testplan.common.exporters package


testplan.common.exporters.constants module

testplan.common.exporters.pdf module

Utilities for generating pdf files via Reportlab.

class testplan.common.exporters.pdf.RowData(num_columns, start=0, content=None, style=None)[source]

Bases: object

Container object that represents one or more Table rows.

Manages row index implicitly, supports custom styling via RowStyle objects.

append(content, style=None)[source]

Append one or more rows to the current row data, with the given styles.

>>> # Let's say we have 2 more rows created previously.
>>> row_data = RowData(start=2, num_columns=4)
>>> # # create new row data with red text.
>>> row_data.append('hello', style=RowStyle(text_color=colors.red))
>>> row_data.append(
                'first column',
                'second column',
                'third column',
                'fourth column'
                'second line first column',
                'second line fourth column']
            # Applies to all columns
            RowStyle(font=('Helvetica', 8)),
            # Applies to last column only (0, 1, 2, [3])
            RowStyle(text_color=colors.green, start_column=3)
  • content – Row(s) to be added.

  • style (RowStyle or list of RowStyle) – Style context for the given content.



Return type:


property end

End index of the current row data, will keep increasing as more content is added.

property start

Start index of the current row data.

property style

Return Reportlab compatible styles (commands) from the RowStyle objects.

class testplan.common.exporters.pdf.RowStyle(start_column: int = 0, end_column: int = -1, start_row: int = None, end_row: int = None, **style_props)[source]

Bases: object

Helper class for managing styles for table rows.

In Reportlab, table rows are styled using commands like:

        (<start_column>, <start_row>),
        (<end_column>, <end_row>),
        (<start_column>, <start_row>),
        (<end_column>, <end_row>),
        (<start_column>, <start_row>),
        (<end_column>, <end_row>),

This gets messy as we have to repeat row & column indexes for each command. For the styling example above, the equivalent declaration would be:

>>> row_style = RowStyle(
        font=('Helvetica', 12),
>>> row_style.start_row = 10  # This is set by row data later
>>> row_style.end_row = 15  # This is set by row data later
>>> row_style.get_commands()

Normally we’ll just provide the column indexes and row indexes will be provided implicitly by the RowData object that makes use of this style.

More info: https://www.reportlab.com/docs/reportlab-userguide.pdf

property end_column: int
property end_row: int
get_commands() tuple[source]

Return Reportlab compliant styling commands.

>>> row_style = RowStyle(
  bottom_padding=5, start_column=1, end_column=3)
>>> row_style.start_row, row_style.end_row = 10, 20
>>> row_style.get_commands()
(('BOTTOMPADDING', (1, 10), (3, 20), 5))
property start_column: int
property start_row: int
testplan.common.exporters.pdf.create_base_tables(data, style, col_widths, max_rows=1000)[source]

Create tables for the specified data and style commands, partitioning where necessary.

  • data (list of list) – the table data

  • style (list of tuple) – the style commands

  • col_widths (iterable) – column widths for the new tables

  • max_rows (int) – the maximum number of rows in each table


a list of new tables

Return type:

list of Table

testplan.common.exporters.pdf.create_table(table, columns, row_indices, display_index, max_width, style, colour_matrix=None)[source]

Create a ReportLab table from a serialized entry. Table features are:

  • Cell values (rows and columns) cannot exceed the maximum number of characters (constanst.CELL_STRING_LENGTH). Values will stop before this maximum and be appended with ‘…’.

  • If the number of rows exceeds the maximum (constants.NUM_DISPLAYED_ROWS) show the first half of the allowed rows, then a row of ‘…’, then the last half of the allowed rows. Also set the display_index parameter to True.

  • If the table is too wide to fit onto the page, split the tables columns into multiple rows. Also set the display_index parameter to True.

  • table (list of dict) – The table containing all the data.

  • columns (list of str) – List of the column names, maintains the display order.

  • row_indices (list of int) – List of row indices for each row in the table.

  • display_index (bool) – If True display the row indices. This will automatically be set to True if the rows exceed the maximum allowed to display or the table is too wide (too many columns) to fit in a single table.

  • max_width (int) – The maximum allowed width the table can be.

  • style (list of tuple) – The style of the ReportLab table.

  • colour_matrix (list of list) – A matrix listing whether each cell has passed (P), failed (F) or ignored (I) which will result in the cell text being green, red or black respectively. If no matrix is passed all cells will be black.


The formatted ReportLab table.

Return type:



Convert table style into a format ReportLab will accept.


table_styles (list of testplan.common.exporters.pdf.RowStyle) – List of RowStyle objects defining the style of the ReportLab table.


List of styles formatted into tuples.

Return type:

list of tuple

testplan.common.exporters.pdf.split_line(line, max_width, get_width_func=None)[source]

Split line into multi-lines if width exceeds max_width.

  • line – Line to be split.

  • max_width – Maximum length of each line (unit: px).

  • get_width_func – A function which computes width of string according to font and font size.


list of lines

testplan.common.exporters.pdf.split_text(text, font_name, font_size, max_width, keep_leading_whitespace=False)[source]

Wraps text within given max_width limit (measured in px), keeping initial indentation of each line (and generated lines) if keep_leading_whitespace is True.

  • text – Text to be split.

  • font_name – Font name.

  • font_size – Font size.

  • max_width – Maximum length of each line (unit: px).

  • keep_leading_whitespace – each split line keeps the leading whitespace.


list of lines

Module contents


class testplan.common.exporters.BaseExporter(name=None, **options)[source]

Bases: Configurable

Base exporter class.


alias of ExporterConfig

property cfg

Exporter configuration.

export(source: TestReport, export_context: ExportContext) Dict | None[source]

Pseudo export function.


source: Testplan report export


export_context: information about other exporters


dictionary containing the possible output

property name
class testplan.common.exporters.ExportContext(results: ~typing.List[~testplan.common.exporters.ExporterResult] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Dataclass for storing information about exporters.

results: List[ExporterResult]
class testplan.common.exporters.ExporterConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: Config

Configuration object for BaseExporter object.

classmethod get_options()[source]

Override this classmethod to provide extra config arguments.

class testplan.common.exporters.ExporterResult(exporter: 'BaseExporter', result: Dict = None, traceback: str = None, uid: str = '21769bfb-c824-45b6-99d6-a2fe94637ef2', start_time: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 11, 3, 27, 59, 836839, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), end_time: datetime.datetime = None)[source]

Bases: object

end_time: datetime = None
exporter: BaseExporter
result: Dict = None
classmethod run_exporter(exporter, source, type)[source]

Putting this back for compatibility reasons

start_time: datetime = datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 11, 3, 27, 59, 836839, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
property success: bool
traceback: str = None
uid: str = '21769bfb-c824-45b6-99d6-a2fe94637ef2'
testplan.common.exporters.format_cell_data(data, limit)[source]

Change the str representation of values in data if they represent regex or lambda functions. Also limit the length of these strings.

  • data (list) – List of values to be formatted.

  • limit (int) – The number of characters allowed in each string.


List of formatted and limited strings.

Return type:


testplan.common.exporters.run_exporter(exporter: BaseExporter, source: TestReport, export_context: ExportContext) ExporterResult[source]

Wraps an exporter run and handles exceptions.

  • exporter – exporter to run

  • source – Testplan report to export

  • export_context – ExportContext object for storing information about other exporters

testplan.common.exporters.verify_export_context(exporter: BaseExporter, export_context: ExportContext | None) ExportContext[source]

Verifies whether export context is present and creates an empty one if not.


exporter: actual exporter being run


export_context: information about other exporters


ExportContext object containing information about exporters