a Task object.

testplan.runners.pools.tasks.base.task_target(parameters: Union[Callable, Sequence[Union[Sequence[T_co], dict]]] = None, multitest_parts: Union[int, typing_extensions.Literal['auto'][auto], None] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator to make task target discoverable by plan.schedule_all.

  • parameters (list or tuple that contains list or tuple or dict) – A collection of parameters to be used to create task objects. list or tuple entry will be passed to target as positional arguments and dict entry will be passed to target as keyword arguments.
  • multitest_parts (int or “auto”) – The number of multitest parts that will be generated from this task target, only applies if the task returns multitest type
  • kwargs (dict) – additional args to Task class, e.g rerun, weight etc.

Module contents

Serializable tasks and task results module.