testplan.testing.multitest.driver package


testplan.testing.multitest.driver.app module

Generic application driver.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.app.App(name: str, binary: str, pre_args: Union[List[Union[str, testplan.common.utils.context.ContextValue]], str, testplan.common.utils.context.ContextValue] = None, args: Union[List[Union[str, testplan.common.utils.context.ContextValue]], str, testplan.common.utils.context.ContextValue] = None, shell: bool = False, env: Dict[str, str] = None, binary_strategy: typing_extensions.Literal['copy', 'link', 'noop'][copy, link, noop] = 'link', logname: str = None, app_dir_name: str = None, working_dir: str = None, expected_retcode: int = None, sigint_timeout: int = 5, binary_log: bool = False, **options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Driver

Binary application driver.


  • name – Driver name. Also uid.
  • binary – Path to the application binary.
  • pre_args – Arguments to be prepended to binary command. An argument can be a ContextValue and will be expanded on runtime.
  • args – Arguments to be appended to binary command. An argument can be a ContextValue and will be expanded on runtime.
  • shell – Invoke shell for command execution.
  • env – Environmental variables to be made available to child process; context value (when referring to other driver) and jinja2 template (when referring to self) will be resolved.
  • binary_strategy – Whether to copy / link binary to runpath.
  • logname – Base name of driver logfile under app_path, in which Testplan will look for log_regexps as driver start-up condition. Default to “stdout” (to match the output stream of binary).
  • app_dir_name – Application directory name.
  • working_dir – Application working directory. Default: runpath
  • expected_retcode – the expected return code of the subprocess. Default value is None meaning it won’t be checked. Set it to 0 to ennsure the driver is always gracefully shut down.
  • sigint_timeout – number of seconds to wait between SIGINT and SIGKILL
  • binary_log – if True the log_matcher will handle the logfile as binary, and need to use binary regexps. Default value is False

Also inherits all Driver options.


alias of AppConfig


alias of testplan.common.entity.base.ResourceStatus


Default abort policy. First abort all dependencies and then itself.


Returns an empty generator.


Returns if entity was aborted.

aborting() → None[source]

Abort logic to force kill the child binary.


Entity not aborting/aborted.


Application directory path.


Overrides the default async_start value in config.


If False, the resource will not be automatically started by its parent (generally, a Environment object) while the parent is starting.


The actual binary to execute, might be copied/linked to runpath


‘bin’ directory under runpath.


Configuration object.


Command that starts the application.


Key/value pair information of a Resource.

context_input(exclude: list = None) → Dict[str, Any]

All attr of self in a dict for context resolution


Define runpath directory based on parent object and configuration.


Environment variables.


Path for stderr file regex matching.


‘etc’ directory under runpath.

extract_driver_metadata() → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata

Extracts driver metadata as described in the extractor function.

Returns:driver metadata
extract_values() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction]

Extract matching values from input regex configuration options.

failover() → None

API to create the failover resource, to be implemented in derived class

fetch_error_log() → List[str]

Fetch error message from the log files of driver, at first we can try self.errpath, if it does not exist, try self.logpath. Typically, several lines from the tail of file will be selected.

Returns:text from log file
classmethod filter_locals(local_vars)

Filter out init params of None value, they will take default value defined in its ConfigOption object; also filter out special vars that are not init params from local_vars.


Change the status to STARTED (e.g. exception raised).


Change the status to STOPPED (e.g. exception raised).

Returns:hostname where the ETSApp is running
install_files() → None

Installs the files specified in the install_files parameter at the install target.


Called to periodically poll the resource health. Default implementation assumes the resource is always healthy.


Create if not exist and return the LogMatcher object that reads the log / stdout of the driver.

Returns:LogMatcher instance

logger object


Configured logname.


Path for log regex matching.


Creates runpath related directories.


Driver name.


Path for stdout file regex matching.


Returns parent Entity.


Pauses entity execution.


Pause the resource.


Resource has pending work.

Return pid of the child process if available, None otherwise.

Steps to be executed right after resource is started.


Steps to be executed right after resource is stopped.

pre_start() → None[source]

Create mandatory directories and install files from given templates using the drivers context before starting the application binary.


Steps to be executed right before resource stops.

register_failover(klass: testplan.common.entity.base.Entity, params: dict) → None

Register a failover class to instantiate if resource start fails.

  • klass – failover class
  • params – parameters for failover class __init__ method

Resolved binary path from self.cfg.binary

restart(clean: bool = True) → None[source]

Stop the driver, archive the app_dir or rename std/log, and then restart the driver.

Parameters:clean – if set to True, perform a ‘clean’ restart where all persistence is deleted, else a normal restart.

Resumes entity execution.


Resume the resource.


Return return code of the app process or None.


Path to be used for temp/output files by entity.


Path to be used for temp files by entity.


Triggers the start logic of a Resource by executing :py:meth: Resource.starting <testplan.common.entity.base.Resource.starting> method.

started_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Predicate indicating whether a binary in a subprocess has started. Tests whether the return code is zero if the underlying binary has finished execution, otherwise tests if user-specified pattern exists in driver logs.


Driver started check interval. In practice this value is lower-bounded by 0.1 seconds.

starting() → None[source]

Starts the application binary.


Status object.


Triggers the stop logic of a Resource by executing :py:meth: Resource.stopping <testplan.common.entity.base.Resource.stopping> method.

stopped_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully stopped.

Default implementation immediately returns True.


Driver stopped check interval.

stopping() → None[source]

Stops the application binary process.

uid() → str

Driver uid.

wait(target_status, timeout=None)

Wait until objects status becomes target status.

  • target_status (str) – expected status
  • timeout (int or NoneType) – timeout in seconds
class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.app.AppConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverConfig

Configuration object for App resource.

classmethod build_schema()

Build a validation schema using the config options defined in this class and its parent classes.

static default_metadata_extractor(driver) → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata[source]

Create new config object that inherits all explicit attributes from its parents as well.

get_local(name, default=None)

Returns a local config setting (not from container)

classmethod get_options()[source]

Schema for options validation and assignment of default values.

ignore_extra_keys = False

Returns the parent configuration.

set_local(name, value)

set without any check

testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base module

Driver base class module.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Connection(name: str, protocol: str, identifier: Union[int, str, testplan.common.utils.context.ContextValue], direction: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Direction)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for connection information objects.

Such objects ideally hold data with respect to the participants in the
connection, the ports and hosts, or the protocol.
class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Direction[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

connecting = 'connecting'
listening = 'listening'
class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Driver(name: str, install_files: List[Union[str, Tuple]] = None, timeout: int = 300, log_regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, stdout_regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, stderr_regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, file_logger: str = None, async_start: Union[testplan.common.config.base.UNSET_T, bool] = <testplan.common.config.base.UNSET_T object>, report_errors_from_logs: bool = False, error_logs_max_lines: int = 10, pre_start: Callable = None, post_start: Callable = None, pre_stop: Callable = None, post_stop: Callable = None, metadata_extractor: Callable = None, **options)[source]

Bases: testplan.common.entity.base.Resource

Driver base class providing common functionality.


  • name – driver name also used as UID
  • install_files – list of files to be installed
  • timeout – status check timeout in seconds
  • log_regexps – regexps to be matched in logfile
  • stdout_regexps – regexps to be matched in stdout file
  • stderr_regexps – regexps to be matched in stderr file
  • file_logger – filepath for driver log, defaults to top level TP log
  • async_start – whether to allow async start in environment
  • report_errors_from_logs – whether to log the tail of stdout/stderr/logfile logs upon start/stop exception
  • error_logs_max_lines – number of lines to be logged from the tail of stdout/stderr/logfile logs if report_errors_from_logs is True
  • path_cleanup – whether to remove existing runpath elements
  • pre_start – callable to execute before starting the driver
  • post_start – callable to execute after the driver is started
  • pre_stop – callable to execute before stopping the driver
  • pre_stop – callable to execute after the driver is stopped
  • metadata_extractor – callable for driver metadata extraction

Also inherits all Resource options.


alias of DriverConfig

aborting() → None[source]

Triggers driver abort.


Overrides the default async_start value in config.


Path for stderr file regexp matching.

extract_driver_metadata() → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata[source]

Extracts driver metadata as described in the extractor function.

Returns:driver metadata
extract_values() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Extract matching values from input regex configuration options.

fetch_error_log() → List[str][source]

Fetch error message from the log files of driver, at first we can try self.errpath, if it does not exist, try self.logpath. Typically, several lines from the tail of file will be selected.

Returns:text from log file
install_files() → None[source]

Installs the files specified in the install_files parameter at the install target.


Path for log regexp matching.


Driver name.


Path for stdout file regexp matching.

pre_start() → None[source]

Steps to be executed right before resource starts.

started_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully started.

Default implementation tests whether certain pattern exists in driver loggings, always returns True if no pattern is required.


Driver started check interval. In practice this value is lower-bounded by 0.1 seconds.

starting() → None[source]

Triggers driver start.

stopped_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully stopped.

Default implementation immediately returns True.


Driver stopped check interval.

stopping() → None[source]

Triggers driver stop.

uid() → str[source]

Driver uid.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: testplan.common.entity.base.ResourceConfig

Configuration object for Driver resource.

static default_metadata_extractor(driver) → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata[source]
classmethod get_options()[source]

Schema for options validation and assignment of default values.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata(name: str, driver_metadata: Dict[KT, VT], conn_info: List[testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Connection] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for holding Driver metadata.

  • name
  • driver_metadata
  • conn_info – list of connection info objects
to_dict() → Dict[KT, VT][source]

Returns the metadata of the driver except for the connections.

testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.format_regexp_matches(name: str, regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]], unmatched: List[T]) → str[source]

Utility for formatting regexp match context for rendering.

  • name – name of regexp group
  • regexps – list of compiled regexps
  • unmatched – list of unmatched regexps

message to be used in exception raised or empty string

testplan.testing.multitest.driver.sqlite module

Small wrapper driver around sqlite3 library.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.sqlite.Sqlite3(name: str, db_path: str, connect_at_start: bool = True, **options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Driver

Basic sqlite3 driver to add to a MultiTest environment, connect to a database and perform sql queries etc.


  • db_path (str) – Path to the database file to connect to. In case a relative path is provided it will be appended to the runpath.
  • connect_at_start (bool) – Connect to the database when driver starts. Default: True

alias of Sqlite3Config


alias of testplan.common.entity.base.ResourceStatus


Default abort policy. First abort all dependencies and then itself.


Returns an empty generator.


Returns if entity was aborted.

aborting(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Abort the driver.


Entity not aborting/aborted.


Overrides the default async_start value in config.


If False, the resource will not be automatically started by its parent (generally, a Environment object) while the parent is starting.


Configuration object.


Commit db changes.


Context manager to perform operations and .commit() at exit.


Connect to the database and set the internal db cursor.


Key/value pair information of a Resource.

context_input(exclude: list = None) → Dict[str, Any]

All attr of self in a dict for context resolution


Database file path.


Define runpath directory based on parent object and configuration.


Path for stderr file regexp matching.

execute(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Invoke cursor execute.


Invoke cursor executemany.

extract_driver_metadata() → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata

Extracts driver metadata as described in the extractor function.

Returns:driver metadata
extract_values() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction]

Extract matching values from input regex configuration options.

failover() → None

API to create the failover resource, to be implemented in derived class

fetch_error_log() → List[str]

Fetch error message from the log files of driver, at first we can try self.errpath, if it does not exist, try self.logpath. Typically, several lines from the tail of file will be selected.

Returns:text from log file
fetch_table(table, columns=None)[source]

Fetch a table from the db. The first row will be the column names and the following rows will be the table rows. Returns a table like:

  ['symbol', 'amount'],
  ['AAPL', 12],
  ['GOOG', 21],
  ['FB', 32],
  ['AMZN', 5],
  ['MSFT', 42]
  • table (str) – Table name in the db.
  • columns (list of str) – Names of columns to be fetched.

The table contents.

Return type:

list of list of values.


Invoke cursor fetchall.


Invoke cursor fetchone.

classmethod filter_locals(local_vars)

Filter out init params of None value, they will take default value defined in its ConfigOption object; also filter out special vars that are not init params from local_vars.


Change the status to STARTED (e.g. exception raised).


Change the status to STOPPED (e.g. exception raised).

install_files() → None

Installs the files specified in the install_files parameter at the install target.


Called to periodically poll the resource health. Default implementation assumes the resource is always healthy.


logger object


Path for log regexp matching.


Creates runpath related directories.


Driver name.


Path for stdout file regexp matching.


Returns parent Entity.


Pauses entity execution.


Pause the resource.


Resource has pending work.


Steps to be executed right after resource is started.


Steps to be executed right after resource is stopped.

pre_start() → None

Steps to be executed right before resource starts.


Steps to be executed right before resource stops.

register_failover(klass: testplan.common.entity.base.Entity, params: dict) → None

Register a failover class to instantiate if resource start fails.

  • klass – failover class
  • params – parameters for failover class __init__ method

Stop and start the resource.


Resumes entity execution.


Resume the resource.


Path to be used for temp/output files by entity.


Path to be used for temp files by entity.


Triggers the start logic of a Resource by executing :py:meth: Resource.starting <testplan.common.entity.base.Resource.starting> method.

started_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully started.

Default implementation tests whether certain pattern exists in driver loggings, always returns True if no pattern is required.


Driver started check interval. In practice this value is lower-bounded by 0.1 seconds.


Start the driver.


Status object.


Triggers the stop logic of a Resource by executing :py:meth: Resource.stopping <testplan.common.entity.base.Resource.stopping> method.

stopped_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully stopped.

Default implementation immediately returns True.


Driver stopped check interval.


Stop the driver.

uid() → str

Driver uid.

wait(target_status, timeout=None)

Wait until objects status becomes target status.

  • target_status (str) – expected status
  • timeout (int or NoneType) – timeout in seconds
class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.sqlite.Sqlite3Config(**options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverConfig

Configuration object for Sqlite3 resource.

classmethod build_schema()

Build a validation schema using the config options defined in this class and its parent classes.

static default_metadata_extractor(driver) → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata

Create new config object that inherits all explicit attributes from its parents as well.

get_local(name, default=None)

Returns a local config setting (not from container)

classmethod get_options()[source]

Schema for options validation and assignment of default values.

ignore_extra_keys = False

Returns the parent configuration.

set_local(name, value)

set without any check

testplan.testing.multitest.driver.kafka module

Driver for Kafka server

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.kafka.KafkaStandalone(name: str, cfg_template: str, binary: str = '/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh', host: Optional[str] = None, port: int = 0, **options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.app.App

Driver for starting a Kafka instance in standalone mode.


  • cfg_template (str) – Kafka config file template.
  • binary (str) – kafka-server-start.sh file path.
  • port (int) – Kafka listen port.
  • env (dict) – Environmental variables to be made available to Zookeeper process.

alias of KafkaStandaloneConfig


Command that starts the application.


Host to bind to.


Port to listen on.


Steps to be executed right after resource is started.


Create mandatory directories and install files from given templates using the drivers context before starting the application binary.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.kafka.KafkaStandaloneConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.app.AppConfig

Configuration object for KafkaStandalone resource.

classmethod get_options()[source]

Schema for options validation and assignment of default values.

testplan.testing.multitest.driver.zookeeper module

Driver for Zookeeper server

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.zookeeper.ZookeeperStandalone(name: str, cfg_template: str, binary: str = '/usr/share/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh', host: Optional[str] = None, port: int = 2181, env: Optional[dict] = None, **options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.Driver

Driver for starting a Zookeeper instance in standalone mode.


  • template (str) – Zookeeper config file template.
  • binary (str) – zkServer.sh file path.
  • port (int) – Zookeeper listen port. Zookeeper doesn’t support random port
  • env (dict) – Environmental variables to be made available to Zookeeper process.

alias of ZookeeperStandaloneConfig


Connection string.


Environment variables.


Host to bind to.


Port to listen on.


Steps to be executed right after resource is started.


Create mandatory directories and install files from given templates using the drivers context before starting zookeeper.


Starts the Zookeeper instance.


Stops the Zookeeper instance.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.zookeeper.ZookeeperStandaloneConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverConfig

Configuration object for ZookeeperStandalone resource.

classmethod get_options()[source]

Schema for options validation and assignment of default values.

Module contents

Drivers modules.

This is actually a Testplan level feature, and this subpackage could be moved to testplan.common.driver in the future.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.Driver(name: str, install_files: List[Union[str, Tuple]] = None, timeout: int = 300, log_regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, stdout_regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, stderr_regexps: List[Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, file_logger: str = None, async_start: Union[testplan.common.config.base.UNSET_T, bool] = <testplan.common.config.base.UNSET_T object>, report_errors_from_logs: bool = False, error_logs_max_lines: int = 10, pre_start: Callable = None, post_start: Callable = None, pre_stop: Callable = None, post_stop: Callable = None, metadata_extractor: Callable = None, **options)[source]

Bases: testplan.common.entity.base.Resource

Driver base class providing common functionality.


  • name – driver name also used as UID
  • install_files – list of files to be installed
  • timeout – status check timeout in seconds
  • log_regexps – regexps to be matched in logfile
  • stdout_regexps – regexps to be matched in stdout file
  • stderr_regexps – regexps to be matched in stderr file
  • file_logger – filepath for driver log, defaults to top level TP log
  • async_start – whether to allow async start in environment
  • report_errors_from_logs – whether to log the tail of stdout/stderr/logfile logs upon start/stop exception
  • error_logs_max_lines – number of lines to be logged from the tail of stdout/stderr/logfile logs if report_errors_from_logs is True
  • path_cleanup – whether to remove existing runpath elements
  • pre_start – callable to execute before starting the driver
  • post_start – callable to execute after the driver is started
  • pre_stop – callable to execute before stopping the driver
  • pre_stop – callable to execute after the driver is stopped
  • metadata_extractor – callable for driver metadata extraction

Also inherits all Resource options.


alias of DriverConfig

aborting() → None[source]

Triggers driver abort.


Overrides the default async_start value in config.


Path for stderr file regexp matching.

extract_driver_metadata() → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata[source]

Extracts driver metadata as described in the extractor function.

Returns:driver metadata
extract_values() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Extract matching values from input regex configuration options.

fetch_error_log() → List[str][source]

Fetch error message from the log files of driver, at first we can try self.errpath, if it does not exist, try self.logpath. Typically, several lines from the tail of file will be selected.

Returns:text from log file
install_files() → None[source]

Installs the files specified in the install_files parameter at the install target.


Path for log regexp matching.


Driver name.


Path for stdout file regexp matching.

pre_start() → None[source]

Steps to be executed right before resource starts.

started_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully started.

Default implementation tests whether certain pattern exists in driver loggings, always returns True if no pattern is required.


Driver started check interval. In practice this value is lower-bounded by 0.1 seconds.

starting() → None[source]

Triggers driver start.

stopped_check() → Union[bool, testplan.common.entity.base.FailedAction][source]

Predicate indicating whether driver has fully stopped.

Default implementation immediately returns True.


Driver stopped check interval.

stopping() → None[source]

Triggers driver stop.

uid() → str[source]

Driver uid.

class testplan.testing.multitest.driver.DriverConfig(**options)[source]

Bases: testplan.common.entity.base.ResourceConfig

Configuration object for Driver resource.

static default_metadata_extractor(driver) → testplan.testing.multitest.driver.base.DriverMetadata[source]
classmethod get_options()[source]

Schema for options validation and assignment of default values.